National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,171 Girls are outgoing

Jade tea is a noble tea product in Japan and a very high-quality green tea.

It has always been known for its refreshing and refreshing aroma.

Under Han Yingming's persuasion, Ning Weimin happily picked up the teacup in front of him and took a sip.

To be honest, because he was in a nervous mood, he really didn't feel the fragrance of the tea or taste anything outstanding at the moment.

But out of politeness and to please my future father-in-law, I could only praise him incoherently.

However, he didn't know that right in front of her, Han Yingming was sitting as straight as an examiner.

Under that serious expression, his true mood was far from relaxed, on the contrary, it was extremely contradictory.

In fact, he was also very afraid of Ning Weimin, and he was quite afraid of both sides.

You must know that, first of all, for a father, marrying a daughter is undoubtedly the most painful thing.

He has taken her with him since she was a child, and a pair of loving eyes has accompanied her growth.

Suddenly one day, his daughter will leave him and fall into the arms of another man. The sorrow in his heart can only turn into tears at the wedding.

In particular, Han Yingming was a single descendant of three generations. In his generation, he gave birth to a daughter like Qingzi.

It just so happened that my daughter also fell in love with a Chinese man.

I thought that my family would suddenly be mixed with Chinese blood, and the "family background" did not match.

This made him feel even more sad, and he felt especially sorry for his ancestors.

Among other things, invitations are always sent out when holding a wedding, and guests will inevitably ask, "Which family are you marrying into?"

How can he answer this then?

If you answer that you are a Chinese without parents, it would be so embarrassing.

After recruiting a son-in-law from the third world, how should he face his acquaintances, relatives and friends?

Especially since his daughter Qingzi is a big star, even if he wants to hide the man's actual situation, he can't.

Because this matter is destined to be made public by the media and dug out by those media reporters.

It's okay if you don't hide anything. If you tell lies and are exposed by the media, it is tantamount to throwing your face into the ground and letting others trample on you.

But on the other hand, Han Yingming also knew in his heart that women were not allowed to attend university.

He understands Keiko's stubborn personality very well.

Knowing that my daughter has been independent since she was a child, has her own ideas, and does things as she pleases, it really makes me have a splitting headache, and I can't control her at all.

In fact, he and his child's mother had been urging their daughter to consider life-long matters as early as ten years ago.

The couple tried their best to find a lifelong partner for their daughter, but it was all in vain.

He and his wife looked at the young elites who looked good, but their daughter dismissed them all.

Even because of these things, there was discord in the family and the daughter and her parents became estranged.

So my wife is right, at least now this is the life my daughter wants, as long as Qingzi can be happy.

Looking at the polite and outstanding-looking young man in front of him, he and his daughter were like a pair of strangers, at least in appearance they were quite a match.

Han Yingming felt both relieved and sad.

It is not easy for a proud and arrogant daughter to fall in love with a man. If they can really form a family and live happily together, they should be quite happy, right?

His daughter cannot live her whole life alone under her care.

She needs to be a wife, a mother, and experience a complete life.

If you say this, your troubles will become someone else's from now on.

Even if he, the father, is no longer the most important man in his daughter's heart, it doesn't matter...

However, if you really give your daughter to another man officially, your life will be seized by others.

That's what parents are like, they can never truly be indifferent to their children.

Even if the children get married and have children of their own, in the eyes of their parents, they are still children who need to be taken care of.

Therefore, it was impossible for him to look at this matter in a relaxed and indifferent manner, even though Ning Weimin's answer just now was very in line with his wishes, and he was unexpectedly moved.

But thinking about it again, I can't take it lightly just because of these two nice words.

Out of his desire to protect his daughter, he still hopes to know as much as possible about Ning Weimin.

Only then can we use our own life experience to make accurate judgments for our daughter, ensure her daughter's happy life to the greatest extent, and avoid her daughter from making mistakes.

