Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 254: Diamond Joes Falls Into The Sea, Black Group Approaches Poseidon

It directly turned into an island where countless gravel exploded, and the pirates whose souls were seduced by charm fell into the sea without any resistance, and instantly became the food of the Sea Kings.

Under the boiling feeding of the Sea Kings below, the azure sea water gradually turned into a frightening deep red, with a strong smell of blood, hoarding on this coast.

Hancock looked down on all this from a high position, and had a clear judgment on Sea Kings in his heart.

In terms of individuals alone, giant Sea Kings can have a volume of more than a kilometer or even ten thousand meters, but for the New World powerhouses, they are not unstoppable monsters.

But Shirahoshi is not only manipulating individuals, not even a group, but all Sea Kings in the ocean!

If it is converted into units of combat power, the ones who stop these giant Sea Kings are the remnants of the Hundred Regiments, a group of New World imperial powerhouses.

Hancock, who can control the Homiz Warrior with his soul, understands the content better. In addition, warships are the main means of transportation in the world, and the Sea Kings in the sea...

Especially the more powerful the Sea Kings, the higher the IQ.

Thinking of this, Hancock couldn't help but look deeply at Shirahoshi, this is the ability to destroy power!

And Shirahoshi looked at the destroyed fortress and the area turned into a sea of ​​blood, with a little unbearable flashing in his eyes.

This was the first time she killed someone with her own hands, even if it wasn't by her hands, it still made the kind Shirahoshi feel uncomfortable.

And 550 is one of the main trials that Maud asked her to travel.

"It's all right, Shirahoshi."

He is still young, with a cute appearance and personality. Seeing that Shirahoshi's expression is a little bit wrong, the Nine Snake Warriors immediately stepped forward to relieve him.

As if to expel the uncomfortable feeling in his heart, Shirahoshi took a deep breath, then shook his head, showing a strong expression and said: "I'm fine, let everyone worry."

Seeing this, Hancock, who originally wanted to say something, turned his gaze back to the broken island.

Even if he forcibly jumped to the broken ground and triumphantly got rid of sinking into the bottom of the sea,

Now that there is no barrier from the mainland of the island, this area has instantly turned into a sea surface where the Sea Kings group can display their power.

The tsunami that was set off, or the mountain-level impact that leaped directly from the water surface, almost all the captains under his command were shot down into the water, and even many white team leaders were the same.

And lost their foothold, it was difficult to use their hands and feet, and they fell into the sea of ​​​​Sea Kings' absolute advantage. Soon the situation was heading towards the end of almost annihilation of the entire army.

"Damn it!"

Joz, who was covered in diamonds all over his body, brought (adbf) horror Haki directly knocked all the Sea Kings flying in the sea with one punch after another.

The next moment, taking advantage of the moment when the opponent jumped up and knocked the same kind into the air, a frog Sea Kings vomited directly.

With a terrifying speed, waves that were tens of meters high were set off, and the mountain-sized tongue rushed straight to the ground that was only about ten meters below Joz.


At the same time as the gravel flew down, the tongue of the frog Sea Kings flicked again, and countless debris around him were blown away, immediately causing Ziz to lose all footholds under his feet.

Seeing that the Sea Kings' attack was effective, Joz couldn't help but change his face, thinking in his heart that it's over!

He doesn't have the ability to fly in the air. As a capable person, once he falls into the sea, he will only be a meal for the Sea Kings!


Marco, who had just rescued other family members with his unique flying ability, suddenly heard Joz's anxious and terrified voice, his expression changed hurriedly, and he turned around and rushed towards Joz's direction.

It's just that compared with the fast-flying Marco [Single], the snake-shaped Sea Kings who has been waiting for a long time is one step faster.


The huge snake tail directly broke out from the sea under Joz's feet, and at the same time it set off a powerful wave, it slammed towards Joz.

The diamond man who can only fall freely has nothing else to dodge, not to mention that the deadly sea water shot at Joz before the snake tail.

Without any accidents, when he touched the seawater and was immediately powerless, Joz was forcibly sunk to the surface of the sea, and was instantly swallowed by the Sea Kings who had stored seawater in his belly.


Seeing this, Marco yelled in panic, but seeing the wandering Sea Kings group on the bottom of the sea, he stopped the idea of ​​forcibly rushing into it.

Seeing Joz like this, Teach also stared at the boiling sea around him.

Only the original cadres of the Blackbeard regiment remained, and they stood firmly together. Thanks to Weibull's powerful impact, they were able to dodge the countless Sea Kings' attacks over and over again.

The current situation is more or less beyond Teach's expectations.

Originally, according to the expectation, no matter whether it is Baituan's phoenix fruit, diamond fruit, or his power fruit and impact fruit, the Flying Kingdom with the ability to plunder committees should not let it go.

As a result, Teach never imagined that the people of the Flying Kingdom would be so terrified that they would let the Sea Kings smash the island into pieces, as if they didn't care about these powerful fruits at all.

Fortunately, under the aftermath of the island's shattering, the land they were standing on was relatively large, enough for them to stand firmly in the turbulent currents, otherwise, it would have been almost impossible for his team's trump card to be realized.

"Oka! Is it okay?" Seeing that his group began to be watched by the other giant Sea Kings, Teach couldn't help but uttered again.

"Alright! It's ready!" Knowing that the situation was critical, Fan Oka hurried to Kaidō.

The next moment, the members of the Blackbeard Pirates were all close together, and Teach grabbed Weibull violently, and shouted: "Teleport!"

After the voice fell, Van Oka fixed his eyes on the huge snake-shaped Sea Kings, and immediately activated the teleportation ability.

In the blink of an eye, the cadres of the Blackbeard Pirates and Weibull teleported to the head of the snake-shaped Sea Kings.

Landing firmly on this "earth" with an area of ​​several kilometers, Teach felt a burst of relief from the seawater for no reason.

As he expected, there is Poseidon·Poseidon here, other giant Sea Kings dare not attack here at all, and the Sea Kings under their feet also dare not act rashly.

Then, the only thing they have to deal with right now is this woman in front of them!

Teach, who felt that he had a certain chance of winning, couldn't help laughing. This is the main reason why he still planned to snatch it when he knew about the Ancient Weapon.

Knowing that the Hancock in front of him is not simple, and coupled with the troublesomeness of the Soul Soul Fruit, Teach did not dare to be negligent, just in case something happened again.

Immediately in the pig-man form, he accumulated infinite power, Teach shouted, and immediately led Weibull and the cadres to charge.

The moment he took action, a strong sense of falling came instantly.

Teach's face changed suddenly, because the snake-shaped Sea Kings under his feet were driving the whole snake body to sink to the bottom of the sea quickly.

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