Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 131 Inheriting The Nun's Idea, Charlotte Linlin Wants To Go To War

If the dream of human giant experiment can be ranked in Charlotte Linlin's heart, it is definitely not lower than the level of establishing the concept of the world.

Charlotte Linlin, who was deeply influenced by Garmer Luo Xiu's daughter when she was a child, kept in mind the idea that the other party once said "everyone is equal, there is no distinction between races, and a dream country where all people are treated equally".

[One day, all people will be bigger, and they can sit round at a table]

It is the change of Charlotte Linlin's will to inherit the daughter of Carmer Luo Xiu, and it is also the dream of pursuing ONEPIECE in her heart.

Perospero and Katakuri, who also knew their mother's inner desire, couldn't help but look at the redundant memory film.

As the main think tanks, both of them analyzed the events recorded in the apron.

It is indeed as they said, there are stories about these people, everything that happened, and what happened to them after they learned about pure gold.

With the relationship of scientific researchers, I got information about pure gold and even the experiment of maximizing the human body.

Everything seems to be so natural, but it is precisely this that makes people feel extraordinarily wrong.

Katakuri frowned, and said involuntarily, "Mom, be careful!"

"Yes, mother, it's a coincidence."

Perospero also exhorted: "It happened to be a coincidence to learn about pure gold, and it happened to be the human giant experiment that my mother liked, and they were all put on the island by the generals of the air, which is obviously a deliberate arrangement. "

After listening to the words of her two confidant sons, Charlotte Linlin, who has not yet been devoured by desire, calmed down.

Although from these memories, it is not clear that they were instructed by Mo De, or did it on purpose, but the coincidence is indeed a problem.

Especially after talking with Kaido a few times, Charlotte Linlin also knows Mo De, a bastard who is good at planning.

However, the pure gold jewelry witnessed by the memory film is not fake, so will the human body enlargement experiment be real?

Charlotte Linlin has also inquired about this opponent's territory that she is particularly concerned about. Among them, the scientific research base has many secrets that are not known.

Especially in the previous Punk Hazard incident, Mo De abducted that Guy Sa Courant, who is the number two person in the scientific research team with the current top scientist Vegapunk.

Presumably he is also an outstanding scientist, so the human body giant experiment may not be a hypothesis.

What's more, whether it's true or not, knowing such a result but ignoring it will not allow her to truly calm down.

Charlotte Linlin is a person who is prone to desires, especially when desires are linked to her wishes.

"I'm going to start a war!"

After a while of silence, Charlotte Linlin said suddenly.

These speeches suddenly changed the faces of the children present.

"What's more, that bastard is already ready to go to war with my mother!"

After saying this, Perospero and Kataku remembered something.

In that memory, apart from the pure gold and the giant human body experiment, I still learned that the Air General stored resources for a large-scale expedition in Wanokuni.

If this is an overt conspiracy to attract the mother, coupled with the other party's destruction of the islands of the Wan Guo territory, then this message is undoubtedly the clarion call for Mo De to advocate an attack on the Wan Guo.

Katakuri's face immediately turned ugly.

Although the rest of the children don't know the general situation, but from the terrifying aura emanating from their mother at this time, coupled with the fact that they are in a sober state, they know that there should be no more voices of persuasion and opposition.

After accepting the mother's order, everyone also started to call up troops and other deployments after telling them.

"Katakuri big brother, wait.

After walking out of the castle, Katakuri was stopped by Smoothie behind him.

"Smoogey, what's the matter?"

Katakuri stopped and looked at Smoothie and the twins beside her, Charlotte Strong and Charlotte Snamon.

Katakuri Smoothie, who covered most of his face with a scarf and still had no expression changes due to the war, didn't know how to speak for a while.

Seeing her sister's tangled appearance, Charlotte Strong couldn't help but speak.

"Katakuri big brother, although it's not good to say that, we still feel that this war is putting Wan Guo and mother on a very dangerous edge."

Hearing Strong's words, Katakuri's face changed, and then he looked around suddenly, and after confirming that there was no one there, he took the three girls to a wall built by glutinous rice balls.

"If this word is heard by mother, you will be severely punished."

"That's why we will show it to Katakuri Big Brother."

After Strom got straight to the point, Smoothie no longer had any entanglements, and said as the core bone of the triplets: "Katakuri big brother, you should know that mom probably won't be the opponent of the Air General. Mom can rely on her strong strength and don't have to worry so much, but now her strength has begun to decline, while the opponent is constantly at the peak."

Perhaps Charlotte Linlin didn't expect that she, who used to rely on her terrifying power to make all her children live in fear, but with her failure at Cake Island, she had already made her children think differently.

It's a little bit to say that 873 has been unfaithful to his mother. After all, the family relationship maintained by terror is not only distorted, but also easily affected by external situations.

Similarly, Mo De has been getting stronger in recent years, Wanokuni's status in the New World is getting higher and higher, and the strong background shown in the competition competition under the flame festival.

The opponent is already a colossus standing in the New World, they have no chance of winning, and even falling behind in the emperor may lead to a complete defeat of the situation.

If it fails, as the loser, the outcome can be imagined.

So they were not negative before the war, but wanted the second elder brother to dispel her mother's idea of ​​going to war against Mo De.

"These words and thoughts, you'd better forget them when you go back."

"And this war can't be stopped. You haven't seen the memory film, so you don't know. Mo De's territory has already begun to organize large-scale war preparations. Judging from the recent signs that they attacked us first, it is very likely that Coming for us."

But he didn't let his younger sisters just think about it, Katakuri reminded: "Being able to build the nations step by step, my mother chose to go to war knowing this situation must have been premeditated by her, everything is still undecided, in the end At least for now, we must, as citizens of all nations, children of mothers, try our best to win the result.

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