Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 189 Time Begins To Flow, Weather Forecast Fruit

The frenzy of joy that was only limited to one day a year came to an end on the second day, and the invited guests, led by the guards of the Flying Kingdom, began to set foot on the return track one after another.

In addition, Stussy, who left the feast with the Air General last night and did not return until the end, also attracted the secret attention of many people.

Especially on the second day, there was still no information about the departure of the Happy Street team, and the guests all guessed it.

All of a sudden, jealousy and dissatisfaction filled many guests, especially those who are also underground kings.

Part of it is dissatisfied with Stussy, who was unable to pursue in the past but is now voluntarily dedicated, and the other part is jealous of the benefits she will usher in.

This old bustard in the red light district is famous for being able to calculate. Since she can make active devotion, the exchange must be related to the current flying kingdom.

This is the windfall profit that can most make them the envy of stakeholders.

Knowing the golden background that now includes the Totto Land Islands and the original Wanokuni, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the biggest cake in the New World!


Naturally, there are people who have not placed their strategic goals in this flying kingdom.

One is Doflamingo who celebrates to the boss as a younger brother, and the other is Judge who wants to use benefits to achieve his long-cherished wish.

But judging from the relatively gloomy expression of the latter leaving, it was obvious that the result was not as expected.

Taking this snail ship developed through technology, the Erma army quickly disappeared in the sea area of ​​​​the flying kingdom.

And already returned to the special research institute, Judge looked at the extra memory shape alloy on the ship.

He couldn't help but recall the meeting and conversation with the air general not long ago.

He tried his best, whether it was the young eldest daughter or Germa's savings, he did not impress the strongest man in the world to help him repeat the past glory of Germa's dominance of North Blue

It was cooperation and begging, and in the end he caught up with the bloodline cloning and transformation technology he had studied for many years [in exchange for the battle suit technology and the corresponding memory shape alloy.

After thinking about it, at least he got the technology he wanted to get, so as to improve Germa's strength background, it may not be impossible to regain his glory in North Blue.

The self-comforting psychology made Judge quickly forget about the failed results, and began to concentrate on researching the battle suit technology.

At about the same time, Mo De also had people transfer Judge's technologies to the research base.

To put it bluntly, he didn't value Judge's knowledge and skills very much, and naturally he didn't have the idea of ​​encircling him.

Cloning and blood modification?

The usefulness brought about may only be to make the lineage factor classes in the base more in-depth.

Of course, he still handed over the technology of the battle suit and the memory form alloy to the other party, so he naturally had Mo De's abacus.

It is to let Germa rise in North Blue and cause some troubles for the World government.

At the same time, it can also allow Germa to have more say in North Blue. In the end, if he really wants to attack North Blue, many things can be facilitated once and for all.

The end of the fire festival.

After that, it set off a lot of hot search news again.

Katakuri, the champion player in the tournament, and Wanokuni, who became the current flying kingdom's name and border, have become topics of intense repercussions around the world.

It has been months and still shows no signs of abating.

In this way, time began to move, and finally passed this year of great historical significance, and came to Sea Circle Calendar 1512.

【Sea Circle Calendar May 12】

New World has the title of Love and Romance, and is also one of the World Government member countries Dressrosa.

King Liku Dolde III, who was originally known for his benevolence, suddenly forcibly confiscated a large amount of national cash, wantonly killed his soldiers and citizens with weapons, and even caused arson in towns, making Dressrosa start to suffer. .

In the end, Doflamingo, one of the Shichibukai, overthrew the tyranny of King Riku, ended the hundreds of years of rule history of the King Riku family, and became the new king of Dressrosa

0...seeking flowers...

Afterwards, the World government did not give any explanation, and seemed to accept it by default.

As soon as the news came out, the world was shocked.

Doflamingo was instantly the most successful beneficiary of Shichibukai.

【Sea Circle Calendar July 1512】

Baccarat, who successfully "replenished power" in the flying kingdom, took the task of treasure hunting, led by Yamato, who was out on a voyage, and Gion, the main person in charge, to start activities within the scope of New World.

Seeing the right opponent leave, Hancock excitedly started to stay by Mo De's side for a long time.

Naturally, this move was dissatisfied by Maria, Ah Shi and the others, forcing Mo De to re-display his strength and fill the dissatisfaction of the complaining women back to satisfaction.


At the same time, under the training of Mo De, after becoming a swordsman, Kuina has become more and more proficient in the development and application of insight ability, so as to completely eliminate the gap in strength and weakness between men and women. In the face of Zoro and Luo who are also improving rapidly, they won in a completely relaxed and crushing way.

【Sea Circle Calendar October 1512】

Peggy Wan, who failed to enter the top ten in another flame festival, was beaten up by Runti, and went straight to the hospital, and even lay down in the infirmary headed by Hobak for a day.

All of a sudden, besides the famous Phantom Beast ability, Run became famous in the general's circle in another way.

【Sea Circle Calendar December 1512】

It happened to be the last month of the year, and even missed the most lively flame festival.

The treasure hunting trio spent five months traveling through almost half of the New World territory, and finally returned to the Flying Kingdom.

The booty is still very visible in the light of the goddess of luck.

It can be regarded as a carefully prepared gift for Nami, and it is also the best match for Nami's talent, the ability to add one to one is greater than two.

weather forecast.

Possesses a fruit beg that can control the weather. .

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