Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 132 Explosion, Emperor's War

Sea Circle Calendar Late 1510.

After the flame festival that did not invite any party became the topic of New World, a huge news event spread throughout the dark world of New World at an extremely fast speed.

Less than a day before the flame festival started, the town of Cocoa Island, located on the edge of the world, was destroyed in a large area in the sea area of ​​Totto Land controlled by BIGMOM.

In just a few minutes, ferocious and terrifying thunderbolts continued to fall, almost turning the entire island into a ruined place.

There is only one person who can control the existence of Thunder in this vast sea of ​​New World!

Air General Mo De's Royal Court Ban ace.

Reki Yamato with a bounty of 1.24 billion Baileys.

In the following day, the BIGMOM Pirates issued an order to launch a retaliatory crusade against Wanokuni, which kicked off another Emperor's War.

Morgans, the president of World News, will naturally not let go of the news that can make the world explode again.

After a day of preparation, the next morning, countless newsbirds were already circling around the world.

When the news spread, the entire New World was shocked by it!

This is the first New World frenzy in nearly 8 years since the Sea Circle Calendar in 1503.

Starting with BIGMOM's slogan of launching a war, coupled with the fact that Wanokuni has slowly and gradually accumulated a large-scale combat power reserve, the theory of war has been confirmed.

The world suddenly exploded like a pot!

No one thought that the two emperors of the sea, BIGMOM and Air General, would launch such a big event.

It's not like the time Whitebeard got in trouble with Kaido and the Air General was alone at the tea party.

This is a real "war" declared by the emperor himself!!!

Especially when the two parties each hold a powerful territory in the New World, both in terms of scale and nature, they are far beyond the previous ones.

BIGMOM·Charlotte Linlin, sits in the waters of Totto Land, one of the thirty-four islands. The Homiz soldiers in her hands and the combat power of the pirates under her command are the most in the current New World royal regiment, and they are all different from The New World level of the park.

Air General · Mo De, in charge of the Wanokuni sea area, has developed many large-scale islands on the water where Lion Fruit and Momo Fruit are like a duck to water.

Although the level of military strength may not be comparable to the exaggerated number of BIGMOM, everyone who participated in the flame festival knows Wanokuni's current strong national calendar.

Huge amount of food reserves, high-tech seastone craft weapons, and powerful munitions energy.

In particular, the powerful management system is paired with the famous warrior country. In terms of strength, compared with Wan Guo, the quality is definitely greater than the quantity.

In this sea, the concept of one man forming an army and ten men defeating a country is not a joke.

The most important thing is the collision between the main cores of the two sides.

Now she is still a well-deserved queen of the sea, facing another emperor who has the ability to destroy the world after Whitebeard.

Whether it's age, current prestige, or the successful tea party and repelling Charlotte Linlin's deeds, in this war between the two New World emperors, most people are more optimistic about the side of the Air General.

Of course, this is only a predictable result. No one can really see the result of the war.

The situation began to climb slowly, a calm before the storm, before the trend came, it had already attracted widespread attention.

Morgans, the president of Shibao, even cried and shouted that there would be more explosive news from the two forces, so that he could take advantage of this to make a fortune.

The situation in New World has directly entered an unprecedented heated stage.

Forces, large and small, completely focused their attention on the sea area where the two parties fought.

Many people in the dark world, like some less powerful pirates, were afraid of suffering the crime of harming the fish pond, so they evacuated from the many sea areas between BIGMOM and the air general early.

All over the world talk freely about it, especially the bar with the highest concentration of pirate mobs.

A group of universal qualities naturally express their inner words through emotions such as jealousy, contempt, and resentment.

Some are optimistic about the two forces, some gloat and hope to die together, and some hope to completely disrupt the New World's Four Emperors pattern and return it to chaos.

"With such a gathering of people, it seems that Charlotte Linlin is also serious. 々."

"That Sengoku guy thinks this is an opportunity, and seems to want to send troops from the headquarters."

Naval Headquarters is busy with this explosive incident, and they, the five highest powers in the world government, have also begun to sit among the powers for a long time and wait for the latest news one by one.

"`" Now is not the time, just wait and see. "

Someone in the Five Elders has a decree.

Sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight is their most important thing at present.

The tiger that has not been seriously injured still has a strong counterattack force.

Moreover, if one chooses to enter the battlefield at this time, not only will there be no profit, but there may also be the risk of flanking and siege.

Although it was a war between two sea emperors, they were both the owners of the illegal zone of New World after all, and Marine immediately became their main enemy.

"Mo De's side has too many means, those forbidden areas exist, and no one knows what else he is hiding. I only hope that Charlotte Linlin's Wan Guo can force them all out.

Because of the details of the deal with Wanokuni, the World government knows some details about Mo De's forces better than Wanokuni.

Leaving aside the hidden munitions and equipment, the superb seastone products have an extremely terrifying suppressive power against Charlotte Linlin's Homiz soldiers

"Unsurprisingly, this war will be won by Mo De." Five Elders, who is in charge of military affairs, held the First Generation ghost in his hand and said Hadō.

"Let's not mention the speculation that has no results."

Blonde Five Elders crossed his legs, nodded in front of the meeting table and said: "Whether it is the Totto Land sea area on BIGMOM's side, or the Wanokuni sea area under Mo De's control, it can have extremely high strategic significance for us."

Compared with the changes in the world situation caused by the victory or defeat of the war between the two sides, they care more about the fruits of the cake that can be shared after the war.

"That's right."

Mustache Five Elders nodded in agreement and said: "But the problem is that we are not the only ones who are slandering the post-war achievements.

In addition to World Government and Marine, pirates are a kind of vicious people who will frantically gather when they smell flesh and blood. .

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