Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 255 Black Group, Simple But Unexpected Group Destruction

"Damn! How could this happen!"

Teach couldn't bear it any longer, and started yelling.

It stands to reason that this should be the safest place.

In the end, the empress let the Sea Kings dive into the sea so directly, didn't she care about the situation of herself and the ability users of the crew behind her!!

Although Teach himself knows that this is the fastest way to deal with them, after all, there is Poseidon who controls the invincibility of the sea, but the empress who is famous for her arrogance in front of her should not choose this kind of avoidance so directly and decisively. It's the right way to fight!

Feeling the panic-stricken shout of the captain, who is often strategizing, the people around him also panicked.

Fan Oka said anxiously: "With a large range of teleportation, I don't have time to use the next ability!"

"Brother...what should I do!!" Weibull even hugged Sea Kings in fear. He took the power and felt the weakness brought by sea water. He was afraid of falling into the sea because of his immature mind.

Everyone's request, ~ Teach is unable to answer.

Because when the Sea Kings dived rapidly, the sea water was already in front of them, and it was not even enough time to rush to Bai Xing's side.

And the members of the black group could only have terrified eyes, and were suddenly taken into the sea by the snake-shaped Sea Kings, and were instantly swallowed by the sea masters who had been waiting for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, the Flying Snake, which also sank to the bottom of the sea, was pushed out of the water again by the snake-shaped Sea Kings.

On the ship, I almost felt the frightening weakness of being surrounded by sea water, Sandersonia, Marigold and other capable users gasped in terror as if they were surviving a catastrophe

Looking at the elder sister who was guarded by Anubis and was not contaminated by any sea water, the two younger sisters couldn't help shouting: "It's too messy! Miss Huang!!"

"We don't have the same ability to protect ourselves as your sister."

The opponent suddenly landed on the snake-shaped Sea Kings, which was indeed unexpected, but what was even more unexpected was that their sister directly asked Qu Xing to order Sea Kings to dive into the bottom of the sea.

"This is the fastest way to solve it." Hancock said, and at the same time glanced at the Nine Snake Warriors behind him: "And, no matter what I do, I will be forgiven by everyone, won't I?" "

"Ah!! Master Hancock, what you do is right!"

"Forgive you! Forgive you!"

The female Warriors who were drenched in the sea immediately shouted with enthusiasm, and even the two younger sisters were full of love.

Hancock smiled lightly, then looked towards Marco and the others who hadn't left in the sky.

But she was notified that Lord Maude had returned to the Flying Kingdom, so naturally she couldn't think of fighting. Hancock just wanted to settle all this quickly and go back.

Anyway, for this mission, the most important thing is to let Shirahoshi spread his hands and feet and exercise her mind.

And Blackbeard didn't expect that the accident only came from the phone bug report ordered by Hancock in advance.

Just when Hancock was planning to completely end the battlefield of the black and white regiment.

In the same Whitebeard sea, screams and wailing broke the calm.

"That guy is dead."

"The moment Whitebeard died, that's the moment we started taking over the world.

In the formerly prosperous town, gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the roar of guns echoed in the streets and alleys.

The flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, which once frightened an era, was used as the guardian of the territory and the village. At this moment, under the wanton destruction of the invaders, "song left a few pieces of tattered charred cloth swaying and falling in the wind.

New World, the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, basically looks like this.

There is smoke everywhere, the local order is completely broken, and the pirates are burning, killing and looting everywhere, vying for the territory, and the scene is a mess.

When Whitebeard was still alive, Shendu, the Gyūki snake from all walks of life, could only honestly pretend to be his grandson.

As soon as he died, countless pirates jumped out impatiently one by one to make troubles, scrambling to seize the few remaining fertile territories in New World.

Especially after recently learning that the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates have found trouble with the Blackbeard Pirates, this offensive of snatching has become even more unscrupulous.

Chado Ross Higliggs was one of them.

He is a pirate captain with a bounty of 80.06 million. In the New World where there are so many masters, he can only barely break away from the level of cannon fodder.

However, he himself is not self-aware. He thinks that in the New World, the air general is the king, Whitebeard's second child, and he will become the third famous figure, so after Whitebeard's death, he should inherit these rich territories.

For this reason, Chado Ross Higliggs also specially gave himself the nickname "tea beard", and its purpose is obvious.

At this time, he led the younger brother of the Teabeard Pirates to burn, kill and loot on the site of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Uhohohoho, you stupid guys, keep in mind with your two eyes that from now on, the one who rules this island is my uncle! It will be the era of teabeards in the future!!!"

Tea Beard held a blood-stained machete in his hand, stepped on a man's corpse and stood in the middle of the street. Seeing the fleeing town residents all around him, he laughed wildly and arrogantly. He enjoyed it very much. This kind of strength The pleasure of force dominating these weaklings.

0…ask for flowers……

"Report...Report to the boss, there is a fleet coming to the dock area!!"

"What? My teabeard's banner hangs on it, can't they see it?"

Enjoying this group of residents kneeling on the ground to express their submission, Tea Beard does not want others to take his fruit of victory.

"Who is it?! Go gather the men! Go with Laozi and slaughter those blind things!"

When Tea Beard gave an order, the younger brothers around him immediately raised their weapons to echo him.

The captain is a villain, and the crew is a bunch of scum, especially when Teabeard is pretentious, these boys believe in it even more.

It's just that when they came to the pier, their arrogant arrogance was immediately extinguished by cold water, and they turned into pieces.

"Boss...then...those people seem to be the Charlotte family from the Flying Kingdom!!"

I saw a group of people headed by Katakuri standing on the bow of the ship, which was almost the same as the Queen Mother.

Although as the BIGMOM pirates turned into dust, the Charlotte family also suffered heavy losses.

But in terms of reputation, with the blessing of the Flying Kingdom, it is definitely more prestigious than before.

The air general and his flying kingdom are deeply rooted in the hearts of the New World.

The tea beard who was fearless before, now is like a cat seeing a mouse, his pupils shrink suddenly, and his fat body can't help but start to tremble.

"Damn it!! Who said that the Flying Kingdom doesn't intend to participate in this battle!!"

Teabeard became terrified, and even scolded the originator of the rumors that came out of the sea, and then he slammed his sword on his back, and rushed to the dock area with hundreds of younger brothers

Naturally, this is not to meet the enemy, but to escape.

"Quick! Evacuate before they arrive!"

Tea Beard shouted, but it doesn't even need to be reminded, at the moment he ran, everyone was already panicking and ran towards the port.

Embark, pull anchor, set sail, set sail.

In one go, faster than ever before.

It's just that just when the Teabeard was about to flee, the light of the light flickered directly from the boat of the Yuanlot family.

Grabbing the arrested slave with one hand, extracting the energy from it with the squeeze ability, the second in command of the original dessert, Smoothie, held the sword blade in his hand high, and under the gift of ability, it instantly turned into an energy giant several hundred meters away. sword.

As soon as the blow fell, the sea thousands of meters away directly broke open.

The Teabeard, which was separated by a distance, was directly turned into two halves, and was buried in this sea. .

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