Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 304: Flash, Frozen, Phoenix, The Great War Begins

"It's really troublesome~~~"

Kizaru stood at the bow of the boat with his hands in his pockets, overlooking the gradually clear outline of Shuixianxing Island.

The sea breeze that seemed to have a chilling aura blew from a distance, blowing everyone's cloaks and seagull flags rattling.

"What's the trouble, old man?"

Standing next to Kizaru and carrying a big ax, Zhan Momomaru heard the other party's whisper, and looked forward confidently: "We have the strongest artificial humans in our hands, and there are countless Marines and government elites, besides And that guy with the red hair... It's not going to be an uphill battle against those guys.

"Everything is still uncertain, we have all suffered a lot under the hands of the Morde guy."

Kizaru glanced at the Chief of Staff Tsuru who stood there with a calm face, thinking why Zhan Momomaru was a direct descendant brought up by him after taking over from Vegapunk, touched his chin and reminded: "In short, the island The instability is still very strong, remember to protect yourself, after all, it is very difficult for anyone to support you in a battle of this level. 17

Zhan Taowan scratched his head, but didn't continue to ask any more questions, but his hand holding the giant axe tightened even more.

"By the way, according to the size of our large fleet, just using artillery fire is enough to clean the water star island in front." Araki looked at the water star island that was getting closer and said.

"If it were really that simple, the Flying Kingdom and the Kaido gang wouldn't have established this vile activity on such small and medium-sized islands."

Almost in the middle of Marine Admiral and Chief of Staff Maintenance, Jay Golucia Sartan, who was on the expedition together, calmly finished speaking, and made Huang Mu immediately nod with a teachable look.

Accompanied by the aggregation and shaping of a large number of light particles, Kizaru appeared on the front mast of the warship.

"Then let me see."

The moment the voice fell, Kizaru turned into a flash of gold and disappeared from the mast, and then, in the eyes of Marine, pirates and people all over the world, he came to the top of the water star island not far away, bursting out with dazzling light.

His figure emerged from the golden light, and then his hands were crossed in front of him, and the light of the cross flickered between his fingers.

Eight Foot Qiong Gouyu!

In an instant, countless gold light bullets (adbc) slammed down towards Shuixian Xingdao like a gust of wind and rain.

And just when Gold's light bomb fell, a huge and fat figure jumped up from the deck of the flying battleship in the air, and instantly turned into a big bird covered in blue flames. In an instant, it directly spread its huge wings nearly a hundred meters in length, and directly hit the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu's light bullet with its body.

chi chi chi...

When Gold's rain of light bullets touched Cang, Blue's flame erupted violently like cold water dripping into a frying pan.

It is almost visible to the naked eye. It can be seen that the blue flames on the huge wings seem to be continuously shattered, but they are reborn in an instant, and then continue to be shattered and reborn [I don’t know how many times this is repeated.

In the end, the huge blue flame completely exhausted the Gold light bullets falling in the air.


When the rain of gold light bullets was blocked, the huge blue flame exploded in an instant, forming a violent gust of wind in the air and sweeping towards the surroundings.

After exhausting all means, Kizaru landed on the red-haired docked ship, and looked at Charlotte Linlin, who had turned into a phoenix in the air, with a rare look of surprise.

Steel balloons plus the terrifying resilience of the phoenix... Flying Kingdom is really good at making such incredible monsters!

"Admiral's attack was actually blocked."

"what's going on?"

"Who is that!?"

"Is it the second in command of the Whitebeard Pirates, Phoenix Marco?"

"No! No! It's the strongest man-made weapon of the Flying Kingdom! BIGMOM Legion!"

"Sure enough, the remnants of Whitebeard were all dealt with by the Flying Kingdom, and I'm afraid the same was true for Blackbeard and Whitebeard II at that time!!"

There were whispers on the warship or the island, especially when they saw the phoenix wrapped in blue flames in the sky, their eyes were shocked.

"Ah la la, it looks like it's time to make a move."

On the flying battleship, Kuzan looked at the approaching Marine warship, his figure flashed, and his whole body quickly turned into an ice ball and landed on the sea.

"Ice Age--!"

The slightly icy voice echoed on the empty sea.

Aokiji stretched out his arms towards the sea below, a slender icicle spread out from his palm, and the rapidly spreading icicle quickly touched the sea.

Accompanied by terrifying low temperature.

Kaka! Kaka!

The sound of the sea water freezing rapidly on the sea surface was heard all of a sudden.

The terrifying ice layer rapidly expanded towards the sea area in front of the Marine fleet at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even because of the extreme cold, the water vapor in the sky condensed into snowflakes and fell, and many Marines and pirates even shivered from the sudden low temperature.

Almost in an instant, the frozen sea surface had spread to several kilometers of sea area, directly forcing the forward warships to be stuck on the ice.

"This is... Kuzan's ability!"

"The rudder is frozen! What should I do if I can't move it!?"

"Damn it! Aokiji Admiral has really joined the Flying Kingdom, and he's going to attack us!"

"Impossible! Why is this happening!"

All Marine executives changed their faces because of this, especially the dovish Vice Admirals and Sengoku who had supported Kuzan.

"Since he has degenerated into garbage on the sea, there is no reason to let him go any longer!"

The cigar in his mouth was burned out of anger, Akainu stared at the figure on the ice, gritted his teeth and ordered: "Don't let me let go of ten of these garbage in the sea!!"

Under the command of the marshal, more than hundreds of thousands of troops began to rush towards the coast of Shuixianxing Island, especially the powerful aura emitted by the many Marine generals who took the lead, as well as the powerful aura hovering over the ice. The majestic aura makes people feel the oppression of the imminent war.

Seeing the arrival of the large Marine army, the pirates of Water Star Island could only grit their teeth and prepare to parry the Marine's attack no matter how frightened they were.

At the very least, seeing the powerful resources and combat power of the Flying Kingdom appear on the scene, they also have some assurance of peace of mind.

And the people who watched the live broadcast were all concentrated, and the peerless war had already begun. .

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