National Warlord: My Aircraft Carrier Is Killing People Like Crazy

93. More Than Two Hundred Eight-Nation Warships? Take It!

Su Heng rushed to the Gallic army position with great momentum.

A dozen rounds of artillery fire bombed the past.

It was just as Su Heng expected.

The Gallic soldiers simply abandoned the artillery positions.

The two legs are like windmills, so fast that they can bring up a gust of wind!


Players on the World Chat Forum were dumbfounded.

There are also more than 5,000 Gallic troops.

Running so easily?

Just one Su Heng tank entered the position...

Why don't you resist?

Is the rooster completely shameless?

"Su Heng is really powerful. He knows that the Gallic army is the most unreliable, so he goes to kill the Gallic chickens single-handedly..."

"Now the Eight-Nation Alliance is really finished!"

"No matter how powerful the Tiger tank is, it kills.

"Kill the other soldiers of the Tiger Army, can the Tiger tanks keep killing them?"

"Yes! How many shells can other Tiger tanks have except Su Heng?"

"When the other Tiger tanks misfire, the Eight-Nation Alliance has so many artillery pieces that they can pile up enough to kill Su Heng!"

"To put it lightly!"

"If it were you, wouldn't you run away?"

"Tiger tanks are heading towards the Gallic army."

"Before the Tiger runs out of ammunition, it can definitely rub the Gallic army back and forth several times!"

"The Gallic army has such a high level of consciousness that they sacrifice themselves to help others?"

"It's like, the other side only has a bullet, and there are eight people on your side... who will be the first to hit and who will die, will you be the first to hit?"

"The Eight-Nation Allied Forces are in dire straits!"

"The Gaulish army ran away, and a big gap immediately appeared in the battle line. After the Tiger army came out, why didn't they start a killing spree?"


The Tiger tanks that followed Su Heng came over and occupied the Gallic army's position.

Other infantry fighting vehicles and tanks followed.

This chariot army instantly penetrated into the heart of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces!

The Eight-Nation Allied Forces now not only have to resist the Tiger Army attacking from the front.

You have to be on guard at all times from artillery shells and machine gun attacks from behind!

The other commanders of the Eight-Power Allied Forces couldn't help but curse!

But how they scolded.

You can't scold the Gallic army back either!

Kamio Mitsujo has an overall view.

Quickly order the second and third brigade to attack!

The movements of Su Heng's chariot army must be restricted!

More than 3,000 Japanese soldiers howled and charged towards Su Heng's tank position.

When Commander Yingji saw it, he quickly shouted: "I can't stand it anymore!"

"Come over quickly and help!"

The people on his side are all miscellaneous.

For example, Third Brother, Black Brother, Philippine soldiers, etc.

It's good that the war went well.

If things don't go well, these miscellaneous troops will really fight against the Tiger Army!

Kamio Mitsujo roared angrily: "Where are the troops to help you?"

"The Tiger Army didn't even attack your side, what do you call it!"

Yingjili doesn't care about that much: "Who knows who Su Heng will fight next!"

"Su Heng, call here."

"We can't stand it, don't blame me!"

Kamio Mitsuki was almost so angry with him that he wanted to draw a sword and kill someone.

Finally, I had to grit my teeth.

Send the last three thousand Japanese soldiers to the British position!

Who has the most Japanese soldiers?

The 23,000 men of the 18th Division accounted for more than a quarter of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces!

Su Heng occupied the Gallic army's position.

Wait for the Tiger Army soldiers to come.

Without hesitation, drive the Tiger tank and rush towards the Italian position!

There is absolutely no obstacle to block the Tiger tank's path.

At the beginning, the Eight-Nation Allied Forces could also use artillery to bombard Tiger tanks.

When the Tiger tank crashed into the Italian army's position.

The artillery is not easy to use...

Several shells passed by.

Can't hit the Tiger tank!

The ones that exploded were all Italian soldiers.

The proud and angry commander yelled!

Su Heng doesn't care about that much.

Tiger tanks were rampaging through Italy's stupid positions!

The gun barrels kept bombarding everywhere.

