Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 305 The Tragic Battlefield, Al Buff Strikes!

"The war has begun."

As if hearing the ridicule in Kizaru's words, the red-haired pupil sternly said: "This is different from what we agreed."

The terrifying Conqueror's moved towards Kizaru from passive to active, until the opponent was forced to break out in a cold sweat and raised his hands to cry for injustice.

"I don't know what kind of dealings you have with those high-ranking officials, I'm just a Marine who does what's required.

As he said that, Kizaru changed his cowardly attitude of being oppressed by the Conqueror's, and calmly swept towards the position of the battlefield, his eyes showing coldness under the sunglasses: "But don't just think that it's okay for them to bring Marine's head to participate in any carnival." It is the attitude of the government and Marine to be safe and sound."

"Well, let's not mention these for now, at least your purpose of coming this time is not the same as ours, you have a common enemy.

Kizaru's momentum returned to the usual situation again, and after a reminder, he turned into light particles and disappeared on the red-haired boat.

"What's next, Shanks," said Benn Beckman, lighting a cigar.

"According to the original plan, after all, that guy Akainu is in command over there~."

After the redhead gave the order, he suddenly laughed and said, "And those guys at Marine seem to have thought something wrong. We are here this time to compete for that ONEPIE-CE!"

"The scum of the sea has no need to live."

Seeing the start of the war, Akainu, who is the number one Marine today, shouted angrily.

His arms and clothes turned into flowing magma in an instant, and he immediately raised his arms to the air in the direction of Shuixian Xingdao, and then a large number of fist-shaped magma bombs were fired towards the air one after another.

"Meteor Volcano!!!"

Countless magma bombs expanded rapidly as they flew high into the sky, and then directly submerged into the clouds, dyeing the originally pitch-black Wuwei into a red-like color like a raging fire.

A few seconds later, countless fist-shaped magma bombs penetrated the clouds like a meteor shower and fell towards Shuixian Xingdao.

After a while.

The clouds in the sky suddenly spread out towards the surroundings, as if some huge monster was squeezing the clouds away.

Soon this behemoth revealed its true colors, a huge meteorite wrapped in flames pushed through the clouds and fell towards Shuixianxing Island.

More precisely, it is the sea surface ship where Shui Dong lived.


A huge roar sounded on the periphery of the island.

The meteorite hit the ship in the port.

All of a sudden—

Centered on the falling point of the meteorite, a terrifying explosion occurred.

The surging shock wave, mixed with a large amount of black smoke caused by the magma igniting the trees, enveloped the island in an instant.

"Meteorite! It's a magma meteorite! Akainu's shot!!"

"Hey, hey, are you kidding, are these guys so ruthless when they come up..."

"Damn! That guy's target is not us! It's the supplies on our ship!"

Many pirates and evil forces looked up at the huge meteorite that dyed the sky red, especially when it sank ships one by one directly and accurately after landing, they couldn't help but yelled.

"Those bastards Marine really want to keep us here!"

"In order to survive! I can only fight! Just in time to pursue ONEPIECE by the way!!"

"Woo la la la! Since you won't give us our lives, then come and fight! Marine!"

"Use Marine's head to tell them that this is a paradise for pirates! A paradise for pirates! It's New World!!"

This is the bloody existence of New World. With the ice and lava of their respective camps opening up the battlefield, countless pirates screamed like smashing cans, and rushed to Marine one after another.

Among them, the lunatic pirate group led by Kaido rushed to the forefront.

Marine, who also came here, has already made the belief and determination to win.

"Come on!"

"Kill the scum of the sea!"

"For Justice! For Peace!"

"Follow me!"

Many Marines rushed towards Shuixianxing Island under the leadership of a Marine general.

Soon, the pirates with a tight formation collided with the pirates with a loose formation and no coordination at all.

In just a moment, the brave pirates were overwhelmed by the blue and white waves.

The sounds of fighting, screams, weapon collisions, and explosions echoed over the battlefield.

With the advantages in numbers and training, Marine quickly killed most of the pirates.

But those who came here were all the best of the evil forces of the New World. Naturally, some Marine formations were quickly slaughtered when they were dispersed.

0...asking for flowers...

It was so tragic that someone fell onto the ice almost every second, causing the ice to quickly turn into a scene of blood.

And this situation started to intensify over time.

First of all, a new generation of pacifist weapons and Seraphim began to land on the battlefield.

Known as the strongest human weapon by the World government and Marine, it soon began to kill all sides on the battlefield.


A series of extremely lethal light beams continued to shoot at the exhausted pirates.

Under the laser bombardment, there was a pile of shattered limbs.

And then there is the group of animal agents made by man-made Devil FruitSMILE, even playing a role far superior to Kaido's group of beasts.


The situation began to be one-sided as Marine gradually unfolded his cards.

Under the live broadcast of the world, countless people witnessed everything. Although the war cruelly guarded countless lives, it was nothing more than an ordinary thing in this world.

Even though some people feel palpitations and can't bear to watch the atmosphere of this fight, they are more celebrating and cheering when they witness the righteous side gaining the upper hand.

"Damn! This laser cannon can't even defend against Haki! When will the World government get these monsters!"

"Where are the weapons and combat power of the Flying Kingdom? Damn it, use us as pawns and watch us die right now?!!"

Unlike the people who just live broadcasted their feelings, the pirates who experienced the bad situation could not help showing despair and resentment.

Previously, they had vowed to make Marine pay the price, saying that they would compete for the position of the Great Secret Treasure, but facing the terrifying Marine strength far beyond their impression, they felt as helpless as pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

just at this moment

A horn resounded through the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a rumbling sound sounded, and the frozen ice surface in the distance broke open under this sound!

It was as if a path forward had been directly cut by some huge attack.

Under the eyes of everyone, dozens of huge warships as large as a hundred meters appeared on the sea level.

And on the ship, there are titans holding giant axes and long swords and screaming loudly.

"That... that's Al Buff's titan!! Knife!".

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