This ability was activated when Zhou Chen was ten years old and helped the police solve a special case.

System rewards obtained!

Nowadays, Zhou Chen has a total of...seventeen kinds of system capabilities.

Every ability is available to humans.

But all of them are beyond the limits of human capabilities! .

Chapter 8 Is it Ah Piao?

"Something's wrong."

Zhou Chen half-squinted his eyes and frowned slightly, "Locar's law of material exchange...will it be overturned?"

Otherwise, how to explain it?

Don't talk about a fire that can destroy all traces and doubts. This is unrealistic.

He has carefully read and analyzed the police investigation files on this case.

The fire alarm was dispatched very quickly. It only took nine minutes for someone to call the police and arrive at the scene to extinguish the fire.

According to the police's inference, the entire process of putting out the fire at the scene did not take more than 20 minutes.

Twenty minutes was not enough to erase all traces of the scene.

Zhou Chen couldn't understand something and could only analyze one possibility.

There is no perpetrator at the crime scene!

Could it be Ah Piao... Zhou Chen twitched the corner of his mouth.

Stop making trouble, this is impossible!

Then, he looked at the ground, where the three corpses were.

As shown on the surveillance video, the position and the situation after falling to the ground are completely consistent.

After that, Zhou Chen walked around the victim's house again and checked every corner.

Still no clues found.

Zhou Chen then left the scene.

He was going to check on the victim's body!

Medical Examiner's Bureau, autopsy room.

In the cold air, a strong smell of disinfectant floated into Zhou Chen's nose.

When the door was pushed open by his subordinates, a stronger smell of blood and the stench of rotting corpses hit his face.

Zhou Chen walked into the autopsy room with a calm expression and no change at all.

For the first time, I saw three dissecting tables and three corpses.

There were also two forensic doctors wearing white coats who were cutting up the corpse with dissection equipment.


A male forensic doctor wearing glasses raised his head and glanced at Zhou Chen with a frown, "What do you do?"

It’s not the other party’s fault for misunderstanding.

Zhou Chen feels too young and handsome.

If the white shirt and suit pants weren't too formal, they would have accentuated his unusual temperament.

It’s easy to doubt one of his college students!


Zhou Chen replied, but his eyes fell on the corpse on the autopsy table.

It’s not wrong to say police. National security is the police.

But the moment he saw the corpse, Zhou Chen's stomach felt a little uncomfortable.

This is a person's normal physiological and psychological reaction to seeing a disgusting scene.

Three corpses of men and women, large and small, were disemboweled.

The brain of one corpse had already been opened.

You can see several pallets on a medical shelf next to the fort.

There were also placed on it the internal organs that had been taken out of the deceased.

There are also a dazzling array of... dissection tools on the tool shelf.

Scissors, tweezers, scalpels, scalpels, organ scales, bone saws, craniotomy saws...

Not many normal people can withstand a scene like a slaughterhouse in front of them.

People with poor psychological quality would probably vomit on the spot.

Zhou Chen knew, however, that the autopsy scene in front of him was the most rigorous and comprehensive autopsy.

Otherwise, the brain and internal organs would not be touched in a general autopsy.

As long as the brain and internal organs are involved, the medical examiner suspects that the deceased was manipulated before his death.


The forensic doctor looked at Zhou Chen coldly with a scrutinizing gaze, "Why haven't I seen you?"

Daguan County is not big, and there are only a few case-handling units.

There are not many people who have direct contact with the forensic department.

"Xiao Liu, stop talking nonsense and do your job."

A middle-aged man with a leadership posture walked into the autopsy room and politely extended his hand to Zhou Chen, "I am from the Forensic Medicine Bureau..."


Zhou Chen smiled and covered his hands with him.

Then, there is no more.

This is not rude, but he doesn't have time to waste on 'humanity'.

Continue to stare at the corpse on the autopsy table, looking at the bloody bite marks on the burnt skin of the corpse.

Shocking to touch!

Many people may not know that the bite force of humans is weaker than that of wild animals.

Without years of exercise or even training, just relying on teeth and the weak and pitiful bite force of humans.

It is difficult to tear open human skin!

Unless it is extremely angry, violent, or bursting with physical strength.

No matter how much damage is done to the teeth and alveoli, the same kind of skin can be torn apart.

Here is a relatively wrong and extremely intuitive example.

Go buy a piece of raw pork and see if you can bite through the skin and tear the raw pork apart with just your teeth?

Thinking back to the scene in the surveillance video, I thought of the madness of a family of three.

Zhou Chen murmured, "Zhixing, Zhiviol... drugs?"

When people are extremely excited, irritable or irrational, they can indeed explode with greater power and potential than usual.

From the autopsy in front of him, it was obvious that the forensic doctor was wondering whether the deceased had eaten or been injected with some stimulant drugs before his death.


"Not drugs."

The forensic doctor wearing glasses heard Zhou Chen's murmur and suddenly said, "In the past few days, I have conducted autopsies on the deceased and found no traces of drug residue in his body."

Zhou Chen's heart suddenly sank.

Something is going to happen! .

Chapter 9 Every cause must have its effect

"After multiple tests on the deceased's blood, internal organs, brain marrow, etc., no traces of drug residues were found."

"But a lot of traces of adrenaline were found in the bodies of the three deceased people."

"When people are excited, they will secrete adrenaline, which can promote excitement, increase heart rate, increase myocardial contractility, increase myocardial oxygen consumption, and maintain a happy mood."

"Of course, if you are overly sad, happy, excited, nervous, etc., your body will also secrete a large amount of adrenaline, which is a stress response."

"Through the autopsy, it can be clearly found that the adrenaline levels of the three patients were 7 to 9 times higher than normal levels before death. You may not understand this concept."

"To put it bluntly, it is very similar to a large amount of drug addiction, which causes humans to enter a state of high hallucinogenic excitement. People in this state will hardly feel any pain or physical pain even if they are hurt by others."

"But problems also arise. It is extremely difficult to make a person's adrenaline exceed the normal limit by more than 7 times by relying solely on human beings' own secretion. Unless drugs, chemicals, some special training, or some psychological factors are used, hint."

"But... this is not consistent with the autopsy results of the three deceased people."

The forensic doctor's expression was solemn and serious, "In other words, if the three deceased people are classified as victims, then one or more suspects used a method that even our forensic doctors cannot understand, and used this method on the three deceased.”

I hate those criminals who have brains, play with technology, and play with chemistry... Zhou Chen looked at a corpse.

This body is that of the male in the family of three.

Although it had been burned by fire, his facial expression was still extremely ferocious and terrifying.

It seems to be describing the pain before death and the thrilling joy.

"What else happened during the autopsy?"

After pondering for a long time, Zhou Chen stared at the forensic doctor.

"Other situations?"

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