With this kind of "sadness and happiness" difference, the feeling of pitiful parents in the world is probably only he can truly understand.

Thinking of this, Han Yingming took a sip of tea and felt a slight bitterness on the bottom of his tongue, and the tea was not as fragrant as usual.

But he still had to pretend to change the subject casually, "It's a new year again. How are you doing at work lately?"

"Okay, okay, it's all good. But for us Chinese, it's actually the end of the year. So I'm actually busy with the finishing work of the year. This is different from Japanese companies."

"I know this, it's the Lunar New Year. When I was young, I also celebrated the 'old-style New Year'. Now that we're talking about this, let's talk about something else by the way. Yesterday Qingzi told me that she planned to accompany you back to the capital. Chinese New Year...don't be nervous, I have no objection, I just want to ask you, what are your plans for your career in the next few years?"

This question was too general. Ning Weimin couldn't grasp the key points, so he gave a general answer.

"In general, there shouldn't be much change. Let's maintain the status quo. The economic situation in Japan is very good. The restaurant I manage and my side business are both on the rise. There are no difficulties in operation. At present, we just need to work steadily and adapt to the situation. That’s good. At most, I might go to big cities like Osaka and Kyoto and consider whether I should open one or two branches of the restaurant. That should be it.”

"That means you and Keiko will still stay in Japan most of the time. Right? So there will definitely be no problem with your residence status? did I hear that you have a restaurant in Tokyo? Is it official? It’s invested by China’s official institutions, right? I mean, if...if anything happens over there...will you be suddenly transferred?"

At this point, Ning Weimin finally understood the key points of these issues.

The reason is that the prospective father-in-law is afraid that something unexpected will happen, such as being suddenly called back to the country and unable to come back, leaving Qingzi in the middle of the road.

He immediately patted his chest as a guarantee, "This situation will not happen. You are right that two of the restaurant investors are indeed government agencies in the capital, but because I founded this restaurant, I have the management and operation rights. It has always been in my hands, and I am completely independent in management. So if you want to change the restaurant operator, it is not impossible, but the shareholders must have sufficient reasons, and they will definitely communicate with me in advance. "

"Besides, from my personal point of view, it doesn't matter if I no longer manage the restaurant or leave Pierre Cardon. Because to be honest, I am currently staying at Pierre Cardin to manage this restaurant. , all due to favors. After all, it was my boss and the leaders of several investment units who cultivated me and gave me opportunities to display my abilities. If they really don’t need me anymore, not only will I not object, but I will be able to relax I will take some time off and spend time with Keiko. From now on, I will completely focus on my family and what I want to do."

"So please don't worry. Even if I quit my job and have no job, I will not be without income. On the contrary, my income is completely enough to support Qingzi and I. Even if Qingzi doesn't work in the future, it doesn't matter. I I am fully capable and confident that Qingzi will live a happy life and will not let her endure hardships with me. As for Qingzi and I’s marriage, if you can agree, we can enter the substantive preparation stage at any time, and we will not let her go through hardships with me. Any unexpected interruptions or interruptions. I will never betray your trust and let you be disappointed in me."

When talking about the stability of his career, Ning Weimin immediately became confident.

Although it's not easy to show off, you can show your true strength in person and tell the other party how many assets you have.

But this is undoubtedly his strongest area and his greatest advantage.

Naturally, he is willing to say a few more words to dispel the other party's concerns in this regard and give himself more points.

However, it is a pity that his eloquent words failed to have any positive effect on Han Yingming.

The prospective father-in-law didn't look very pleased, but rather a little unhappy.

He just nodded, and then said in a nonchalant tone, "At your age, it is indeed a great thing to be able to achieve such achievements in a foreign country. Not to mention the mainland of China, just In Japan, there are very few young people like you who can start from scratch and are capable. You are indeed outstanding. But I still have to say that young people are inevitably arrogant and prone to making mistakes. If they don't do it well, they will fall. Somersault. If you and Qingzi really decide to be together in the end, if you encounter difficulties or problems in your career in the future, I hope you won’t try to be a fat person. Just tell the truth when the time comes. Anyway, that’s all I am. Daughter, she is my only direct heir, everything I have will belong to her sooner or later, do you understand?"