The crowd of more than 8,000 people could no longer stand the mood.

The Tiger tanks could not be defeated and could only be bombarded continuously by the opponent.

Each shot can kill several people!

The scariest thing is that Su Heng has unlimited ammunition!

When other Tiger tanks come over, they can survive until it runs out of shells.

Will you try facing Su Heng?

Seeing other Tiger tanks and infantry fighting vehicles from the Tiger Army coming to kill them.

If you don’t leave now, then when will you wait?

Do you want to stay where you are and wait to die?

Husband and wife are in the same forest, let alone the Eight-Nation Allied Forces who have ulterior motives.

The Gallic army ran away first.

Yi Daili ran along without any psychological burden at all.


Tiger tanks of the Tiger Army came over.

The driver and gunner were stunned.

Where are the enemies?

Where have the enemies gone?

Large-scale battle.

What are you most afraid of?


Once the deserters started appearing.

Other soldiers could easily follow!


Law enforcement teams are a must.

The problem is that the Eight-Nation Alliance has no law enforcement team!

Even if there is, will your Japanese law enforcement team kill my Gallic soldiers?

I can't defeat the Tiger Army, how can I defeat your Japanese soldiers?

Kamio Mitsujo screamed in anger.

He really wanted to take a gun and shoot the commanders of the Gauls and Italians to death!

It was just as he expected.

The Gallic and Italian armies made tactical retreats.

Things are not going well for England.

He immediately ran away.

The three thousand soldiers sent by Kamio Mitsujo were left messy in the wind!

The Tiger Army saw the enemy running away one after another.

The morale is even more high.

Fierce as a tiger, it launched a fierce counterattack against the other eight-nation coalition forces!

The Eight-Nation Allied Forces soon staged the devastating defeat last time.

The furry bears who claim to never lack fighting courage.

Retreat decisively.

Next is Ugly Country.

Kamio Mitsujo was completely numb.

What a fart!

Let’s flash together!

There are more than 50,000 coalition troops left.

Just like that, I was shocked by the Gallic chicken.

The Eight-Nation Allied Forces had just launched a full-scale attack.

After Su Heng appeared, he drove a Tiger tank and started killing.

Morale instantly plummeted to a low point.

By now it is completely defeated.

It only takes more than an hour!

Audience of World Chat Forum.

Already completely speechless.

Su Heng once again made a comeback from a desperate situation!

After this battle.

The tiger of Su Hengjun has become even more powerful!

All the top tanks of World War II were built by Su Heng.

Who will still be the opponent of the Tiger Army in the future?

The only one who can stop Su Heng from invading other countries' territories.

There are only more than a hundred warships in Nansha Bay!

As long as they can destroy the dragon fleet and destroy the Nansha battleship shipyard.

Players from other countries can still get some time to develop!

The ground troops of the Eight-Power Allied Forces fled completely.

On the bay, the Japanese fleet, the Gallic fleet, the Italian fleet, and the bear fleet also blockaded the port!


they know.

Only the fleet of Su Heng's army was destroyed.

Only in this way can they maintain their maritime hegemony!

The dragon fleet finally appeared.

Forty warships lined up in a row, billowing smoke from their chimneys, and slowly sailed towards Nansha Bay!

Audience of World Chat Forum.

Suddenly an illusion occurred.

The four-nation combined fleet with more than a hundred warships is the weak one and can only rely on numerical superiority to compete with the dragon fleet!

This is the dragon fleet.

They are just like the invader troops with more advanced technology!

In terms of tonnage of a single battleship.

The dragon fleet can simply crush all the fleets of the Four Nations Alliance!

Taking the initiative to attack.

It's the dragon fleet!

Four Bavaria-class battleships have 380-caliber super guns.

Banglun took the lead in attacking the four-nation combined fleet!

The naval battle entered a fierce stage from the beginning!

The fleets of the four countries dispersed quickly, facing the cannon fire of the dragon fleet, and sailed towards the dragon fleet at full power!


When they enter the range of their own main guns.

The dragon fleet retreats!

