National Transfer: Weak Wizards? I Can Dissect The Gods

114 Master of the undead dragon! Global sanctions against Long Xia? Demanding the execution of Chen

Stars and Stripes!

Frank's eyes were fixed on the screen!

The shock in his eyes could not hide the unwillingness in his heart!

how is this possible!?

The dragons of this world are long gone!

Even he has only constructed a giant dragon magic card through his professional ability!

How could someone in Longxia be able to control the undead dragon!?

But if it weren't for human control--

How could that undead dragon start attacking its own kind!?

Like Frank, the members of the Stars and Stripes were shocked.

The shock on his face gradually transformed into a subtle expression. . . .

"Could it be -- Long Xia awakened a dragon master?"

Suddenly, a congressman spoke up.

As soon as he said this, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.


This profession, since the extinction of the dragon.

It never appeared again.

But if so,


While everyone is thinking about it.

Frank suddenly shook his head and rejected this possibility.

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, Frank frowned:

"Undead dragon, not the normal form of dragon--"

"Even if it's a dragon master, he can't make an envoy.

"The only possibility is that on Long Xia's side, there is an existence that controls the power of the terrifying undead.

"And then—according to my conjecture."

"Since the first undead dragon emerged from the 'Abyssal Cave'."1

"Then, it is very likely that Long Xia's people found the corpse of the second giant dragon in the 'Abyssal Cave', and then sent the powerful being who mastered the power of the undead to transform it--

"Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why there is an undead dragon suddenly!"

Frank's words made everyone present frown.

His face also sank slightly.


Long Xia only had a dragon master.

So the impact is really not too big.

Just in case--

Exactly what Frank said.

Long Xia came out with one who can transform the corpse of a giant dragon into the existence of an undead giant dragon.

Then this matter - will become the biggest calamity in the hearts of the nations today.

Thinking of this, the atmosphere in the parliament became more and more delicate.

Originally, everyone just wanted to watch the fire from the other side and watch the liveliness of Long Xia.

But now, this fire seems to be burning on himself.


When the members of the Stars and Stripes are thinking about each other.

The chairman of the council coughed lightly.

"Then, let's first see if Long Xia really has such an 'Undead Dragon Manipulator'.

"If this is true--"

"As the chairman of the parliament, I will officially announce the content of the next parliamentary session:

"Because Long Xia has uncontrollable dangerous factors - as the defender of world justice, our Xingtiao Nation will unite with various countries to impose sanctions on Long Xia.

"The sanctions will take effect immediately and will last until Long Xia executes the 'undead dragon controller'.

"Members, do you have any objection to this?

The chairman's eyes swept over.

Not a single MP raised an objection.

Undead Power - This is a force to be feared.

Once brought them too deep shadow and terror.

In any case, he cannot be allowed to continue to appear in this world.

Of course--

The real reasons behind it.

All the bright and bright members of the Congress who call themselves righteous, naturally they will not mention it.

That is-

This is phantom.

Not a star-streaked countryman, but a Longxia person.

It cannot be controlled by them, but it is possible to be officially controlled by Longxia.

In this way, once he is allowed to grow up, then the status of the Star Striped Nation in the world is very likely to be shaken by Long Xia.

This is unbearable for all members of Congress.

"For peace and justice in the world -- I think the sanctions are quite reasonable."

A congressman spoke slowly.

"Sanctions must be extremely severe! Let Longxia officials have to execute that person!"

Another MP chimed in.

"Resolutely do not allow the growth of the power of the undead, this is a threat to every citizen, life and property in the world!

Seeing the excitement of the members of Parliament.

The chairman of the council nodded in satisfaction.

"Then from now on, I will call our allies and ask them to sanction Longxia...

The country of spirits.

Karoo, Royal Court.

A splendid palace.

Different from the modern architecture of other human countries.

Here, the primitive nature worship of elves is still preserved.

at this time--

Inside the royal court.

The elf king's bedroom.

Thrall was on one knee with a nervous expression on his face.

Standing in front of him was his father.

The 23rd king of the Elf royal family, the Perrence family, Noba Perrence.


Thrall let out a little nervously.

Today, the father not only called him back, who had planned to tour the Carlow Province.

The High Priest Ord was also summoned back.

Thrall instinctively sensed that something might be happening.

