Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 190 Conscription Ends, Carina Debuts

【Sea Circle Calendar April 1513】

The world once again ushered in the impact of major events.

For as long as two years, the world conscription involving the entire four seas has finally come to an end.

According to statistics, among the nearly ten million participants, a million people have passed the selection examination and become a member of the glorious Marine.

And among these one million people, there is also a one-tenth probability that about 100,000 elite troops entered the Naval Headquarters.

The Marine and World government will direct the wind direction of Sea Circle Calendar 1513 to the flying flag of "Justice".

【Sea Circle Calendar May 1513】

In order to maintain the momentum of the Marine under the conscription.

Another month later, the Marine Conference to the world of "600" was grandly held.

It is still the speech that people all over the world love to hear. The newly appointed millions of Marine soldiers will join the operation to maintain peace in the sea, and are committed to protecting the safety of people in all countries.

Among them, the 100,000 elite troops who entered Naval Headquarters will also be trained by the headquarters to attack the new power kings in the areas where pirates are prevalent such as Grand Line and New World.

The purpose is to suppress the tide of the era of great pirates.

As soon as this remark came out, countless people who watched the live broadcast cheered enthusiastically.

The meeting had an hour-long speech before it ended, and then ushered in the most important inauguration ceremony.

This conscription not only covers a wide range, but also has a rule, that is, as long as you are strong enough, you can match the position you should have, and you can even skip the military merit requirements.

Therefore, among the 100,000 new elites who joined Naval Headquarters, they were selected through the assessment of strength, and promoted one Marine Admiral, more than 30 Marine Vice Admirals, and nearly a hundred Marine Rear Admirals to the main general positions.

Among them, the most eye-catching is the new Admiral Green Bull, who represents the highest combat power position in Marine, and formed a four-Admiral lineup.

【Akainu】、【Kizaru】、【Aokiji】、【Green Bull】

It not only breaks the tradition of the combat power of the three Admirals, but also shows that the strength of Naval Headquarters has reached the peak period since the era of great pirates.

In this tyrannical way, Marine showed the world that they are still the face of the world government's combat power organization, and with more powerful troops, they demonstrated today's golden age.

【Sea Circle Calendar July 1513】

Affected by the world's conscription, the era of great pirates has been impacted. In just two months, not only the number of pirates going to sea has dropped sharply|The number of pirates arrested in Pelton has also exceeded the past

district of the year.

Except for the New World where the Pirate Emperor sits, the pirates in the four seas and the first half of the Grand Line began to feel insecure, and the number of pirates entering New World began to increase.

At the Flying Kingdom, in the practice field specially built for Nami.

It was clear that the weather outside was bright and sunny, but at this time, there was an extremely strange and bad weather in the field that was hundreds of meters long.

Under the strong wind, heavy rain, fog, even hail, thunder, etc., the terrible weather is constantly affecting this experimental site.

This is the reason why Nami, who became a person with the ability to control the weather after eating the weather forecast fruit of Paramecia, is using her knowledge and ability in this area to conduct experiments.

After seven months of development, Nami, who is only a young girl, has been able to create climate changes that involve within 100 meters.

As an ability user, it definitely belongs to the top level in the development progress.

The reason for this, besides the use of Nami's knowledge, is also related to her talent in weather, which perfectly blends with the fruit ability.

The highly entertaining performance, as well as the talent shown by Nami, in Mo De's view, awakening is an inevitable breakthrough and achievement for Nami who is growing rapidly

Moreover, climate is definitely one of the most powerful abilities in this world. The degree of danger in New World is caused by the terrible weather.

Therefore, Nami, who was originally only intended to be cultivated as a beautiful vase character, suddenly has the potential to enter the Royal Court 0......

Knowing this, Nami began to work harder.

【Sea Circle Calendar September 1513】

Because of the World Conscription, this year is enough to be called a historic year for Marine.

When Marine was in full swing, a major and unexpected event happened.

The former Marine Admiral, the current Marine Instructor Zephyr, led the Marine training ship to be attacked by pirates. In the whole period of Marine, except for two students named Ain and Binz, all were killed, and his right arm was also destroyed. Battered.

As soon as this news came out, Marine's morale and reputation were hit.

At the same time, a bounty of 400 million Baileys named Edward Weibull was sent to the sea.

【Sea Circle Calendar February 1514】

It has a magical and dreamy land, and it is also the boss of the New World's flying kingdom. It has begun to attract and open entertainment-related activities and personnel to the world.

With this policy, the 12-year-old girl Carina, as the singer of the flying kingdom, began to have a voice in the world.

Relying on her beautiful and lovely appearance, beautiful singing voice, and the power behind the flying kingdom's use of resources to promote her, Carina, who just debuted, has become a very popular [2 star singer.

For this reason, the World government couldn't help wondering the reason for Mo De's behavior, but considering the other party's wily and calculating character, they began to ask Stussy to investigate this.

It's just a few years later, under the subtle influence of nourishment and memory transplantation, Stussy puts the identity of the people around Mo De more first than the identity of the CPO and the idea of ​​​​the Celestial Dragons shield.

In the case of accidentally exposing his identity as a spy, but still being "forgiven" by Mo De, Stussy, who was brainwashed and trained by the World government since childhood, has completely become a member of Mo De

Therefore, for the tasks given by the Five Elders, it is natural to say that the more complicated the better, it will increase their troubles.

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