The water in the space didn't stop, Jiang Ning filled it up and continued to fill it up.

The three households on the first floor occupied the aisles on the second, third, and fourth floors respectively, which made the residents on the original floor panic, but they didn't say anything because they thought it was not easy for everyone.

But soon some people couldn't help it, garbage was thrown everywhere, knocking on the door from time to time to ask to enter the house to use the toilet.

No need to flush the toilet when the water is cut off, residents can only find a way to get water from the balcony, and they are not willing to let outsiders in. Residents on the first floor who are in trouble will solve it in the corridor, and continue to move up if they get stinky.

There is a tendency for them to have a hard time and not to let others have a good time.

There were many conflicts for a while, and the noise came from the stairs from time to time.

The group is also fighting fiercely, full of resentment and violence everywhere, and there is no atmosphere of harmony before the typhoon.

Jiang Ning's phone kept ringing, and Yang Weicong, who never gave up, kept applying for friends, sending text messages when his phone was blocked, and even Su Mengyao came to join in the fun.

The latest news, 【A-Ning, listen to my explanation, Mengyao and I are just ordinary friends. 】

It is estimated that there is not much food stored on the 12th floor, which made Yang Weicong so persistent.

It seems that he is certain that he has food, if the stairs hadn't been equipped with doors, he would have rushed up a long time ago.

Jiang Ning looked through the group news, and sure enough, he saw the girl on the 12th floor asking for help, either in exchange for something or money.

The water, electricity and electricity were all shut down, and there was no news of rescue. After finally getting through the phone, I was told to wait in the building and not to go out, and then I never got through.

The meteorological department predicts that the typhoon will pass through the country in four to five days, and it is now the fifth day. Instead of stopping, it is blowing harder and harder.

A few more households with broken glass were added to the community, the house was in a mess, and the old man fell to the ground and suffered a heart attack.

Besieged by the flood, the emergency calls could not be reached. The panicked family members cried and asked for medicine in the group, "Is there any medicine for heart disease? My family has run out of it. Suxiao Jiuxin Pill is also available. Help! Help my dad!!"

The voice was desperate, hysterical and helpless.

Jiang Ning has Suxiao Jiuxin Pills in stock, but the patient is in Building 15, hundreds of meters away from her unit building, and the news was posted an hour ago.

Standing on the balcony, I vaguely saw something floating and sinking in the water.

Looking through the binoculars, it turned out to be a corpse.

The group said it belonged to the 3rd building. After being hungry for 2 days, he wanted to venture out to find food. Unexpectedly, he was unlucky and was struck by a tree before swimming out of the community. He was electrocuted to death when he happened to be in the water.

Did you have it in your previous life?

Jiang Ning didn't know. At that time, her mobile phone was out of battery, and she was so hungry that she used rainwater to satisfy her hunger.

Looking at the strange world outside, my heart was very blocked, but when I turned around, I saw green shoots emerging from the planting pot.

The sown seeds broke through the ground, with yellowish and greenish fangs.

The new life unexpectedly healed Jiang Ning's mood. He squatted down and licked the breeding rabbits in the cage to eat feed, and found that the female rabbits seemed to be fat.

Stretch out your hand and feel your stomach is hard and swollen.


I should have been pregnant when I bought it, but I didn't see it at the time.

The gestation period of the meat rabbit is 30 days. Judging from its belly, it may be almost ready to give birth after the typhoon is over.

Jiang Ning was so happy that he couldn't help but reward them with two carrots.

Spicy hot pot at noon, drinking pineapple beer to catch up with dramas, not hearing anything outside the window, and feeling indescribably relaxed physically and mentally.

Just about to take a nap after washing the dishes, Doudou knocked on the door—three long and one short.

After recovering from the cold, the little guy has a lot of energy, and the small scratches on the top of his head are crooked. At first glance, he looks like a masterpiece of 1801.

She handed over the glowing red apple, and she smiled innocently, "Sister, here you are."

"Thank you." Jiang Ning didn't want it, and followed the instructions: "Doudou, keep the good things for yourself, and don't be discovered by others when you eat, or they will be snatched away."

Such an ignorant child will make the eyes of animals green in the last few years.

"I don't give it to others, but to my sister." Doudou was no longer afraid of strangers, and held up the apple stubbornly. "There are many at home."

Jiang Ning, "..."

