The forensic doctor recalled a little, pointing to the strange joy on the corner of the deceased's mouth, "When humans are on the verge of death, they will have symptoms of hypothermia syndrome. But through the autopsy, I found that the state of the corpse was very strange, and it was actually a reaction to the high temperature environment. It is completely unreasonable to have a blushing state, considering that there was a fire in the room after the death, and the facial muscles would look more like a smile. "

"What do you want to say? Be straightforward."

Zhou Chen is not a forensic doctor and does not understand the other party's professional terminology.

"Based on my experience."

The forensic doctor pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose. "The excess of adrenaline in the deceased's body is most likely related to the body temperature. Since the possibility of drug stimulation has been ruled out, there is only one possibility."

"A possibility?"

Zhou Chen's eyes suddenly flashed with coldness, "Gas?"


The forensic doctor looked at Zhou Chen in surprise, as if looking at an alien, "How did you think of it?"

As a forensic doctor, it was normal for him to think.

A police officer, if not a regular police officer.

Why could he think of it?

Zhou Chen didn't explain, but he did know.

Some special gases can make people extremely excited, irritable, and mentally abnormal.

For example, laughing gas is a common poison among modern people.

It can also directly act on the brain and stimulate nerves.

At certain times, some special gases can have more rapid and obvious effects than taking or injecting drugs.

At the same time, gas can also be rapidly circulated through the human body system and metabolized to be better discharged from the human body.

Zhou Chen once encountered a special criminal, who was a doctor.

The method of committing a crime is to use a special gas to commit a crime.

However, no traces of drug use could be found on the victim.

"That's not the point."

Zhou Chen shook his head, "Besides these, is there no other problem found in the autopsy?"

"A comprehensive autopsy has been performed."

The forensic doctor shook his head, "There are probably no other new circumstances."


After thanking him, Zhou Chen turned around and walked towards the door.

I have no interest in those three corpses.

This is not to say that he had no sympathy for the deceased.

But because he understands what cause and effect is.

Some people are hurt or killed, not for no reason.

As a normal person, would someone kill and injure others for no reason?

It causes injury and death, just those few characteristics.

Love, hate, affection, hatred, jealousy, profit...

Just like the previous life.

Zhou Chen has seen too many cases in which people were harmed and killed out of revenge.

Yes, those criminals broke the law.

But the problem is, cause and effect.

Many people only look at the effects and ignore the causes.

But without a cause, where would the effect come from?

Of course, if it's an abnormal person, it's hard to say.

For example, patients with twisted characters, mental illness, and mental illness.

Zhou Chen would not be surprised by anything this kind of people do.

Leave from the Medical Examiner's Office.

Zhou Chen returned to the scene of the case again.

The "madness" of the three deceased people has been roughly guessed.

So now let’s study it.

Good hall, why after the death of three people.

A mysterious fire? .

Chapter 10: Little brother, you are very good at playing (10 updates)

Case scene.

"Boss, when you left, you asked me to re-investigate the scene."

A special agent looked as if he had seen a ghost in the clear sky, "After the investigation, I felt a little strange."

This special agent's name is Hu Li, nicknamed Fox.

A team leader of the 9th Special Service Division of the 8th Bureau.

"Talk about it."

Zhou Chen's eyes continued to scan the hall.

"Three things are strange."

Hu Li said simply and clearly: "First, no combustion-supporting materials were found. Second, the location of the ignition site is unknown. Third, no devices, appliances, or spontaneous combustion materials that caused open flames were found."

What do these three points mean?

There is no possibility of burning, and there is no combustion aid. How does this fire start?


After Hu Li inspected the scene, he felt an uncontrollable feeling of horror in his heart.

Not only did my spine feel chilly, but my scalp was also numb.

He had never believed in ghosts and gods in the past, so he began to think uncontrollably.

Otherwise, you can't explain the supernatural phenomenon at all!

You are Guoan, what are you thinking... Zhou Chen glanced at his subordinates.

There was a groove stuck in my throat, and I didn't know whether I should vomit.

Forget it, he's just a tool!

It's time to show real skills... Zhou Chen raised his head and looked at the ceiling.

To be precise, he was looking at the crystal chandelier in the center of the ceiling.

What’s so cool about a chandelier?

When Zhou Chen first investigated the scene, he found no clues or doubts.

However, I paid attention to the chandelier.


Because there are many crystal pendants on the chandelier.

There is a crystal pendant missing.

Zhou Chen didn't pay much attention at that time.

It seems that this chandelier must be a few years old. It is an old object. It must have been there after the house was renovated.

Sometimes the light bulbs need to be replaced due to aging. Because they are at a high place, they will inevitably get bumped.

Isn't it normal to knock off a pendant?

Besides, how could the case at hand, or even the fire, be caused by a pendant?

Now, Zhou Chen doesn't think so.

It is precisely because no traces of crime were found, let alone any suspicious points.

The missing crystal pendant seemed problematic.

"Re-check the surveillance."

Zhou Chen ordered, "Find a larger monitor."

A special agent brought a 32-memory monitor, connected it to a tablet, and called up the surveillance of the crime scene at that time.

I still remember when I watched the surveillance.

Zhou Chen's eyes were attracted by the family of three, and he didn't check other places.

This time, his eyes were fixed on the surveillance screen, ignoring the crazy family of three.

After the family of three died tragically, his eyes did not blink.


Zhou Chen saw a trace of inconspicuous light on the surveillance screen.

It flashed by!

The surveillance paused, played back five seconds, and slowed down eight times.

Six seconds later, Zhou Chen pressed pause again.

I saw a light spot on the screen of the monitor.

If you don't look carefully, it is likely to be overlooked by the naked eye.

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