These words really didn't sound like encouragement, but rather as if the prospective father-in-law didn't want to see Ning Weimin yelling at him, so he gave him some kind of warning or some kind of beating.

This made Ning Weimin, who already felt very low-key, couldn't help but be stunned, feeling both puzzling and uncomfortable.

But after thinking about it, I still had to act humble and nod in agreement.

"Yes, I understand. That's what you said."

"Yeah, just understand."

Unexpectedly, Han Yingming sighed again, looking even more depressed.

What is going on?

In fact, it was normal for Ning Weimin not to understand, and Han Yingming's reaction was also normal.

The reason is that for the Japanese, there is a difference between a normal son-in-law and an adopted son-in-law.

A normal son-in-law just marries his daughter to recruit a husband-in-law, which is ordinary and has nothing to say.

The son-in-law and adopted son have the status of both son-in-law and adopted son, which is probably equivalent to the nature of a bride-in-law.

The biggest difference between the two is that the fundamental purpose of the existence of a son-in-law and adopted son is to inherit the family business. Even if there is a biological son, the son-in-law and adopted son are usually ranked first in inheriting the family business.

This is not about the legal division of inheritance. In Japan, inheritance is generally passed through wills. Even if the family is divided, the property will not be divided. The main thing is to decide who will manage the family's mainstay industry and bear the family name.

For example, a certain head of the Mitsui Foundation once publicly said, "I would rather have a daughter than a son, because with a daughter I can choose an outstanding son."

It can be seen that this custom is very popular and can prevent the biological son from being too stupid and ruining the family.

More than 80,000 people are adopted through legal procedures in Japan every year, and more than 90% of them are adult males between the ages of 20 and 30. In fact, this situation is caused.

Han Yingming had a daughter like Matsumoto Keiko under his knees.

From a long time ago, he had the plan to find a son-in-law and adopt a son.

It's a pity that my daughter is "rebellious" by nature and doesn't want to listen to her parents' arrangements at all, so she went into the entertainment industry before she graduated.

Moreover, he is quite able to get along, is completely financially independent, and does not need to rely on family support at all for living.

This caused Han Yingming's plan to be aborted, and he had no choice but to follow his daughter's plan and let her date a man who was willing to live together.

Now Ning Weimin is the chosen one, but this guy is quite profitable.

You can also have a successful career and enjoy a good life without relying on the help of others.

This can't make him a son-in-law or an adopted son. He can only be recruited as a normal son-in-law.

In this way, to Han Yingming, Ning Weimin was an outsider.

Not only can't he be treated harshly, but without looking at Han Yingming's face, it's entirely possible to keep his daughter away from him.

Han Yingming wouldn't do anything if this happened.

Therefore, he had to entertain Ning Weimin as a serious guest, and he could not act like an elder.

On the other hand, if it is a son-in-law and an adopted son, it will be different.

To be honest, this was all caused by the bastard daughter, who didn't listen to the arrangements.

Think about it, can Han Yingming feel happy?

For him, he didn't want to let a soft-hearted pretty boy get involved with his daughter, but he also didn't want his son-in-law to be too capable and unable to handle it.

Such a contradiction!

As a result, the interesting thing is still here.

Maybe Han Yingming's face was really ugly, or maybe Ning Weimin was too nervous.

Although Han Yingming didn't have anything else on his mind, he just complained a few words.

But Ning Weimin suspected that the prospective father-in-law was angry.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Ning Weimin still wanted to try his best to save his impression in his father-in-law's mind.

