Rapp is a famous pirate in the East China Sea, because of his ruthless means, the bounty is as high as 18 million Bailey!!

Since the fishman Aaron was brought down, he took advantage of the situation to rise, and everyone was afraid in the East China Sea.

Of course, as a sea thief like him, he has never paid half a penny for eating at the Bharati restaurant!

When Rapp thought of his arrogant and arrogant ambition released in the Bharati restaurant before, his body was as soft as noodles! He kept slaking himself hard and kowtowing loudly!!

"Jepp Boss!! I'm really not a thing!! "

Nima's, he has a few lives enough for the Straw Hat Pirates to clean up?!!

Previously, he thought that his eighteen million Bailey was the strongest of the strong! It turns out that few people in the East China Sea dare to provoke him!!

But compared to the Straw Hat Kids Pirates, isn't this eighteen million Bailey a fraction?!!

People can't even beat the four emperors, what a big man who stomps his feet and the sea trembles~!!

Where are they such little minions - the existence that can provoke?!!

Who would have thought that a disabled cook in the border of the East China Sea in Jeppu District would have such a close relationship with the deputy of the Straw Hat Pirates-?!!

Jepp took a puff of his cigarette and waved his hand impatiently!!

"Let's leave after making up the meal money, less to hinder the old man's eyes here!"

Rapp's face was delighted, and he hurriedly snorted a few times, kowtowed a few times, and then ran away in the blink of an eye like a ghost chasing behind his ass! !

Presumably, give him a few more dares after that, and he will not dare to come again.

[Ember: Quinn! You waste, you really lost the face of our Hundred Beast Pirate Group!! It's such a shame to lose!! Go out in the future, don't say that you are a member of our Hundred Beast Pirate Group!! 】

[Quinn: You!! Ember, don't go too far!! Don't forget that your opponent is the strongest swordsman besides the Straw Hat Kid!! Don't think you can please!! These guys are not easy to deal with!! 】

[Ember: Humph! Losing is losing! If you don't grow here and defeat your own prestige, I will never lose!! 】

[Sanji: What?! ] What do you say is the strongest?! Why is that green algae head the strongest!! 】

[Roronoa Solon: People just tell the truth, circle eyebrows! ] You can't be so dishonest! 】

In the video, the screen turns.

"Purgatory Ghost Slash !!"

Solon gritted his teeth and gasped, and his backhand was an attack blasted out!!

Facing him was undoubtedly the embers burning with flames!

At this time, Ember no longer had a mask on his face, revealing his true face under the mask!

It has snow-white curly hair, tan skin, and looks unusually handsome!! It's a very exotic handsome guy!!

If it weren't for his familiar outfit and iconic big black wings, it's hard to believe that this man is Ember!!

In front of the screen, the mask on the face of the ember who had been emotionally stable seemed to crack at that moment, and he suddenly stood up with some broken defenses! ! !

【Ember:?!! 】

[Ember: What about my mask?! Oops!! 】

The barrage army crossed!!

Handsome guy, can you perform that (dog head) again?

What, Lord Ember, can the mink self-esteem emperor use this face to have another one, please, (hands folded)

Ember: Are you polite?!

The use of masks is because it is not embarrassing when losing self-esteem (dog head)

Self-esteem is shot out (dog head with flowers)

In ancient times, pterosaurs hunted in this way (dog heads)

Hahahahahaha help, laugh me to death!!

It's not a hot disaster, it's a Yan disaster!! Handsome stickers!!

No wonder Auntie has a heart for embers! I also suddenly have ah!!

[Ember: ........................? 】

Ember's face went blank.

[Charlotte Lingling: Mother Mother !! Ash, Ember, you really fit the taste of the old lady! How about it, should you think about it carefully? For the sake of this face of yours!! The old lady is willing to give you preferential treatment!! 】

Quinn, Shiji and the others desperately thought about the sad things in this life at that moment, before they held back and did not burst into laughter!!

[Ember: ... Ha? 】

[Quinn: Poofhaha!! 】

[Golden Lion Shiji: Poofhahaha!!ha 】

[Kaido: Ember!! Are you fucking sick?!! Fight is fight!! What are you doing with your mask?!! Usually let you pick you you don't take off, but pick it when you fight?!! 】

[Ember: ... Lord Kaido! I can't do that kind of thing on purpose!! 】

[Quinn: Hahahahahaha! Embers! Stop pretending! It turns out that you are such a guy!! How about it, show me again with that trick!! 】

[Golden Lion Shiji: It's so good~ I have a handsome face!!] It's still so pleasing to the barrage! You Hundred Beast Pirate Group, I can count your ember popularity, right? Much more popular than Kaido's guy with an old wrinkled face!! 】

[Kaido: Shiki!! Are you looking for death?!! 】

[Golden Lion Shiji: Whoosh! Lao Tzu just loves to tell the truth! There are always people who don't like to hear it!! 】

In the video!

Solon and Ember clashed fiercely again!!

The screen turns!