It's so windy, I don't know how to raise 1801.

"Don't tell others." Doudou covered her mouth and promised, "Only tell my sister."

Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, Jiang Ning had no choice but to accept it, and returned her two toffees.

Wechat rang, and it was from Zheng Weili, [Ah Ning, more than half of the first floor is flooded. If it floods to the second floor, can I borrow a room with Lu Yu? 】

Zheng Weili is a big girl, the champion of the National College Student Sanda Championship, and Lu Yu's live-in girlfriend.

Lu Yu, Zhang Chao, and Jiang Ning are all orphans and grew up in a group.

Lu Yu was sick and Zhang Chao was weak, so they still organized a group to bully her, and they were honest after being beaten severely.

Zhang Chao lacks love, so he only looks for his sister to talk about love.

Lu Yu has no sense of security. Boys and girls are like porcelain dolls. They have been chased by girls since they were young. Zheng Weili, who fell in love with girls' male faces, fell in love at first sight and stretched out her fingers to flirt.

Zheng Weili was very fond of him, holding him like a baby, afraid of melting in her mouth.

The four get together occasionally, and the relationship is not bad.

In my previous life, my phone was out of battery. In this life, I insisted on turning on the internet, just waiting for Zheng Weili.

[Sister Wei Li, the landlord’s things occupy a room, I really can’t move here, but 1803 is empty, you and Lu Yu can move here, but you have to be fast, if the second floor is really going to flood, I’m afraid will be snatched away by others. 】

After waiting for a long time, there was a reply to the message, [Okay, help me pay attention. 】

Typhoon + heavy rain, and thunder and lightning from time to time, you will only take risks when you are desperate.

Zheng Weili just asked in advance. She is naturally positive and optimistic, and now she has only flooded half a floor, and may not be able to flood the second floor.

In fact, not only the second floor was flooded, but Jiang Ning couldn't disclose this, since the house was vacant anyway.

When it was time for dinner, 1801 came to look for Doudou.

Who knows that Doudou is unwilling to leave, "No, I have diarrhea after eating the food made by big brother."

Huo Yishen looked embarrassed, "I made it according to the recipe today."

"The big brother said the same thing yesterday." Doudou was frightened by the poison, "Sister's cooking is delicious."

Now even Jiang Ning was embarrassed, "I have white boiled noodles, what's delicious?"

Huo Yishen was not used to her, "Doudou."

His facial features are cold and handsome, his whole body exudes a coldness and alienation that is not easy to get close to, and when his face sinks down, he has a more murderous air.

Doudou froze instantly, lowered her head and obediently followed her away.

Walking to the door, Huo Yishen turned around and said, "Jiang Ning, there is no property to clean up the garbage in the corridor, why don't you discuss it?"

The garbage was confiscated in a few days, and it still stinks even after closing the lid. Jiang Ning wanted to find a chance to dispose of it, but 1801 picked it up first.

There is no need to discuss the public environment, and the two quickly reached an agreement to dispose of the garbage first, and then each family will dispose of the garbage by itself, and can no longer put it in the corridor.

The property was shut down, and residents on other floors threw it down. Of course Jiang Ning had no objection, pinching his nose and throwing bags of garbage down.

Zheng Weili may move here, and Jiang Ning and 1801 have mentioned it together.

1801 has no comment, but there are only 2 keys.

This is not a problem, the key is that Zheng Weili can fight, and has rescued her many times in the last days, and once even gave her 2 catties of noodles.

In such a harsh environment, she can give away life-saving food, and her character can still stand the test.

It's a pity that I never saw him again, and no one knows whether he is dead or alive.

Even if there is no shortage of food, if you want to survive the evil apocalypse, fighting alone is simply wishful thinking.

Especially those girls who live alone and look weak will be missed by those who are out of ammunition and food in the first place.

No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to defend against.

She doesn't mind finding a partner if given the chance.

Zheng Weili is the person she wants to find and return, but at the same time she will remain vigilant.

When I got home, I took a shower and changed clothes. I made a lot of heavy-flavored food these days, all of which can be eaten for four to five months. In the next few days, I can make light-flavored ones, such as dumpling noodles, eight-treasure porridge and mung bean paste, etc., and then I will Turn off the fire completely.

The typhoon continued, and the difference in the torrential rain was smaller, but the water level continued to rise...

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