National Transfer: Weak Wizards? I Can Dissect The Gods

113 The whole world is shocked! Why can someone control the undead dragon!?

This dragon roar!

Even at a considerable distance!

It is still very clearly heard! And shocked!

This is--

The second dragon!?

Everyone's heart trembled violently!

Their faces were almost blank.

In the next second, this sluggishness gradually turned into despair!

It was originally just a dead dragon!

It's already so tricky!

Even, even if Lin Tianzhan played.

Can only get one such result.

If there is another dragon--

How should they face it?

I see--

in the far horizon.

A shadow as huge as this dead dragon!

It's coming fast!

That dragon roar just now!

It is from it!

All eyes are focused--

When it was discovered that this was also an undead dragon!

The despair on the face is deeper!


Why the hell!?

Another undead dragon appeared?

Could it be that the bottom of the endless 'abyssal cave'.

It turned out to be the lair of the undead dragon?

Everyone doesn't understand.

Everyone can't understand.

Apart from--

One of them.

this person.

In Yan Fu.

He stared blankly at the second undead dragon plundered from a distance.

The shock on his face can hardly be expressed in words.

Go back to two minutes ago--

that time.

Yan Fu just received a call from Mona.

It was learned that at the strong request of Chen Yuan.

Several people have returned from the country of elves.

When he first heard it, Yan Fu was so frightened that his heart was half a beat!

However, after hearing that several people were teleported to Jincheng, and did not plan to return to the imperial capital before the 'Dragon Calamity' was resolved.

Yan Fu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Now the corpse dragon has only one attack target.

That is the imperial capital.

As long as a few people don't try to return to the imperial capital.

Then there should be no danger.

In the next second--


When Mona said that Chen Yuan was gone.

Yan Fu immediately froze in place.

Chen Yuan... gone!?

The corners of Yan Fu's eyes twitched, and his face was even more unnatural.

You know, Chen Yuan is his most optimistic student!

He is the strongest Longxia champion ever!

The only freshman who defeated the instructor in the 'Demon King Challenge'!

Such a genius that can hardly be described in words, beyond everyone's imagination!

He even planned to fight in such a battle that even the platinum rank couldn't intervene.

Donate your share!?

His heart is commendable!

But this behavior!

But it's utter stupidity!

At that moment, Yan Fu couldn't understand Chen Yuan's approach at all.

Just let Mona find Chen Yuan as soon as possible, and definitely stop him before he comes to the imperial capital to participate in this matter.

After hanging up Mona's phone.

Yan Fu looked anxious, but helpless.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he even wanted to apply to the Minister of Security to go out temporarily and search for Chen Yuan.

But at this moment--

He actually received a call from Chen Yuan!

The moment you see the caller ID.

Yan Fu was so excited!

Immediately after picking up the phone, he directly shouted:

"Chen Yuan! You immediately return to Jincheng and Professor Mona to gather!"

"Don't say it's you in the battle here in the imperial capital! I can't even intervene in the principal!"

"If you come here, you will definitely be in an extremely dangerous state!"

"You are the genius of our Long Xia, there is no need to take this risk!"

After yelling.

Yan Fu listened to the silence on the other end of the phone.

My heart skipped a beat.

This Chen Yuan.

Shouldn't we continue to be stubborn?

But next--

Chen Yuan's remarks.

But it made Yan Fu directly stunned.

"Principal, I have a way to deal with the dead dragon.

"Actually--I've been hiding something from you all along.

"That is--I have control over the power of the undead, (cjeb) and-- an undead dragon."

"If you can, I hope you can help me get in touch with the court."1

"After a while, I will summon my undead dragon to help him fight."

"I have absolute confidence that as long as the dead dragon is wounded, I will be able to subdue it.

After hearing what Chen Yuan said.

Yan Fu even thought he had heard it wrong.

Chen Yuan said he...has the power of the undead!?

This is no joke!

To know!

The power of the dead!

But all over the world!

The power of 'disaster' that is forbidden to appear!

Once found, it will be dealt with quickly!

There is no reason for him!

Only because of the former 'undead natural disaster'.

Bringing too deep nightmare memories to people!

But now!

Chen Yuan said he has mastered the power of the undead!?

Not only that, but he also has his own undead dragon!?

how can that be!

Rao is that Yan Fu knew that Chen Yuan had countless secrets.

But he never thought! It would be such a secret!

Therefore, Yan Fu's first reaction was not to believe it at all!

In the face of Yan Fu's attitude, Chen Yuan naturally expected it.

"Principal, later, there will be a second undead dragon.

"I will let it restrain the corpse dragon, and then you will contact the President of the Chamber and relay my words to him.

After speaking, Yan Fu didn't even have time to ask where he was! Chen Yuan hung up the phone!

"What the hell is Chen Yuan talking about!"

There was only one thought in Yan Fu's mind.

He didn't know if Chen Yuan was joking or what.

But just when he hesitated and didn't know what to say--

From the horizon, there was the second loud roar of the giant dragon!

Immediately after that! That shadow like a hill! It swept in the direction of the imperial capital!