Ember moved at high speed, so that Solon could no longer accurately capture him.

Solon bit his sword and frowned.

"So fast!! Other words...... Can cut!! "

Solon's gaze froze, he clenched the long sword in his hand, and a flash of sharpness suddenly flashed in his eyes!!

"Earn!! Birds" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

With a roar, Ember could not dodge, and was hit between his legs by Solon's sword!! Straight up the lower abdomen to the chest!! Blood splattered out with a pop!!

The barrage army streaked through!

Deadly Chicken Fight!!

Pain! It hurts so much!!

Eggs, broken eggs?!!

Back to hand (dog head)

It's over! At this time, the possibility of the last continuation of this race is also gone (covering his mouth and crying)

Hiss! Suffering from limb pain!! Suo Da's hand is too ruthless!!

Poor Ember.

Don't be split in half (dog head)


[Quinn: Shhh! It doesn't look good! Ember, if it is really split in half, even with my technological ability, I am afraid it will be difficult to repair it for you!! 】

[Ember: Roll!!] Roronoa Solon!! I block the fate of my clan and swear, I Abel is not finished with you!! This revenge, Lao Tzu must repay!! 】

[Roronoa Solon: Hey! It has nothing to do with me, does it?! That's the future me, you let the future you go to the future me to take revenge!! 】

[Ember: You wait for me!! I'm not done with you! 】

[Golden Lion Shiji: Gagaha 】

The video continues.

"Guard the Fire Dragon Emperor!!"

Ember wiped the blood off his face and turned into a huge pterosaur form, and his body suddenly became majestic, and the roaring flames burned with his roar!!

The flames formed the posture of a huge flame dragon, roaring towards Sauron!!

The power of this blow was so powerful that it almost made everyone around them take dozens of steps back, looking up at this side in shock, terrified!!

[Ember: Humph!! Boy, he actually forced me to this point, guarding the Fire Dragon Emperor is my strongest move!! Even Lord Kaido, I am afraid that he will not be able to easily resolve it in the face of this move!! I admit that your kid has some strength and ability, but I'm afraid it also consumed a lot of your physical strength and domineering before, right? What are you going to do to resist my strongest move?!! You've reached your limit!! 】

[Kaido: Little ghost, it's not a shame for you to lose under this trick of Ember! ] After all, you fought Ember again with serious injuries, and if you fought in your heyday, Ember might not be able to win you!! How about it, if you are willing to throw yourself in me, I don't care about your previous offense in the video!! Your captain is going to die sooner or later, and you will also die by following him!! Why don't you follow me to the world!! 】

[Roronoa Solon: I said, it can't be. 】

[Monchi D Luffy: Hey!!] Kaido, I'm going to be angry if you grab my crew again!! Don't you have your own crew?!! 】

[Rocks D Gibeck: Idiot! Hum! This little devil even rejected Lao Tzu, why do you think that he is more attractive than Lao Tzu? 】

Kaido gloomy face and snorted coldly.

[Kaido: What a group of imps who don't know if they are dead or alive!!] Straw Hat Kid too, and so are you!! Since that's the case, let's wait for death!! 】

[Yamaji: Green algae head! ] Don't make me look down on you!! If you lose this battle, don't think about eating my cooking! 】

[Roronoya Solon: Less nonsense! ] I won't lose!! 】

Ember sneered.

"Arrogant little ghost, I'm not Quinn's waste, so far, under the trick of guarding the Fire Dragon Emperor, no one has survived..."

Before he finished a sentence, there was a low and cold sound in the video!!

"Hades!! Three-knife dragon!! One hundred and thirteen loves!! "

"Wyvern Samurai!!"

I saw Solon in the video erupt with a roaring momentum!! That momentum suppressed the fire dragon attack that was roaring from the embers in an instant!!

The hellish cold aura suddenly burst, and under the blade, the fire dragon screamed bitterly, and then it was shredded piece by piece!!

Ember's eyes widened in horror, and he suddenly raised his head in disbelief!!

"How, how could it be ?!!"

Solon stared at him coldly, approaching directly, his eyes extremely indifferent, but full of oppression!!



The long knife approached, and Ember raised his long sword to try to resist, but was directly cut off by Sauron's long knife!!

The sharp blade slashed down the side of Ember's face, tearing half of the wings on his back and chopping off!!

There was still a look of disbelief on Ember's face, but his consciousness was blurred, and his eyes rolled and he smashed heavily to the ground!!

Solon fell to the ground, with undispersed killing intent and anger on his face, like a demon crawling up from hell!!

At that moment, Yan Demon's anger was even suppressed by his anger!!

He removed the knife from his mouth and did not turn his head, not at all sure if Ember could still stand up at this time!!

Because, there is no need!!

His posture is indifferent, but he exudes an extremely conceited domineering and blatant attitude!!

"Lord of Hell... When it was done. "

Behind him, Ember completely lost consciousness, covered in blood, his broken wings paralyzed beside him, and passed out!!

Solon, win!! One!.

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