Could it be—because of a conflict between himself and the High Priest of Oder?

Thinking of the Longxia man who embarrassed him in Oro Town, Thrall's heart surged with anger.

If it weren't for the presence of High Priest Odur, even Mona wouldn't be able to keep him at all.

If you want to kill him, it's so easy...

Just as the killing intent in Thrall's heart was getting stronger and stronger.

His father, Noba, the elf king, spoke.



Thrall quickly put away the killing intent in his heart.

Respectfully bent down and responded respectfully.

"Do you know why I called you back?

Elf King Noba asked softly.

"Yes, yes... Is it because of the High Priest Ord?"

"Sorry Father...I shouldn't have contradicted the High Priest...

Thrall said nonchalantly, with sincerity and fear.

Although he was very dissatisfied with his father's attitude towards the high priest.

But this kind of dissatisfaction, he only complained a few words, not showing at all.

To know--

Although the father treated the high priest very respectfully.

But he is still the supreme king of the kingdom of elves.

Even his two older brothers have been unable to become heirs to the throne.

The father can also abolish him at will and re-designate the heir...

While Thrall was thinking about it--

In the eyes of the Elf King Noba.

Suddenly there was a hint of a meaningful smile.

"That's right—it's because of the high priest."

"But... my son of Noba, why should I apologize for contradicting him?

when the first sentence is heard.

Thrall was cold and remorseful.

Sure enough, it's because of this...

But when Noba's second sentence was spoken.

Thrall was immediately stunned.

…for flowers…

Even, he forgot the rule of 'bow your head in front of the king'.

He just raised his head straight up, looking at his father with confusion and shock on his face.

How is this going?

put before.

If it was himself and the high priest had a conflict.

Then the king would definitely not be partial to himself, and he would definitely punish him without hesitation as a warning.

But what did that sentence just mean?

Sarben is a man of active mind.

After seeing the meaningful smile on his father's face.

His body shook violently, as if he had thought of something.

He opened his mouth suddenly, his eyes full of disbelief.

Elf King Noba seems to be affirming Thrall's thoughts.

Although he didn't say anything, he smiled and nodded lightly.

see this scene.

Thrall can finally be sure.

What you think is right!

Father, finally we are going to do something to the high priest!

In ecstasy--

Thrall suddenly thought of Mona.

A greedy desire appeared on his face.

Immediately afterwards, he knelt down to the ground directly towards his father, bowing his head--

"Father...the high priest's daughter Mona...

"To marry you." 1

Elf King Noba said with a smile.

In his eyes, there was a flash of intense killing intent and resentment.

He, the elf king, has swallowed his voice for so long, and now, he has finally found a chance.

High Priest...

everything you do--

Even if you let your daughter become my son's plaything, it can't be erased......

Come back to your senses.

The elf king put away the killing intent in his eyes and looked at Thrall with a smile:

"Don't have any special reaction until the matter is over... We still respect, our dear High Priest, understand?"


Thrall nodded in excitement.

At this time, in his heart, he was already looking forward to the sight of Mona becoming her plaything.

Without the protection of the high priest, how can Mona struggle in front of him alone?

As for --

That Longxia person who clearly has some kind of close relationship with Mona--

Thrall's mouth curled into a sneer.

Even if he returned to Longxia.

He couldn't escape his own claws.

After the high priest is resolved.

Father Wang will definitely negotiate with Long Xia.

Get them to hand over Mona.

At that time, I will ask my father to attach another condition--

Hand over the one called... Chen Yuan? Is that the name?

Humph, shitty name...

In short.

He didn't believe it.

Longxia official meeting for a so-called genius--

Guilty of their entire kingdom of elves.

"Ta Ta Ta..."

Just as Thrall was about to retire.

An elf king guard suddenly walked in quickly.

"His Majesty."

The guard knelt down.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Thrall beside him.

"It doesn't matter--Prince Thrall is the one who will inherit my throne, and it's time for him to get involved.

Elf King Noba said lightly.


The elf king guard nodded.

"Just got the message--"

"Lord Dylan got a sanction invitation from the Stars and Stripes--"

"Ask us to join the covenant to sanction Long Xia and force Long Xia to execute the master of the undead dragon..

"Lord Dylan is discussing with the high priest at this time..."

Ask for a custom mountain.

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