Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 306 Wolf Ambition, Sit Back And Enjoy It!

The sudden change changed the atmosphere in the battlefield.

Looking at the attack of the huge battleship, everyone couldn't hide the shock in their hearts.

Although it is no longer the so-called world's most powerful country, Al Bhaf's strength is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. When such a critical moment suddenly appears, it is difficult for people to imagine whether the other party has any bad intentions.

Soon, the answer was told to people all over the world.

I saw the Warriors from the titan country start to swing their long swords or spears, and the next moment, the terrifying power from the titan talent instantly condensed on their wrists.


Countless titans resounded like thunderous fury.

The huge power of tens of thousands of meters, enough to destroy the country, roared up from the ground and rushed towards the direction where the "637" army and World government ships were moored with a world-shaking momentum.


The green cow Huang Mu let out an angry roar, and immediately flocked desperately to the direction where the huge power came.

Hundreds of thousands of energies gathered from the corpses on the battlefield, and all of them merged into Huang Mu who had turned into a forest in a blink of an eye.

——Fist of Nature!!

Terrifying energy poured out, forming thousands of meters of hands made of vines and bushes, and then condensed the armed colors bestowed by the will and blasted towards the huge Hakoku.


The sound of violent concussion spread, and the entire ice surface shook crazily at this moment, and there were countless cobweb cracks spreading, among which countless seawater broke through, forming a magnificent fountain with a range of nearly a kilometer.

On the main battlefield where the two sides attacked and resisted, the huge Hakoku still extended a distance of several hundred meters before stopping, and offset the symbolic attack condensed by Al Buff Warrior. half kneeling on the ground while donating blood.

...Green Bull Admiral!!!"

Although it is great to block this shocking blow, as Admiral, Aramu's fate has caused a lot of impact on the world, the government, and Marine.


"It's the enemy!!"

Titan, who is also a Marine general, shouted to the battlefield of his own country with disbelief, even disbelief: "Why does King Rocky want to conquer the world and attack Marine!! Aren't we friends with the government!!"

The titan quickly pierced the school-level voice to the al-Baf army who came to the battlefield.

"Friend?! Don't be kidding, our friend is Mord! It's the flying kingdom!!"

"Woo la la la! Such a battlefield is suitable for us to show the glory of Al Buff to the world!"

"Quit that fucking Marine, too! The world shouldn't be run by those guys! Maude is right! This is the time for our Al Buff Warrior renaissance!

Even without Loki's reply, General Titan's questioning was rejected, and at the same time, everyone understood that [Al Meter's participation in the war has an absolute relationship with Cao De and Flying Kingdom.

The heroic fighting from the titan Warrior, and soon the group of titans began to wreak havoc on the battlefield with an unstoppable momentum.

"Even Al Buff is involved!"

Five Elders Satan tightly held the crutch in his hand, and his expression was not as indifferent as before. Al Buff's strength and heritage as the world's most powerful country must not be underestimated, especially when a race like Titan is on the battlefield. destructive power.

Thinking that this battle was witnessed by that adult, not to mention that the cards of the existence of the Flying Kingdom group have not yet been revealed!

Sa Tansheng couldn't sit still and stood up, and Zhou Kailong, who was beside him, stepped forward immediately.

"Allow those giant war machines built by Vegapunk! Bring God's Shield and Seraphim into top order!"

The CPO who was ordered immediately understood the meaning, that is, just eliminate the enemy and put the first friendly forces behind.

After all, because of meeting and fighting, some advanced combat forces are still a little bit restrained in their actions because they have to take into account the Marines who are also fighting.

Holy Land Mariejois.

In the conference hall in Pangu City, two Five Elders watching the screen are also staring at the ever-changing battlefield...

At this time, Marine and the government maintained their advantage on the battlefield by joining the giant war weapons made by Vegapunk.

But looking at the battle that caused more casualties because of Al Buff and the giant weapon, the blonde Five Elders and the warrior Five Elders frowned.

Apparently, they didn't expect Al Buff's intrusion to bring the situation to such a change. Otherwise, with the stinky fish and rotten shrimps, Marine would have already controlled the situation, thus exposing the territory of the flying kingdom.

"From this point of view, this may be the purpose of the Flying Kingdom."

Blonde Five Elders suddenly said: "From the beginning to the end, only Kaido ended up. Except for blocking Belusalino's attack, those guys have remained indifferent until now. Instead, they used Al Buff's titan to make the war become Even more bloody and chaotic...... Maybe the Xu Fei Sky Kingdom didn't intend to use this bunch of sea garbage to fight us at all, they wanted to use our hands to eradicate this group of villains that gathered! By the way, let Marine Joining the army with the government also hurts both sides.”

"Wolf ambition!!" The warrior Five Elders also noticed something and said angrily: "That guy really has the heart to devour the gods, and he wants to take advantage of our military strength to enjoy the benefits!"

Whether it is evil forces or pirates, they are difficult to control in this world and need to be cleared of 3.4 sea garbage! Flying Kingdom is walking with the ambition of annexing the world government, so it must be clear sooner or later!

It's just that that guy is clever while weakening the enemy, and at the same time let his primary enemy help him deal with these troubles that need to be cleared in the future!

The exact problem is that the contradictions caused by the admission ticket and ONEPIECE make them have to enter this game!

At this time, a World government official came from outside the conference hall, and he reported to the two chiefs with the latest information: "My lord, the Flying Kingdom has left the Flying Kingdom.



The two Five Elders couldn't help shouting.

Although it has been expected for a long time, is the most critical unstable factor finally coming to an end!.

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