As soon as the words fell, I saw Yamaji's figure flash, and he actually disappeared from the place! ! !

Quinn in stealth suddenly widened his eyes and his eyeballs bulged out!!


Quinn and Sanji in front of the video also burst out their eyes at the same time, shocked!!

[Quinn: Hey?!! 】

[Sanji: Hey?!! 】

【Quinn: Grass?!! Aren't you little imps not wearing combat uniforms?! Why did it suddenly disappear?!! 】

【Yamaji: Kusanagi?!! In the future, I actually mastered the ability to stealth?!! 】

[Quinn: Hey?! Is this something that normal humans can achieve without the help of any technology?!! What the hell are you?!! 】

[Vince Mokgarge: Yamaji!! Could it be you, could it be you..."

Kaji suddenly got up and looked at Yamaji in the video in shock!!

Others can't see it, as the leader of the Jerma family, how can he not see it!!

Fang Cai's Yamaji, his body has broken through the limits of normal humans!! And that is an extremely strong physical fitness that only reformers will have!!

Then I think of Yamaji's tricks that I have always wondered about... Flames can burn on your feet!!

How could a normal human let his body burn with flames?!! Unless, unless...

Vince Mockgarge's eyes darkened.

At that time, because Yamaji had weak feelings and not indestructible body, he judged him to be a complete failure, and gave up this son.

Could it be that he is not a failure at all... Is it the unprecedented perfect transformation of the Djerma family?!!

Vince Mockgarge's breathing suddenly became rapid, and his eyes continued to tremble!!

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly..."

He can't wait to slap himself hard!!

What did he do in his 190s back then!!

Yamaji, who has not been trained by the Djerma family system, can come to this height step by step by himself, if he had realized the value of Yamaji earlier and used the strength of the whole family to cultivate this child, Djerma would definitely regain its glory! ! !

Why did the Jerma clan have to bend and try to seek the protection of the four emperors?!!

But all this was destroyed by his own hands!!

Sanji doesn't plan to recognize the Jerma family at all now?!!


The camera turns!

"Demon God Wind Feet!!"

In the video, Yamaji's feet burned with flames, almost burning his entire body!!

The power that erupted at that moment made everyone in front of the camera secretly frightened!!

And Vince Mokgarge suddenly buzzed in his brain at the moment he saw it, and he shouted out in a lost voice!

"Perfect, perfect!! Sure enough, it was the same as I guessed... This kid, he turned out to be the most perfect reformed person!! "

【Quinn: Grass?!! What's going on here?! This guy didn't have such power just now, right?!! Could it be that Nima's is also a live evolution?!! 】

[Golden Lion Shiki: Good guy! Is this kid really human?! What this fire didn't know was that it was nature's ability to burn fruits!! Moreover, this deterrent power, the application of this armed color domineering is basically to the extreme, right?!! The power of this move is not much worse than the previous swordsman's move, right?! Hiss...... Shouldn't the little ghosts of the Straw Hat Kid Pirates be at this level?!! 】

[Rocks D Gibeck: Good!!] This trick is beautiful!! Boy, you're a cook, right?! Would you like to come to my ship!! Whatever you want (bifi), I can give you !! What did that straw hat kid promise you? I'll give you ten times!! Beauty, status and wealth!! 】

[Yamaji: Hey?! Belle?!! 】

【Nami: Yamaji!! 】

[Yamaji: No, no, no! ] I refuse!! How could I be that kind of person!! Don't fool me! I am the exclusive chef of Nami-chan and Robin-chan!! That's right! Soon the world's number one beauty Han Cook will also come to our ship!! I, how could I be so happy?!! Damn it!! I won't accept any demagogy!! I absolutely, definitely won't go!! 】

[Roronoa Solon: ... Chef, what an idiot. 】

[Monchi D Luffy: Hey!!] What's going on with you?! Why do you always want to rob my crew!! Watch out for me beating you up!! 】

[Rocks D. Gibeck: Huh... Failed again, what kind of soul soup did that stupid straw hat imp pour into you, it's really boring! 】

The wind foot wrapped in endless power, whistling towards Quinn below!!

"First meat!!"

"Shoulder blades!!"


"Shoulder meat!!"

"Tail meat!!"

"Thigh meat!!"

"Calf meat!!"

Sanji's eyes rose with anger and roaring anger!!

The flames of the explosion burst into flames!!

"Beef burst!!"



The roar was wrapped in a huge bang, and Quinn didn't even have time to resist, so that his facial features were bloodied, he lost consciousness, and flew out with a bang!!

