National Warlord: My Aircraft Carrier Is Killing People Like Crazy

92. Ten Tiger Tanks! Destroy Tens Of Thousands Of Eight-Nation Alliance Troops! (Please Subscribe)

Audience of World Chat Forum.

I originally thought that the Eight-Nation Allied Forces did not respect martial ethics!

They actually dispatched so many troops, including land, sea and air.

They are also well-equipped with infantry fighting vehicles, tanks, aircraft, battleships and artillery... to besiege Nansha positions.

The game system is designed to trick Su Hengjun into death.

Until now.

They just knew.

The system’s biological son, the system’s biological son!

Those who really don’t care about martial ethics.

Or Su Heng!

Tiger heavy tank!

After World War II decades later, it was still a terrifying existence that could crush all land forces!

Are you logging into the battlefield now?

After decades of generational differences, how will the Eight-Nation Allied Forces fight?


Tiger tanks land on the battlefield.

Rampage on the battlefield, wherever you go, no one can defeat you and no one can stop you!

Not to mention the 38-inch cap, carbine, and Thompson submachine gun.

The heavy machine gun of the infantry fighting vehicle can only leave a mark when it hits the tank!


Even the A7V tank's shells fell on the Tiger tank!

They were all bounced away by the Tiger tank's armor!

Everyone watched.

The slow-moving infantry fighting vehicle was hit by a Tiger tank!

In an instant, he was overturned to the ground by a Tiger tank!

The Tiger tank climbed directly over the infantry fighting vehicle.

Then a cannonball.

Blow up a Mark 1 tank hundreds of meters away!

Almost in the blink of an eye.

Ten Tiger tanks easily destroyed more than 20 infantry fighting vehicles and a dozen tanks!

Especially Su Heng who has unlimited firepower.

One person overturned seven tanks! Five tanks!

World Chat Forum all viewers.

I was so shocked that I couldn’t speak!

Of course they know.

This is inevitable.

06 is not a weapon of the same level at all!

But seeing how ferocious and invincible the Tiger tank was, I was completely shocked!

Who said the Tiger Army was doomed?

As long as Su Heng doesn't die!

Even if the Tiger Army only has one flag left!

The Tiger Army is still an invincible and extremely ferocious tiger!

The commanders of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces were also dumbfounded.

Everyone meets urgently!

Kamio Kojo looked at the invincible Tiger tanks on the battlefield with anger and horror!


"Does any of you know what kind of weapon this is? It's so terrifying!"

Ugly Lieutenant General Walton, who originally seemed confident.

Also very confused.

"This is a tank, right?"

Hermann roared angrily: "Of course I know this is a tank!"

"Don't tell me!"

"Can the backward Rabbit Country build a tank that is so powerful that it can't even hit an A7V shell, and has a speed that is as fast as flying?"

"Which country created this?"

"How did it fall into the hands of the Tiger Army!"

Everyone looked towards the commanders of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Italian Empire, and the Gallic Army!

Talking about tank equipment.

Their technology is the most advanced.

Chou Country is all a junior in this regard!

Lieutenant General Luganser of the Gallic Army said quickly: "Don't look at me!"

"We in Gaul can never build such a powerful tank!

General Karl of the Austro-Hungarian Empire shook his head: "We in the Austro-Hungarian Empire can't do it either!"

The foolish commander also flatly denied it.

Then he said something coldly.

"Prussian tank technology is also quite famous!"

"It's not your own fault, is it?"

He added very doubtfully: "This tank looks a bit similar to your tank!"

Herman suddenly roared: "Fart!"

"We, the Prussian army, are at odds with Su Heng!"

"Even if such a powerful weapon could be developed, it would not fall into the hands of the Tiger Army!"

Commander Yingji suddenly interjected: "That's not certain!"

"Last time, our naval fleet attacked the base of the dragon fleet!"

"It was only because of the rapid defeat of the Prussian fleet that the victory fell short!"

"The Dragon Fleet has so many Bavaria-class battleships."

"General Hermann, don't you explain how you got here?"

Herman became even more angry: "How dare you say that!"

"In a battle, if you hadn't escaped before the battle, our fleet would have suffered such heavy losses?"

The English commander sneered: "Your Prussian fleet is not retreating in the same way!"

"It's just that our luck is not as good as ours!"

Herman glared at the British commander: "What good does it do if we give the tank to Su Heng!"

"Make money!"

The English commander was not afraid of Herman.

"Who doesn't know that Su Heng has a lot of money in his pocket?"

Herman was furious and laughed: "Making money? Do you think we are an ugly country?"

General Walton………….

What the hell!

This is none of my business!

Kamio Mitsuki saw something was wrong and quickly came out to fight.

"The enemy is ahead, we must not fight among ourselves!"

"I believe it is impossible for Prussia to sell such a sharp weapon to Su Heng!"

"What we have to do now is try to get rid of this royal tank!"

"Otherwise, the coalition forces will definitely be defeated!"

Just this little time.

The Eight-Nation Allied Forces have been forced back to the second line of defense by Tiger tanks!

The Tiger Army behind took the opportunity to come out.

Recovering lost ground one after another!

Two to three thousand Eight-Power Allied Forces soldiers were massacred by Tiger tanks!

General Hermann snorted: "What else can you do!"

"All the heavy artillery bombarded his tanks!"

"I don't believe I can't blow this thing up and kill Su Heng inside!"

There was a pause.

He asked angrily: "How did this damn Su Heng appear in Nansha!"

"There is no trace of the dragon fleet at all!"

Commander English finally spoke a human word.

"The Dragon Fleet has an aircraft carrier!"

"I think he came back in a fighter jet!"

"Although I don't know why the dragon fleet can return so quickly."

"But I believe that the dragon fleet is not far from Nansha!"

