"There's nothing at home, just be careful."

Jiang Ning hesitated for a moment and agreed. He has food in hand, so he is safe.

It's better to go out and do it than to play her mind.

1801 glanced at the living room, "Thank you for helping me take care of Doudou."

"It should be, you also helped me yesterday."

Jiang Ning has a vigilant personality, and puts away the stock early. The kitchen only has low-key winter melons, pumpkins and Chinese cabbage.

Huo Yi nodded deeply, and then left.

The food plan was delayed, Jiang Ning turned on the light in the bathroom, took out the unwashed fat intestines from the space and continued to struggle, but suddenly the power went out halfway through.

After closing the door, she stepped into the space.

The electricity in the space didn't stop, and besides the ecstasy, he had more confidence in the dark end of the world.

People's hearts are unpredictable, even in the face of children, Jiang Ning is extra vigilant, and boiled cabbage noodles at night.

She couldn't eat eggs because of a cold, so she added a piece of ham sausage, but Doudou ate it with great relish.

Now that we are familiar, Doudou is not so timid, "My sister cooked delicious food, but my big brother ruined the rice."

1801 was only in her early 20s, and it was normal for her not to know how to cook. Seeing that she had a good appetite, Jiang Ning added half a bowl to her.

Before six o'clock, it was completely dark.

The terrain of Jinrong Community is relatively high, but the accumulated water still flooded to the gate of the community.

The group was still lively, but there was obviously less food to share. The raging typhoon and power outage finally made them feel scared and nervous.

Jiang Ning raised the price to 30 yuan, but still no one said anything.

One is the neighbors, and if they see money openly, they will be embarrassed to meet in the future; the other is that they are also afraid, and they are prepared against this kind of ghost weather.

The electricity was cut off, and the whole city was plunged into darkness. The bright lights of the past could no longer be seen, and invisible anxiety followed.

Jiang Ning drew the curtains and turned on the solar lights.

Doudou was frightened and subconsciously grabbed the corner of her clothes.

I don't want to bring children, so I can only continue to play cartoons on the tablet.

Around eight o'clock in the evening, 1801 came back.

Wearing dry casual clothes, with a bag in hand, "Jiang Ning, thank you for taking care of Doudou."

Things are quite heavy, a bag of potatoes, two cabbages, 2 catties of noodles, a box of cold medicine, alcohol stove and solid alcohol tablets.

Huo Yishen reminded, "If there is a power outage, the water may also be cut off. You'd better stock up."

Jiang Ning thanked him, declined a few words and accepted the things.

When he left with Doudou in his arms, he immediately closed the doors and windows and turned on the gas stove. Braised fatty intestines, braised fatty intestines, fried fatty intestines with hot and sour sauce...

Sweet and sour pork ribs, pork ribs corn soup, flame drunk goose, stir-fried beef with green peppers.

I was busy until late at night and early in the morning. When I came out to throw away kitchen waste, I found water stains on the floor of the aisle.

The water-stained shoe prints disappeared at the gate of 1801...

Go out during the day and go out at night?

Three stainless steel gates, regardless of the danger, stock up day and night, not only to remind her to stock up on water, but also to give her well-known things.

Back in the room, Jiang Ning fell into deep thought, this 1801 is not simple.


It was raining and cool, and I slept very comfortably.

It was always dark outside, Jiang Ning continued to sleep with his head buried.

When I got tired of sleeping, it was past ten in the morning when I turned on my phone.

She walked to the balcony, and the outside was dusty everywhere, and it was hard to tell where the sky and water were connected.

There was a faint noise at the bottom of the building. Jiang Ning looked down and found that the water had already entered the community, and the residents on the first floor had just been flooded.

There was a power outage yesterday, so the group was much quieter, but someone still posted pictures, and the water had already reached the ankles of a group of residents.

The call to the police could not be reached, and it was useless to get through, and the duty station had been flooded.

The residents were cursing and moving upstairs in a hurry.

This side is next to the university town, very few houses are vacant, and those who don't live will be rented out.

Some savvy people have already asked in the group, who can take him in for a while?

Usually, it is good to say that neighbors can help each other, but now not only is the power cut off, but even the gas is cut off in the morning.

If rescue cannot come in, who dares to take in others at will?

Asking God is easy and sending God off is difficult, what if you come in and don’t leave? Housing is a problem, how to solve the problem of food.

Most afraid of helping others to revenge, the group is silent.

The residents on the first floor are depressed, so they can't block the corridor, right?

The rainstorm and typhoon keep coming, how can we live in the wet corridor? Adults can make do with it, but how can children!

Many people were not reconciled, so they searched layer by layer, knocking on doors one by one and asking.

If it doesn't work, it's okay to pay for a hotel.

Residents are either silent, or the house is full of people, there is really no way.

The door was knocked again, and Jiang Ning was surprised at the speed on the first floor, who knew it was 1801.

He also just woke up, with a slightly tired expression on his face, "I changed the door in my house, is it okay to install the old one on the stairs?"

Jiang Ning couldn't ask for more, and he was quick to help.

The two worked together to install the old door on the stairway to the 18th floor.

Said to help, let 1801 do all the work, Jiang Ning just helped, and got a key.

When the residents on the first floor came up, they saw that the face of the door at the entrance of the stairs was green, and they turned around and walked down cursing.

Jiang Ning was upstairs listening to the movement, which was very good and saved a lot of trouble and danger.

This door has saved a lot of trouble for the time being, but it may not be necessary in the future, and her door will also be installed at that time.

Others are not stupid. If you install two doors at once, you will know with your toes that there is food on the 18th floor.

Once they swarm up, no amount of doors will stop them.

It's not too late to take it out until it's extremely cold.


The natural gas was cut off, so Jiang Ning dragged out the gas bottle from the space, fiddled with it for a while, installed the stove, closed the doors and windows and continued to fry and fry.

Even if there is a smell that spills out, it will be washed away by the rain.

But people are very uncomfortable, the kitchen is wet and greasy like a sauna, Jiang Ning is soaked and smells all over his body.

But if you don't do it now, you won't dare to fire in the future.

After eating spicy hot pot, I sweated all over my body, and it was so spicy that I felt refreshed all over.

The water level continued to rise, and it was already half a calf deep.

To avoid anxiety, Jiang Ning turned off his mobile phone, took a comfortable nap, and then went into the space to open up wasteland.

Seeing the pitiful number on the timer, Yu rolled up his sleeves and went to work.

Time is life, the hoe made the tiger look like a tiger, and the two white and tender hands quickly blistered.

10 square meters does not look big, but it is very tiring to turn it over.

Turn it over and smooth it out, divide the ning ning into four grids, and sow different vegetable seeds, don't forget to sprinkle a few eggplant seeds, green peppers, cucumbers, etc., and plant them in the corners when you wait.

There is only so much land, and it should be used rationally and not wasted.

The time in the space is synchronized with the outside, but it seems that it does not distinguish between seasons. After thinking about it, she planted a mandarin orange and an old raisin seedling in the corner.

Hurry up and hurry up, it still took 2 hours, and I felt so distressed that I cut my flesh.

When I got out of the space, I realized that the water stopped, and the Internet was intermittent. It felt like the whole world was about to shut down...

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