Yamaji's figure appeared below, and he lit a cigarette with a faint expression.



The barrage army roared by!!

Ahhhh (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Bloodline Awakening!! The position of the imperial deputy is finally stable, Sanji!! The three major combat forces are not blown!!

This is how chefs cooked brachiosaurs (dog heads) in ancient times

Laughed and pulled hahahaha!!

How much is a bowl of your brachiosaurus soup (dog head)

Quinn: Okay, learn your dad's technology usage and don't go (dog head)

Ember diligently trains Soda (dog head) on the other side

Kai teacher training course is a full set of bar (dog head)

Teacher Kai is really so intimate, even Luffy's imperial deputy has trained him (dog head)

This wave! This wave belongs to the collective killer conference!!

So what did Jack do (dog head)

JAKE: Optimistic... Do not disturb their studies!!

Hahahahaha I'm going to spit out laughter brothers!!


With Quinn's defeat, silence fell again.


That Three Plagues Quinn! Lost just like that!!

What defeated him was not Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Boys, nor the ship's deputy Solon with amazing strength!!

But just a chef who hadn't even shown his face before!!

[Quinn: ........................]

【Ember: Waste!! 】

【Kaido: Waste!! 】

[Golden Lion Shiji: Hey... Are the Straw Hat Kid Pirates all monsters of this level?!! He actually won?!! What's with the might of Fang Cai's moves?! Even if Lao Tzu is there himself, I'm afraid it's enough to choke!! These people should be around twenty years old, right?! In his twenties, he can defeat the royal deputy of Quinn's level!! Could it be said that they also have royal-level potential?!! Are you kidding?!! 】

Fucking the crew of the Straw Hat Kid Pirates all have royal potential?!!

Could it be that he still intends to compare with the former Rocks Pirates?!!

Besides, his crew members seem to be much more loyal than the things of the Rocks Pirates, right?!!

Golden Lion Shiji swallowed his saliva, only feeling that his scalp was slightly numb!!

At the same time, he also made up his mind that he would never be an enemy with the Straw Hat Pirates from now on!!

Even if he regained the power of his heyday, and even dared to say that he galloped across the sea and no one dared to provoke easily, this does not mean that he Golden Lion Shiji is really a brainless stupid person! ! !

On the contrary, he once had the ambition to conquer the world, he is a very intelligent person!!

Once, the only people he feared were Whitebeard Kaido and others who came out of a pirate group with himself, plus a Roger pirate group.

Now, what makes him feel afraid has one more!!

Straw Hat Kid Pirates!!

No matter what the future holds for this pirate group, at least this potential is here, and it must not be easily enemy!!

[Roronoa Solon: Hmph... Not bad, circle eyebrows, I didn't expect your strength to become a lot stronger! ! ! It really makes my blood boil and I want to have a good fight with you!! 】

【Yamaji: Waiting at any time!!】 Now I am powerful, you can't imagine it! Green algae head, don't cry and beg for mercy at that time!! 】

[Roronoa Solon: This is returned to you!!] 】

[Monchi D Luffy: It's so strong! ] Yamaji! Hahahaha great! You've all become so strong!! 】

[Jep: Good boy! Sanji, you really won glory for our Bharati restaurant!! Your bounty will surely soar to a terrible number!! I'm going to post your bounty in front of the stage!! Hahaha!! Our Bharati Restaurant will also be an existence that no one dares to mess with in the East China Sea in the future!! 】

[Yamaji: Old man! You just put the pirate flag of the Straw Hat Pirates on the restaurant! I don't know how long I can't go back, in case something happens, I won't have time to go back!! 】

[Jepp: Hahahaha! Good! Just do as you say!! 】

[Golden Lion Shiji: ... I think your worries are superfluous. 】

Nima's is now watched by the whole world, and there needs to be one more thing?!! Who the fuck doesn't have long eyes now to dare to provoke people related to the Straw Hat Pirates?!!

Fucking Poseidon covered ah!! Not to mention a Bharati restaurant?!!

It turns out that Shiji guessed correctly.

East China Sea!

Bharati Restaurant!

The pirates sitting and eating in the restaurant had soft legs, their hands holding forks were a little shaky, and their eyes were shaking wildly!!

A mournful scream sounded.

"Spare your life!! Jepp boss! I, I don't know Tarzan, I don't even know that you have such a relationship with that Straw Hat Pirates!! Spare me!! I don't dare to eat and not pay anymore!! This is all my savings!! See enough, enough...".

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