The others had stern expressions.

If Su Heng comes back flying a fighter jet.

this means.

The dragon fleet has probably reached the sea area a hundred kilometers away from Nansha!

How dare they hesitate!

Immediately send a telegram to notify the four-nation coalition fleet at sea!

at the same time.

All the artillery arrays aimed their muzzles at the Tiger tanks that were killing people crazily on the battlefield!

World Chat Forum Audience.

Watch as hundreds of artillery shells bombard the Tiger tanks.

But almost none of them hit the target!

The Tiger tank is so fast!

The heavy artillery is inconvenient to move and has low accuracy. How could it possibly hit a Tiger tank!

The bombing continued for more than ten minutes.

Finally, a 90-caliber infantry gun from the Japanese army hit the Tiger tank.

But they didn't let Kamio Mitsujo and others start celebrating.

The Tiger tank was only slightly beaten.

Then it started to move again...

What the hell!

Even the 90mm infantry cannon can't hit this thing!


"The Tiger tank is indeed the king of land warfare in World War II!"

*The 120mm nickel-chromium-manganese-molybdenum rolled steel armor cannot be penetrated by ordinary bombs at all!"

"It is estimated that only armor-piercing shells or the two M.11 305mm howitzers can destroy the Tiger tank!"

"do not talk!"

"There are no armor-piercing bullets in the Eight-Power Allied Forces!"

"The M.11 305mm howitzer, the artillery array is ten kilometers away!"

"Hit a tank traveling at high speed ten kilometers away? Are you kidding me?"

"Now there is no radar aiming or fire control system, so the hit of the giant cannon depends entirely on God's will!"

Everyone on the forum was talking.

Then everyone was dumbfounded.

I just said that fate depends entirely on God’s will!

The result is the next second.

A huge shell from the M.11 305mm howitzer.

Shockingly, it exploded next to a Tiger tank less than two meters away!

Terrifying impact.

He forcefully pushed the 70-ton Tiger tank away by more than one meter!

Countless sharp shell fragments were shot wildly on the Tiger tank!

Everyone was stunned.

The artillerymen of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were so lucky, right?

Is the M.11 305mm howitzer so accurate?

Was it the tank driven by Su Heng that had unlimited firepower?

"What a terrifying power!"

"Even if it can't penetrate the armor of a Tiger tank."

"The terrible shock wave can also kill the people inside the tank!"


A series of injuries appeared on the Tiger tank!






The Tiger tank stopped!

The eyes of the nearby Eight-Power Allied Forces soldiers suddenly lit up.

The battlefield commanders ordered the soldiers to rush over and snatch this Tiger tank away!

When they rushed near the Tiger tank.

Tiger tank hatch opened.

A man came out.

It is Su Heng who has made countless invaders frightened!

I saw Su Heng holding a heavy machine gun in one hand.

Two tongues of fire spit out wildly.

Countless dense bullets were fired at the swarming enemy troops!

The Tiger tank has strong attack performance.

But when it comes to the efficiency of killing enemies.

Ten Tiger tanks may not be as good as one heavy machine gun!


Su Heng has two dicks!

In the blink of an eye.

Hundreds of invader soldiers were killed by Su Heng!

The expressions of the other invader soldiers changed drastically, and they hurriedly raised their guns to attack Su Heng!

Thousands of bullets were fired at Su Heng intensively!

Although machine gun baffle protection.

But such an intensive attack.

There were still many bullets hitting Su Heng.

Especially the enemy's light machine guns, which can be shot more than a dozen times in one shot!

Audience of World Chat Forum.

It was extremely shocking to see 870.

Su Heng's head.

They appeared densely, causing countless -1 damage.

They almost form a digital column!

Everyone was once again shocked by Su Heng.

The heavy machine gun hit Su Heng, was it just a point of restraint?

The 18 points of damage just hit by the heavy artillery, couldn't be Su Heng's, right?

What shocked them even more.

It’s Su Heng’s blood volume!

When attacking the Ugly Navy base.

Su Heng's blood is still five thousand.

How come it suddenly became six thousand?

Why does Su Heng's health bar keep rising, as if he's applied chemical fertilizer? Even once it rises, it's one thousand?

The vast majority of players!

So far, the blood volume does not exceed 500!

Thousands of invader soldiers who besieged Su Heng were also dumbfounded.

It's a pity that Su Heng didn't give them a chance to think about life!

The heavy machine guns continue to fire wildly!

More than a thousand machine gun bullets were fired every minute.

Ordinary invader soldiers will die if they encounter them!

A moment.

Another invader soldier several hundred meters away was shot dead by Su Heng!

Infantry artillery of the Japanese army, etc.

Finally fired at Su Heng!

One shell after another fell near the Tiger tank!





The bombing went on for several minutes.

It took more than 1,000 HP to defeat Su Heng!

At this moment.

Other Tiger tanks and Tiger Army soldiers came over!

Several soldiers enter Su Heng's tank.

Throw out the soldiers who were killed inside.


Close the hatch cover.

A Tiger tank that had been bombarded by countless artillery shells.

Roaringly moving...

Kamio Mitsujo and others all turned pale and looked at this scene in disbelief.

How could a Tiger tank that was bombed like this still move?

How to fight this battle?

Watching the Tiger tanks break away from the large army and attack fiercely towards their own artillery array.

The expression on the face of Gallic Army Commander Luganser suddenly changed!

Must retreat!

Last time I was in Shuncheng.

Got a big knock from Su Heng.

The Gallic army also had no food left...

If it falls into the hands of Su Heng again, there will be no money to pay the ransom...


This time the Tiger Army was beaten so badly that even paying the ransom may not save your life!

Better to retreat!

It is the glorious tradition of the Gallic army to change (run) according to the opportunity (enemy)!

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