That is!

Yan Fu's eyes widened instantly!

Look at the second undead dragon!

The shock in my heart is almost indescribable in words!

how is this possible!?

This was Yan Fu's first reaction.

Could it be that Chen Yuan... really possesses the power of the undead.

And also mastered and conquered a real undead dragon!?

Yan Fu's mind went blank.

He couldn't understand it at all.

If it is said, it is only to master the power of the undead.

This may be easier to accept.

After all, all over the world.

There are several of them every year.

A special being with the power of the undead.

In other countries, they are usually executed directly after being discovered.

But in Longxia, there are exceptions.

for example--

Abyss Institute!

There are people who specialize in dealing with the abyss cracks of the undead attribute!

They are often those who possess the power of the undead, who are given the establishment after being recruited!


There are very few people who are willing to accept recruiting.

The vast majority of people who possess the power of the undead are devoid of conscience and have no human morality at all!

After all, a major way to absorb the power of the undead!

It is murder!

But now!

Chen Yuan doesn't just possess the power of the undead!

He even has an undead dragon!?

This is what shocked Yan Fu the most!

A person with the power of the dead.

Although extremely rare.

But not without.

A person who can possess an undead dragon!

But it never appeared!

At this moment, Yan Fu couldn't describe his inner shock in words at all.

But when he sees it!

The second undead dragon!

Fluttering the pair of huge withered bones wings!

Let out a deafening roar!

When dashing straight towards the original corpse dragon!

Yan Fu suddenly came back to his senses!

Think of Chen Yuan's words!

Immediately call the Minister of Security Zheng Gong!

And let him transfer his call to the President of the Chamber!

"Principal Yan, now is special combat time, what are you going to do?"

Zheng Gong originally wanted to ask Yan Fu what he was going to do.

But Yan Fu just said anxiously:

"Minister Zheng, I won't be able to explain it for a while... Please transfer my call to the President of the Chamber first, I have something extremely important to say!

Yan Fu, as the president of Longhua University.

It is also a member of the Longxia Court.

He naturally has the right to contact the President of the Chamber.

So, after a brief pondering.

Zheng Gong transferred Yan Fu's phone to Lin Tianzhan's communicator--


At the moment when the transfer is successful.

Yan Fu directly repeated Chen Yuan's words.

"The second undead dragon! Not our enemy!"

"It will help us! Fight that first undead dragon!

Imperial Capital, outside the barrier.

100-meter giant pit.

After the smoke cleared.

Only then did everyone see Lin Tianzhan in the center of the giant pit.

On his body, the [Heavenly Punishment Extreme Dao Armor] condensed by thunder.

Under the attack of the terrifying destruction ray, it was dimmed.

But luckily--

It finally absorbed a lot of the power of the destruction ray.

Not just a third!

It's almost two-thirds!

In this way, the remaining destruction rays did not shatter after they fell on the barrier of the imperial capital.

But nonetheless!

The price! But it was the embarrassment of Lin Tianzhan!

There was even a faint trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth!

But! At this time, he is staring at the sky in a dazed way! The fight between the two undead dragons!

The communicator in his ear, came Yan Fu's urgent words--

"The second undead dragon! Not our enemy!"

"It will help us! Fight that first undead dragon!"

"The rest of the inch and a half will be unclear, and I will explain it to you later!"

"This is our chance!"

Yan Fu's words.

Let Lin Tianzhan fall into a deep shock!

Looking at the two undead dragons that were constantly fighting in the clouds.

Lin Tianzhan has too many doubts!

Where did the second undead dragon come from!?

Why would it help Longxia fight here!?

Undead creatures, don't they all take creatures as their only hostile targets!?


Lin Tianzhan's mind!

A very shocking thought flashed through!

It was so shocking that he had such a trance!


The second undead dragon!

Manipulated by humans!

Otherwise, this is absolutely impossible!

Thinking of this, Lin Tianzhan suddenly came back to his senses.

Take a deep breath!

Look again at the two undead dragons fighting in the clouds!

No hesitation in your eyes!

Remove the defensive stunt like [Heavenly Punishment Pole Armor].

He also has a terrifying offensive exclusive skill!

However, it takes some preparation time!

Now, there is a limit to the second undead dragon!

He can be released easily!

in the shadow of the earth.

Chen Yuan is waiting for the moment to come!

He stared at the two undead dragons fighting above the sky!

Watching the time--

Two minutes left!

In two minutes!

President Lin Tianzhan takes action!

Unite with your own summoned undead dragon!

After smashing the dead dragon!

You can conquer it yourself!

at the same time.

When the second undead dragon appeared.

It's not just the people of Longxia Imperial Capital.

Instead, the whole world fell into a deep shock.

Whether it is the Stars and Stripes, the United Kingdom, the Cherry Blossoms...

Everyone's eyes are fixed on the screen!

Looking at it, it is obviously biased towards Long Xia!

The second undead dragon to attack its kind!

Everyone understands!

it's powerful

Take control of an undead dragon!?

how can that be!?

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