So after thinking about it, he took the initiative to ask, "Since you like to collect these tea sets? I wonder if you like Japanese paintings? To be honest, I just bought it from a collector who likes Japanese paintings some time ago. I bought a batch. If you don’t mind it, I can accompany you to take a look when you have time. I think there are some paintings with very good decorative effect. Although they are not painted by famous artists, in fact, if they are placed in your home, It’s pretty good too…”

Well, in this case, wouldn't it be equivalent to Ning Weimin taking over Han Yingming's army again?

Although Ning Weimin was a very smart boy, this time he was really a little confused.

There was clearly no showing off, just pure good intentions.

But in Han Yingming's eyes, this move was nothing more than a mockery, as if Ning Weimin was deliberately showing off his financial resources to him.

Han Yingming suddenly felt his blood surge, and he almost couldn't help but glare at him fiercely.

But when facing Ning Weimin, he was smiling and looking eager to please, but he was also a little self-conscious, as if he was stingy.

In particular, Ning Weimin's words just now reminded him of his daughter's secret entrustment.

Finally, he restrained his annoyance and said to Ning Weimin, "Wait a minute, I have something I want to show you..."

Then he left the living room. Not long after, less than ten minutes, Han Yingming came back again, holding a paulownia box in his hand.

"Open it and take a look. Don't you also like antiques? How about taking a look at this thing of mine?"

Han Yingming said with a straight face and put away the "Zhiye" that Ning Weimin sent today.

"Is it a teacup? But I haven't done any research on this. You're too polite. I can't make any comments?"

Ning Weimin said politely that he thought Han Yingming wanted to give him a test.

"Just open it and take a look." Han Yingming said, "Just take a look casually."

Ning Weimin had no choice now, although he didn't understand why Han Yingming was so insistent.

But I thought, just take a look, so I got up and opened the lid of the box.

As a result, he was shocked when he saw what was inside.

Because there was actually a piece of porcelain in the box that was so green that it was transparent, shiny, and oily.

It's small, just like a tea cup.

Judging from the color and style, it looks like something from China. It should be celadon produced in Longquan, my country.

When he carefully took out the tea cup with his hands, he became even more nervous.

I was so excited that my hands were shaking a little, so I finally carefully placed it on the tea table.

"How's it going? Is the stuff pretty good?" Han Yingming asked aloud.

What? good?

No! It's so precious!

Ning Weimin sat back on his chair and looked at this little thing obsessively. The more he looked at it, the more charming it became.

After a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This thing is so good! It is also so precious. If I read it correctly, this should be something that flowed into Japan from China. It is a celadon tea cup from the Song Dynasty."

"That's good. I didn't expect you to be quite knowledgeable." Han Yingming remained expressionless, "I bought this from a monk in an ancient temple in Kyoto many years ago. Do you like it? If you like it, I'll give it to you. !”

"Ah?" Ning Weimin said in disbelief and subconsciously refused.

"No, no, this... this is too precious. It should... also be your favorite, right?"

"Well, it's nothing, just treat it as one thing for another. I can't get your gift in vain. If you want to thank you, just thank Qingzi. She said you will definitely like it."

"Is it... like this? Then... then I really... really just... thank you so much."

Ning Weimin was stunned for another moment, and he finally understood.

This time he was no longer polite, but bowed happily.

Nothing else, what more can a husband ask for than marrying a wife?

Who would have thought that meeting a prospective father-in-law today would yield a treasure?

Qingzi was so kind, she was always thinking about him, and she had actually arranged everything for him secretly.

Only Han Yingming sighed again.

I lamented in my heart, girls are extroverts, they should have understood this a long time ago. I have raised my daughter in vain for so many years!

Sure enough, when he found a sweetheart, his father immediately stepped aside and forced him to give away even his favorite things.

Look at the elbows turned outward, they are disabled!

You haven't married yet. If you do marry someone, you still don't know what will happen in the future?

My celadon trip!

It is said that it was a tea set used by the shogun!

This time I suffered a huge loss! (End of chapter)

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