After paying the deposit, Jiang Ning rushed to the largest outdoor goods store in the city.

2 assault boats and 6 rubber boats, first aid kit for earthquake and fire, tent, fire axe, climbing rope, binoculars, radio, waterproof torch, super-capacity solar charger, etc.

Life-saving supplies must not be sloppy, they must be of good quality.

Seeing a big customer coming, the store strongly recommends jackets, sleeping bags, etc., "Today's event is full of discounts, and the quality assurance will satisfy you."

Jiang Ning looked disgusted, "Is there anyone who can withstand the cold of minus 60 or 70 degrees?"

The shopkeeper was startled, "We are in the south, and we can wear short-sleeved clothes in winter."

"I'm going to the Arctic to do scientific research soon."

Seeing that it didn’t look like a joke, the store immediately contacted his colleagues and said to Jiang Ning: “There are polar winter clothing and mummy sleeping bags, and they can be used in combination, but the price is relatively expensive and the goods are in other provinces.”

My colleague who opened an online store, the reviews seem to be good, and the store can send an express immediately to ensure that it will arrive tomorrow afternoon.

Jiang Ning ordered two sets each and spent more than 6,000 yuan.

The outdoor goods store spent another 12,000 yuan to pull a truck full of goods, and put them into the space when people were not paying attention.

Assault boats need diesel, but diesel is not sold to private individuals.

Jiang Ning went to the auto repair shop to buy oil absorbers and barrels, went to several nearby gas stations to fill up the car, and then drove to a place where no one had a camera and used the oil absorber to absorb the oil barrels, and got 500l of gasoline after a few trips.

The apocalypse is so chaotic, with all kinds of blood and violence, she went to the security supply store again, "Boss, I'm going to America."

When the boss heard this, he took out the good stuff at the bottom of the box, "The scenery over there is beautiful, you can't save money."

Taking three sets of anti-slash and stab-proof suits and two sets of bulletproof vests, Jiang Ning drove to the largest clothing wholesale market in the suburbs without taking a breath.

Down jackets, army coats, cashmere sweaters, warm clothes, scarves, gloves, socks, anti-ski boots, light sports shoes, warm shoes, slippers.

Buy everything you can think of and possibly use, don't ask for the brand but only for the quality.

Splurged 12,000 yuan in the clothing wholesale market, and then rushed to the daily necessities wholesale market next door.

For air-conditioning quilts, down quilts, especially large quilts, 3 pieces are required for each of 8 catties and 10 catties, and all are required to be packed in compressed bags.

Shampoo, shower gel, washing powder, sanitary napkins, paper towels, toothpaste and toothbrush, thermos, lighter, rubber hot water bottle, etc., only 20,000 pieces of light warm baby, which is a good life-saving item in extreme cold.

There are e-commerce shops selling rare gadgets, such as glass kerosene lamps and waterproof and windproof lanterns, which are antiques from the 1960s and 1970s.

She wanted to buy 5 pieces each, "Is there any kerosene?"

Yes, but it is not easy to sell, the store only has 100l in stock.

Jiang Ning cleared all the lights and asked the store to send wicks. This thing is many times more durable than candles.

Alcohol stove, alcohol block, portable gas stove, thinking that there is electricity in the space, I took a few more induction cookers.

Insecticides, disinfectant water, drinking water purification tablets, toilet water, etc., I bought everything I could think of, and the total cost was 20,000 yuan.

Next door is the fruit wholesale market, with apples, pears, watermelons, kiwis, bananas, cantaloupe, carambola, summer black, grapes, etc. There are a total of 20 kinds of fruits, and the 6,000 yuan is gone.

After coming out of the wholesale market, it was already dark.

The several missed calls were all made by Zhang Chao, who left a message on WeChat saying that the goods were ready.

Jiang Ning drove to the downstairs of his company, and there were more than 20 large cartons of goods, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, iodophor, alcohol gauze, etc., and even tetanus vaccine.

They are all life-saving medicines in natural disasters. Although it cost more than 40,000 yuan, it made the anxious Jiang Ning feel at ease.

Zhang Chao transferred a commission of 2,000 yuan to her, "Your request is too complicated, and many medicines are not available. I will find a colleague to arrange the goods."

"I'll deliver the goods first, and I'll treat you to a big meal in a few days." Jiang Ning, who was sitting in the driver's seat, reminded, "A strong typhoon is coming soon, so you should prepare more oil and food at home."

Zhang Chao didn't worry about it at all. This year alone, there have been more than a dozen typhoons. Which one was not thunder and rain?

Putting the medicine into the space, Jiang Ning went to the food street near the university town, and ordered barbecue beer and fried rice noodles.

The food street is crowded with people, young students and lovers can be seen everywhere, with lively and youthful faces, unaware that natural disasters are coming.

The barbecue needs to wait, Jiang Ning is attracted by the red charcoal fire.

Sure enough, there was chaos in the busy schedule, and I almost forgot the most important thing.

She immediately asked the boss for charcoal, briquettes and the contact information of the seller of the liquefaction tank.

Call one by one, want to deliver tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, they were unlucky, these stores were located in low-lying areas, and the relevant departments ordered them to transfer the goods, so there was no time at all for the past two days.

The three families happened to be in the same area, and Jiang Ning drove over immediately without even caring about the barbecue.

Charcoal is cheap but takes up a lot of space. Jiang Ning looked at the space and only had 500 catties of smoke-free and high-temperature charcoal. He sent a charcoal stove and ignition agent.

A bottle of liquefied petroleum gas can be burned for two months, and 10 bottles are required in case the space will lose power.

Honeycomb briquettes are resistant to burning, but this year there is a shortage of electricity across the country, coupled with trade sanctions with the Kangaroo Country, the price of coal has skyrocketed, a briquette costs 2 yuan, and 2,000 briquettes are charged.

Back at the apartment at almost nine o'clock, Jiang Ning took a short breath and went into the space to sort out the messy supplies.

In order to save space as much as possible, liquefaction bottles, briquettes, and charcoal are all stacked in the kitchen.

Remove the unnecessary outer packaging of all materials, pack all the fluffy materials in compression bags, and stack them layer by layer to the roof.

I can't help but spend money. I spent a total of more than 120,000 yuan during the day, which just filled up the small room and the kitchen, which is estimated to occupy about 50 cubic meters.

Just after finishing packing, she was suddenly kicked and fell out of space.

Jiang Ning, who was kicked in a daze, "..."

She tried to go in again, but was blocked by an invisible barrier.

Damn, the space swallowed up her supplies!

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