Jiang Ning was frightened, and quickly checked with his consciousness.

The space is there, and the materials are also there. She tried to fetch the object with her mind, and there was an extra briquette in her hand.

I scanned the circle with my mind and found that the light and shadow timer was reset to zero.

Jiang Ning suddenly realized that he could only stay in the space for 2 hours.

2 hours...well, better than nothing!

When I got out of the shower, it was already past midnight.

Jiang Ning glanced at the space, and he was a little relieved that the new 2 hours had already arrived.

Lying in bed for a long time unable to fall asleep, I had to look for melatonin to continue my life.

I slept very restlessly, and dreamed that I was being chased by those people, and I was slashing at her heavily with a blood-stained knife...

Jiang Ning was startled awake, covered in cold sweat.

It was five o'clock in the morning, and it was still dark outside. She went into the space to look at the hoarded supplies, which calmed her down.

Did not continue to sleep, took the car keys and went to the largest farmers wholesale market.

The genius is bright, and there is a lot of traffic outside the wholesale market.

Jiang Ning went to the vegetable section to buy fresh products that were still dewy.

Winter melon, pumpkin, lotus root, red and white radish, eggplant, beans, bitter gourd, celery, tomato, etc., all need 100 catties each, and potatoes and sweet potatoes need 200 catties.

Ginger and garlic each cost 100 catties, which can be grown and seasoned. In extremely cold weather, a bowl of ginger soup may bring people back to life.

She bought as she watched, and she wanted everything except green leaves, which cost about 4,000 yuan in total.

It's almost nine o'clock for breakfast, and the flow of people in the wholesale market is much less.

Jiang Ning shopped around to store staple food, 100 bags of 50 catties/bag of rice, 50 bags of 50 catties/bag of flour, 500 catties each of white flour, egg noodles, rice noodles, and sweet potato flour, 200 catties each of soybeans, red beans, mung beans, black beans, peanuts, etc., in large barrels 50 barrels each of soybean oil, peanut oil, and sunflower oil.

It cost less than 30,000 yuan, and I bargained with the proprietress for 3 packs of rice.

These alone are enough for her to eat for 30 years.

While the boss was preparing the goods, he walked to the condiment area next to him.

Soy sauce, vinegar, and white wine each require 10 barrels of 20l/barrel, star anise, fennel, cinnamon, pepper, and pepper each require 30 catties, brown sugar, white sugar, and rock sugar each require 300 catties, and 1 catties of table salt requires 3,000 catties.

Food is very important in the last days, but salt is even more important. Without supplementing salt, the body cannot sustain itself.

In the third year of the last days, she saw with her own eyes that someone exchanged 1 bag of salt for 30 catties of grain.

3,000 catties does not take up space at all, and can be replaced when resources are scarce. If there is no space, I really want to stockpile dozens of tons.

After loading the goods, drive to a secluded and unmonitored corner, put the materials into the space and head to the freezing area.

Steamed buns, flower rolls, bean paste buns, quicksand buns, brown sugar buns, and siu mai each require 10 large boxes. Those with meat were worried about poor ingredients. She ordered 200 catties of quick-frozen dumpling wrappers to kill time when the flood hit.

Then I went to the dry goods area, shiitake mushrooms, antler mushrooms, tea tree mushrooms, fungus, kelp, seaweed, red dates, dried vegetables, melon seeds of various flavors, etc. More than 10,000 yuan was gone.

When I arrived at the meat section, Jiang Ning found a stall delivering goods to the school canteen. The boss was very enthusiastic when he saw her, "What would Xiao Jiang want?"

Before the typhoon came, it was extremely hot, and there was not much meat in the stalls. It was not fresh at this time, but the price was very reasonable.

Streaks, one size fits all, lean meat, pork ribs, beef, mutton, rabbit meat each need 200 catties, chicken and duck each need 100, geese need 50, as well as pig and beef offal such as large intestine and powder sausage.

The boss was shocked, "Xiao Jiang, are you kidding me?"

His wife works in a slaughterhouse, and Jiang Ning often introduces clients to get commissions. "It's good for relatives to have a wedding banquet, and the price is cheap."

"Is there any need to talk about our relationship? If you don't make money from this business, you'll get 30% off!"

Buying meat is very expensive, and pork has only dropped in the past two years, but beef and mutton have not, so it is the most cost-effective to find an acquaintance to get the goods.

