Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 65 Sad, Artificial Devil Fruit

It is no wonder that a relatively extreme scientific research team is established in a dangerous sea area like New World, probably to facilitate the avoidance of research risks of large-scale weapons.

After the explosion of scientific weapons, the entire island became an uninhabited island. Naturally, the World government can use the unique concealment of this New World to block some information first, push Guy out of the blame, and bury the world. The government's purpose for conducting these studies.

After listening to the introductions of all the scientists, Mo De—— nodded, and began to tell the follow-up results of these people.

"Very well, from now on, you will belong to my country, and you can still conduct research and development and experiments in this research institute, but weapons of mass destruction need to be restricted."

"Other than that, you don't need to worry about research fees. What you need to remember is that the service target will be transferred from World Government to me."

The scientists looked at each other in blank dismay, until someone spoke: "I wonder what country this lord is from?"

The scientists are not stupid, the other party directly attacked the World Government island, and they completely ignored this giant in their words, either arrogant or confident.

"Wanokuni, and I am the current general of Wanokuni."

Mo De replied, and the scientists immediately burst into surprise:

"It's that illegal country famous for its swordsmen and warriors!"

"It seems to be a very famous and powerful country in the New World!"

Likewise, this group of scientists discusses most of its strengths on Wanokuni.

This is what this group of scientists are concerned about. You must know that even if they are taken away forcibly, the World Government will track them down afterwards, and most of them will end badly.

And if the backer is a well-known powerful country at sea, the World government's investigation will naturally change.

"Hey, blah blah, my lord from Wanokuni, we will definitely devote our whole life's talents to serve you and your country."

Seeing Mo De's terrifying strength, Guy Sa, who was half surrendered, hurried forward to take an oath after hearing Mo De's background and identity.

"Guy Sarah Courant, I know you. It might be better to say that the purpose of this trip is for you. For this reason, I just spared your life."

Seeing Mo De's meaningful expression, Guy immediately became terrified, and couldn't help being frightened: "Could he really know that I lied earlier!"

Even the expression showed a surprised change of color. After he realized it, he coughed quickly, folded his hands together, and showed another flattering expression to Mo De: "Thank you, General, for your generosity. It is my luck to be valued by the General. Weapons, medicines long as adults like it, I can research it!"

These two are the points that Guysa is best at and specializes in.

"SAD is fine too." Mo De said directly.

"Of course no problem." Guy subconsciously said, and then shook his hands in shock: "S...SAD?!"

—how did he know?!

One by one, should I tell the truth...No! If he can really see that I am lying, he will definitely become one of those dead souls!

A series of words bombarded in his heart, and after the result was obtained, Guy carefully pointed his finger inside the research institute: "My lord, how about we go in and talk about the matter of SAD."

As he said that, the chicken thief swept around. Obviously, he has never shared this research with anyone, and he has no plans to do so.

Knowing why Guy was being cautious, Mo De said indifferently, "What are you covering up? Isn't it the technology left by Vegapunk! I plan to let them assist in the development, and I will deal with the personnel related to the World government. .”

Hearing what Mo De said, compared with those who were disposed of, it seemed that they had been touched. Guy spread his hands and explained to Mo De: "That guy Vegapunk didn't leave any technology behind! At most Leaving behind the idea………”

Guy Sa, who was retorting loudly, suddenly lowered his voice, and then patted himself on the chest, pointing his thumb at himself, and said with confidence and complacency: "And I relied on mere ideas, combined with My genius brain has done a lot of research on SAD!"

"Heh heh... I got carried away, I'm so sorry!!!"

Guy Sa, who had just boasted that he laughed, immediately bowed to Mo De with the most humility at ninety degrees after recovering.

Although he is a scumbag, he is also a famous comedian among pirates.

Mingming is very apprehensive and afraid of himself in his heart. When it comes to points that are not as good as Vegapunk, he will immediately become angry. Is this the resentment of the second child of Ten Thousand Years in Zeng Science Group.

Mo De felt emotional in his heart, and praised indifferently: "I will be tolerant of geniuses (although not as good as Vegapunk), and you are also a famous figure in the world government science class (second child), so you can already make artificial Devil Fruit ."

0...seeking flowers...

The compliments inside and outside the words are all for the purpose of naming Mo De.

However, the praise is true. You must know that it will be nearly 18 years after the two years in the original book. Guy, who is only 21 years old now, already has such an understanding and grasp of SAD.

"Artificial Devil Fruit?!"

"Really, can this kind of thing really be done?!"

Scientists generally couldn't believe it when they heard this.

The more difficult and impossible it is, the more it shows the height of Dacheng's achievement.


"Whew! That's right! The SAD I specially developed is the key element to be able to process and develop [artificial Devil Fruit]!" Guy laughed with his arms akimbo.

"Then Guy, have you already developed the finished product of [artificial fruit]!"

It is an extremely rare product in science, and all the scientists present wanted to witness it.

"If I developed a finished product here, I would have been taken away by the World government long ago, and I would still be safe in an unsafe island like New World? What's more, man-made Devil Fruit still needs to go to the district to build a complete processing plant!"

After Guy cast a glance at Mo De, he hurriedly said: "However, as long as such conditions can be met, I'm confident that within a few years, I can achieve [Man-made Devil Fruit] 50% of the time."

50% is half the possibility, which is already a very high probability for anecdotes like artificial fruits.

Of course, Mo De also knows what the other party didn’t explain, that is the side effect of man-made Devil Fruit. Those who fail to eat it will be deprived of all expressions except smiles.

But this is not what Mo De cares about. Anyway, the buyer is Kaido, and whether the side effects are irrelevant to him, just let the Beasts Pirates worry about it.

What's more, the man-made Devil Fruit is not only for Kaido of the Beasts, he intends to use the reason of animals to plant unique hidden mines!

In this way, relying on the ability of Lion Fruit, this giant research institute was easily driven by Mo De, floating around the ship island and leaving the sea area together, heading straight for Wanokuni for a few days. .

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