I slept a lot during the day, and I was extra energetic at night, so I continued to take stock of the space.

The peppers, eggplants and cucumbers in the garden have been picked, and the old tree raisin vines bear quite large fruits, which are starting to turn from green to dark red. It is estimated that they will be picked in more than a month.

In the first year, a total of ten strings were knotted, and it is estimated that they can pick forty to fifty catties when they are mature.

On a whim, and didn't want to waste time in the space, I tried to pick one with my consciousness.

I didn't hold out hope, after all, I have never successfully taken something planted in the soil, and I didn't expect a red grape to appear in my hand.

Surprised, surprise welled up in my heart, and I hurriedly tried to pull the vegetables.

Not to mention, I really pulled out a few.

But the consciousness is exhausted and I feel dizzy.

She can pick the plants in the garden with her consciousness, can she plow the ground and farm?

After the dizziness is over, use your consciousness to control the hoe to plow the ground.

It felt like my mind was heavy, but it was really successful, but it only lasted a dozen times.

Strange, she obviously tried it before, but nothing happened.

Is it because of my persistence in exercising to strengthen my body that I can succeed now?

Jiang Ning, who discovered the New World, was overjoyed, and his spiritual awareness can also be exercised, which can save time and make full use of the black soil garden.

Plant corn, peanuts, sweet potatoes, potatoes, soybeans, mung beans, and plant everything that can be grown.

So, Jiang Ning practiced repeatedly, until late at night, he matured and turned 5 square meters of ground, and he was so tired that he collapsed and fell on the bed.

Coke noticed something strange, and moved his head to smell left and right.

"Woo, woo..."

Uneasy, what happened to the shit shovel?

Jiang Ning shared the joy with Gouzi, "Coke, our rations can be increased again, are you happy, are you happy?"

"Wow!" Happy, happy, circling in circles!

The next day I stayed in bed again, continued digging the ground with my consciousness, and only got up to eat breakfast when I was extremely tired.

Pushing open the curtains, I was shocked to find that it was snowing outside.

It is snowing along the southern coast, a spectacle that can only be seen by natural disasters.

The snow is not very big, falling like debris, it is difficult to distinguish without looking carefully.

Jiang Ning frowned. It was extremely cold in his previous life, but now it snows?

Sure enough, it is different!

The extreme cold is enough to kill people, is there still a snow disaster?

The water was flooded to the sixth floor, and if a snow disaster was really going to happen, how many more floors would have to be built up. Is it really necessary to bury the city alive?

Think carefully.

Just after breakfast, there was a knock on the door.

In 1803, a meeting was called, which was related to the livelihood of the people with water.

I didn't recover yesterday, and stayed in the house all day to keep warm.

It's colder today, but I can already breathe a little.

Zhang Chao and Lu Yu were wrapped into a ball, their hands and feet were still shaking, "The water tower is frozen, what should we do with the water?"

There is water in Jiang Ning's space, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

But instead of saying it, she had to put on a sad face, "Yes, what should I do?"

Zhang Chao wanted to scratch his itch, "I didn't take a shower yesterday, and I feel uncomfortable all over."

There is no way, the habit problems that have been developed since childhood cannot be changed in a day or two. If you don't wash for a day, you will always feel that you are not clean.

Jiang Ning quickly followed, "Me too, my scalp is itchy."

Even her life encyclopedia couldn't think of a way out, so everyone's eyes subconsciously fell on Huo Yishen.

The beloved Huo Yishen, "..."

Doudou tugged on his sleeve, "big brother, I want to take a shower too."

Huo Yi, who pinned his hopes on the 18th floor, took a deep breath, "It seems to be snowing just now."

Although the snow is not big, it can still be used if it accumulates more.

Jiang Ning continued to follow, "You mean, let's go to the rooftop to fetch snow?"

"Yeah, why didn't we think of it?"

So, everyone hurried to the rooftop.

As soon as the door was opened, cold air was poured into the lungs, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

Jiang Ning wrapped his face in a scarf and stepped out.

The weather is too cold, the falling snow turns into ice, and the snow boots suddenly slip...

Seeing that the excrement shovel was about to fall, Coke rushed forward with lightning speed, trying to catch her with his body as a pad.

Unexpectedly, someone was faster than it, and it stretched out its long hand to firmly support her waist.

Coke exploded in an instant, and stared at it with fierce dog eyes.

Gan, it's none of his business!

It was just a little slippery, and with Jiang Ning's reaction, it could be stabilized, but...

Unexpectedly, Gouzi jumped over suddenly and bumped into Lu Yu.

Caught off guard, Lu Yu slipped and fell hard.

Although he was wrapped up like a bear, he felt wronged—wife, someone bullied me!

What can Zheng Weili do?

Coke is a master of survival skills, and Huo Yishen is a master of force value, how can she settle accounts with them?

What happened when the big man fell? Hold on!

Not only Lu Yu was innocent, but Zhang Chao was also innocent.

He walked half a step ahead of Huo Yishen, but he was pushed away suddenly, and his body hit the door frame...

Uh, thank you, as long as Ah Ning is fine.

Jiang Ning's fall, everyone has their own feelings in their hearts, even Zheng Weili, who has always been strong, suddenly felt sour.

Look at Ah Ning's man, and then look at his own. Except for that face that makes people obsessed, everything else is really... hard to describe.

Huo Yishen held Jiang Ning's hand in a gentleman's hand, and immediately retracted it after stabilizing Jiang Ning's body, "Be careful."

Jiang Ning didn't think too much, "Thank you."

"Wow!" Gouzi was depressed, gouging out the snow with his paws, protesting anxiously.

"Coke, you go back."

Thinking it was cold, Jiang Ning was very concerned, but there was no mask worn by a dog to filter the cold air.

It is fierce to shovel shit, and the dogs run all over the roof to protest.

Zhang Chao protested, "Don't run around with Coke, these ice and snow have to be collected for water, we don't want to drink water that smells like your feet."

Gouzi listened and accelerated to run.

Hmph, drink my footwashing water!

Horse dogs are the most prone to hyperactivity, and when they become crazy, they can't be held by iron chains. It took Jiang Ning a lot of effort to blast it off the roof.

The roof is very large, and the snow crumbs have been frozen in a thin layer overnight, which can be collected by smashing them with a shovel.

It had been raining for several months, and Lu Yu and Zhang Chao moved a few sheets of color steel sandwich boards to pave the floor, fearing that the bacteria on the roof floor would be bad for the health.

I found this in an unfinished construction site before. I thought about dragging it back to block the water on the balcony, but there were still a few pieces left that I didn't expect to come in handy.

The family is divided into two pieces, which should be enough to collect ice and snow every day, and the ice on the wall of the water tower can also be knocked off.

Several people were very happy to successfully solve the water problem. Sure enough, it is beneficial to be in a group, and gather the wisdom of each family.

After closing the door of the roof, I went downstairs with cold hands and feet, and there was a bang, bang, prying sound from downstairs.

Zheng Weili thought that someone was calling on the 18th floor again, and she lost her temper for a moment.

Seeing Coke standing calmly at the stairs and listening to the voice, he knew it was a misunderstanding.

What are these bastards doing?

The last time I went to the rooftop, my ears were almost frozen, and I felt buzzing.

It took a while for my hearing to return to normal.

Everyone stood at the stairs and listened, the posture seemed to be quite big, mixed with the noise.

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