It was almost 30,000 yuan. Jiang Ning did not bargain, but made another request-two bone chopping knives and butcher knives.

Self-defense weapons are essential, but she has neither the time nor the means, so she can only cram her feet temporarily.

The boss was frightened, "Why do you want these?"

"Don't worry, I won't kill or set fire anyway."

Thinking of profit and friendship, the boss readily agreed.

Then go to the fish stall to ask for 100 fish, only disembowel them and don't chop them into pieces, and come back after killing them.

3,000 eggs, 1,000 duck eggs, thinking that the natural disaster may end one day, and also ordered 2 plates of chicken, duck, goose, and quail eggs, all fertilized eggs, and bought a small household egg incubator.

Thinking of the garden of space, Jiang Ning went to the seed shop to ask for vegetable seeds, all of which have a short growth cycle, dozens of kinds such as lettuce, rapeseed, water spinach, and chicken feathers.

Seeds are very cheap, and it costs 500 yuan to last for decades.

There is only 10 square meters of black soil, but the two balconies can be used. Jiang Ning's vegetable growing DNA was awakened, and he bought planting pots, hoes, shovels and cultivation soil.

With expectations for the future, she ran to the fruit tree seedling area. There are dozens of types of apple trees, grapes, raisins, oranges, and mandarins. Each type needs 3 plants, all of which are old seedlings.

Meat is a consumable. As natural disasters continue, not to mention ordinary people wanting to eat fresh meat, even the bosses have no resources.

Jiang Ning bought a pair of breeding rabbits. The rabbits can be fed with green vegetables, and they breed quickly, which can definitely meet her meat needs.

Jiang Ning likes to eat stewed meat and cold salad, 200 catties of frozen chicken and duck feet, 100 catties each of duck intestines, duck kidney and chicken heart.

Spending money is like running water, and my heart aches very badly, but I can think of the materials that are constantly piling up in the space, and I have an indescribable satisfaction and confidence.

The whole day is spent in the farmers' wholesale market, and the street is brightly lit and bustling with bustle and bustle, and the most exciting life of the day begins.

Jiang Ning walked to the restaurant, braised pork ribs in brown sauce, steamed meatballs, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, rubbed them hard, and did not forget to take away the leftovers.

It was still early when I got home, so I tidied up the space and filled up the big room. I put vegetables and fruit tree seedlings in the living room, and raised rabbits on the balcony.

Jiang Ning left the dim sum machine and exited the room with 10 minutes left on the timer.

As soon as she got out of the space, the two breeding rabbits were kicked out, and they almost fell to the ground without falling to death.

Jiang Ning, "..."

Depression first, then ecstasy.

It seems that the space not only has a time limit, as long as she is not in it, other living things cannot stay in it either.

This means that others cannot take it away.

I was in a good mood. I sat down to check for gaps and make up for omissions. I bought everything I could think of, and my account balance was about 20,000 yuan.

The only space left is the living room and the toilet. If she wants to survive the extreme natural disaster, she still needs to prepare a lot. She doesn't plan to continue hoarding supplies that take up a lot of space.

Open the takeaway app, those restaurants with excellent word of mouth, those who wanted to eat but were reluctant to eat before, there are more than 20 dishes such as braised prawns, Hakka salted chicken, stuffed tofu, Dongpo pork, etc., each of which requires 10 servings.

Youtiao, Xiaolongbao, fried dumplings, finger cakes, beef patties, pan-fried buns, skewers, lo mei, roast meat, milk tea, etc. Dozens of them.

It cost more than 10,000 yuan. In order to ensure the fresh taste, all the choices were picked up at the store at the appointed time.

Although very tired, I still want to see the last prosperity of the city...

In the afternoon, I received a notice that in order to cope with the coming strong typhoon, the school will be temporarily closed for 3 days, and the specific resumption time will be notified later.

The students cheered and invited friends to come out for nightlife and celebrate before the arrival of the typhoon.

The southern coast experiences more than a dozen typhoons every year, and every time I look forward to suspending classes and holidays, this time my dream finally came true.

The same is true for Jiang Ning, but they don't know that this time it's for real, and they will never have to go to class in the future.

Eating barbecue and drinking beer, she continued to pick up goods everywhere in a complicated mood.

After returning, Jiang Ning always felt that it was very important to miss it, but he couldn't remember it for a while, what exactly was it?

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