Natural Disasters At The Beginning, I Won By Hoarding Tens Of Billions Of Supplies

Chapter 70 Excuse Me, The Villain On The 18Th Floor Is Still Alive

It was He Zhian's voice again, accompanied by several men.

Jiang Ning ignored him.

He Zhian continued to knock on the door while muttering to the person next to him.

"Building Chief, there seems to be no movement on the 18th floor. Maybe something happened last night?"

The speaker's voice was hoarse, and it was obvious that he had a cold.

It's a joy when something happens.

He Zhian slandered in his heart, but said in a dignified manner: "Don't talk nonsense, Xiao Jiang and the others are young and in good health, so how could something happen. If something happens, we have to take care of it."

"Building Chief, you are just too kind. Didn't you see how the 18th floor treated us?"

"You can't say that, we live in the same building, we should take care of each other."

"Hey, there seems to be some movement, and it's not dead yet!"

There was disappointment in his tone, thinking that if the entire army on the 18th floor was wiped out, the countless supplies would belong to them.

"I'm sorry to disappoint Mr. He." Jiang Ning said coldly, "Not only did we not die, but we all lived very well."

The sudden sound made everyone look at each other in blank dismay. After knocking for a long time, there was no movement, but they didn't expect a sudden sound.

Now, it's a bit embarrassing.

He Zhian reacted quickly, "Look at what Xiao Jiang said, we just care about it, as long as you are okay."

"Don't worry, I must live longer than you."

I couldn't talk today, He Zhian was angry, but his face was still smiling, "It's fine, if you have any difficulties, remember to tell me anytime."

A few people left unwillingly.

In the last days, there are many people like He Zhi'an, and they wish they could kill others with three sticks of incense sooner or later, so as to collect the living supplies.

It was just a clown, and neither of them paid much attention to it.

After training the dog, put on the constant temperature clothes first.

She adopted Huo Yishen's words and reduced the cashmere sweater, but the dog's mink coat is still needed, and the weather transition will take time.

"What about you?" Huo Yishen asked, "Are you going to practice sparring today?"

"Yes." Even the dog can insist, she has no reason to be lazy, and the extreme cold has to be rolled up.

The non-slip mat was frozen stiff, Huo Yishen specially spread a layer of cloth.

There is a charcoal stove in the living room, but compared with Jiang Ning's, it is only a low-end card, and it is still relatively cold.

Jiang Ning took off his coat and practiced against Huo Yishen.

After half an hour, I started to sweat.

The temperature-controlled socks were worn on the inside, very silky, Jiang Ning stepped back in a collision, but the socks inside slipped off, and the whole person fell backwards...

Huo Yi had deep eyes and quick hands, and flew towards him.

The body fell on the non-slip blanket, and was hit by Huo Yishen again, hitting his face with his mouth.

With a muffled snort, I felt the air in my lungs being squeezed, and I felt my teeth loose without saying anything.

Such a big man, just like this, is on top of her.

Huo Yishen got up quickly and pulled her to sit up, "Are you okay?"

Only then did Jiang Ning realize that he was holding the back of her head with his hands.

"It's okay, my feet are sweaty and slippery."

"Wang!" Cole in Doudou's room heard the movement, rushed out, bit Huo Yishen's clothes and pulled back.

let her go!

Jiang Ning quickly stopped, "Coke!"

No matter who told him to bully the shovel!

Jiang Ning hurriedly hugged the indiscriminate dog away, "He didn't bully me, but saved me."

Lie to the dog, Coke doesn't believe it.

The dog turned his face ruthlessly, Huo Yi was deeply puzzled, "Does it have something against me?"

"No." Jiang Ning quickly explained, "Coke doesn't feel safe, and besides, dogs are protecting their owners."

Afraid of a fight, he hurriedly hugged the dog and left.

When he got home, instead of admitting his mistake, he hummed angrily, as if he was accusing her of favoritism.