The commander of the Shikoku fleet was stunned for a moment.

They finally knew.

Why did the dragon fleet arrive half a day earlier than expected!

Mention the Bavaria-class battleship, its flexibility to turn around, and its speed.

It doesn't look like a 32,000-ton heavy battleship at all, but more like a light cruiser!

Not to mention other battleships with smaller tonnage!

The four-nation coalition fleet cannot catch up with the speed of the dragon fleet!

The dragon fleet retreated while firing!

On the four-nation combined fleet's side, three warships have been sunk by the dragon fleet!

"The S-class legion's navigation skills are indeed amazing~!"

"Are you going to fly a kite to kill the four-nation combined fleet?"

"Where's Captain Ugly?"

"Why don't you come out and express your opinion?"

"Tell me, how can the United Fleet fight against the Dragon Fleet?"

"He has been offline for a long time! He has been slapped in the face so many times by Su Heng, how can he still stay here?"

"I think the four-nation combined fleet must spread out!"

"Otherwise, you will definitely be flown to death by flying a kite!"

"It's not even possible to scatter!"

"Once their formations are dispersed, the dragon fleet will definitely rely on its speed and firepower advantages to focus fire on the small fleet of the four countries!"

"But other warships can take the opportunity to encircle the dragon fleet, causing the dragon fleet to lose its speed advantage!"

"The Shikoku fleet can only do this!"

"Next, it depends on what Su Heng chooses!"

"Should we forcibly swallow or cripple the four-nation combined fleet, or should we remove them from the group?"

"If we attack the fleets of the four nations, our own casualties will be extremely heavy!"

"It can't be helped."

"That's what war is like. Kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, especially the duel between giant ships!"

"I think there is another option, which is to consume the ammunition and fuel of the dragon fleet!"

"The dragon fleet has come a long way, and the fuel reserves must be insufficient!"

"Once the cannonballs are used up, there is absolutely no way to escape the pursuit of the four-nation combined fleet!"

There are so many people on the forum.

There are countless cobblers in total, but there are still some who have a very vicious vision.


The four-nation combined fleet.

Seeing that he could not catch up with the speed of the dragon fleet.

Disperse the formation immediately and don't give the dragon fleet a chance to focus its fire!

They didn't even fight back.

Obviously intending to use up all the cannonballs of the dragon fleet!

After paying the price of more than twenty battleships.

The attack frequency of the dragon fleet has been significantly reduced!

The Commander of the Four Kingdoms Fleet was shocked!

It's time to fight back!

One battleship after another, they passed towards Zhan Jian Qian Zhaohao of the dragon fleet.

The dragon fleet immediately increased its power to distance itself.

The combined fleets of the four nations are in hot pursuit!

Just at this time.

Distant sea line.

Suddenly thick black smoke appeared.

Then, battleships emerged from the sea level one after another!

Prussian fleet!

Austro-Hungarian fleet!

Ugly fleet!

English fleet!

The eight-nation fleets are all here!

The audience watching this battle gasped in unison!

Although the newly emerged fleets from the four countries only totaled seventy or eighty ships in total!

Moreover, the tonnage is basically around 10,000.

The problem is, they appear in the east and west directions respectively!

Completely seal the dragon fleet's retreat!

Plus there are more than a hundred warships on the Japs fleet!

Nearly two hundred battleships!

Surround the dragon fleet in the middle with an airtight seal!

More than half of the ammunition is consumed.

The speed advantage is lost again.

The dragon fleet doesn't even have much fuel left. Can you still stand up?

The Tiger tank is so powerful!

It is impossible to drive to the sea battlefield!

Forum audience.

I really thought about it this time, but I couldn't imagine that Su Heng could turn the situation around.

Just at this time.


Bursts of low gunfire came from the Nansha coast!

Huge artillery shells weighing more than a ton roared towards the Japanese fleet!

406 caliber M1895 coastal defense gun!

The audience was collectively dumbfounded.

Isn't the M1895 coastal defense gun located at the original U.S. naval base?

Moreover, there are only six doors left!

There are at least ten guns firing now!

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