"How could it be?" Jiang Ning coaxed the irritable dog with jerky, "I care about you the most. It's really training with the trainer, because I also want to become stronger so that I can protect you."

Hmph, cheating on the dog!

Coke turned her head proudly.

Jiang Ning took off the thermostat socks to prove his innocence, "Why don't you try them on, they are really slippery."

After speaking, throw it in the face.

Coke with a dog's mouth twitching, "..."

It's not a human, but it's a real dog that shovels shit!

Fortunately it doesn't stink.

Coke jumped up and scratched her.

Jiang Ning hugged it and patted the dog's head, "Coke, you have to be a sensible dog and apologize to the trainer tomorrow, okay? If it wasn't for him just now, my head would be smashed, and you will never have a shit-shoveling officer again." .

You can't even eat the chicken, duck and fish meat stored in the space, and you have to continue wandering. "

Apologize? nonexistent!

Gouzi refused, his face full of innocence, and his paws rested on her shoulders, "Woo... woo..."

No, this is its home, don't wander!

Well, teaching the dog to admit mistakes and apologize is also one of the tasks of the trainer.

Not wanting to destroy the harmonious relationship, Jiang Ning resolutely dumped the blame and left the difficult task to Huo Yishen.

This is an exchange task. A qualified trainer, in addition to training the dog's physique, also cannot ignore the spiritual level.

After dark, it feels noticeably colder.

Jiang Ning went to the balcony to measure it, and it was -21 degrees.

The terrible weather, how many people are doomed to sleepless tonight, or can no longer open their eyes.

Pulling the curtains of the living room, turning on the solar lights, Jiang Ning took out dinner from the space.

Don't look at the three heaters turned on, but the hands and feet are still cold, and the food cools down very quickly, and it will be icy cold after a while.

The mutton warms the body, Jiang Ning took out a mutton casserole, shared it with Coke and ate it quickly.

Then I took out two portions of offal powder and soaked two handfuls of dog food for Gouzi, "Eat, eat quickly."

The love dinner given by the shit shovel officer, the Coke is delicious, but it is a bit hot to the mouth.

Never mind, cooking!

After eating offal powder, the body is warm.

Jiang Ning went to another room to watch Big Gray and Little White. The two guys were very energetic, but the situation of the bastard was not good.

There was not much hair at birth, and the one that was not loved by the father and mother died again.

Rabbits are extremely cold-resistant, and special breeds can survive in the Arctic, but this is the south after all, but they seem to be adapting quickly.

The newborn cub wanted to drink milk, so Jiang Ning took off the mink fur and thermostat clothes from Xiaobai's body.

She noticed that the two were much calmer today than they were shivering yesterday.

Come to think of it, animals adapt to natural disasters faster than humans.

After Xiaobai finished feeding, Jiang Ning continued to observe and found that it did not show any signs of chills or shivering. It seemed that the rabbit fur really kept warm.

Well, the clothes are for nothing.

Take out the timothy grass from the space and let the two have a full meal.

Enter the space to take a hot bath, that is called comfort.

There is no way, taking a bath has been engraved in Jiang Ning's DNA, no matter how cold it is, he must take a bath, otherwise he will feel weak.

If it is in summer, it is hot and humid, and it is somewhat exaggerated to wash three times a day.

There is no way, this is a city where people sweat even when going to the toilet, but now it has become a frozen place where people freeze to death.

Coming out of the space, Xiaobai still didn't feel any discomfort, and was breastfeeding the bastards.

Jiang Ning decisively stripped off Dahui's clothes.

Leave the heater on and wait for them to adapt for a while.

Going to bed in cold weather, Jiang Ning records the latest length of space habitability.

For nearly four months, time has been saved, and a total of 145 hours have been accumulated.

In other words, she can live in the space for 6 days.

It's not easy, I almost wet my eyes.

Dangers are everywhere, so I have to keep saving with all my strength, hoping to live with Coke in space for the rest of my life.

quack quack!

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