New World, on the speeding ship, Yamato and Maria lay on the rails of the ship, looking at the scene that is becoming more and more familiar with travel, the excitement in their hearts is somewhat unbearable.

"At the current sailing speed, we will be able to reach Wanokuni in about half an hour."

Lafitte, who was in charge of the navigation route, said that his eyes followed the direction of Yamato and others.

"Is it finally here? Whoops...a country where even the newspapers are hard to hear, what are you really looking forward to?"

Guy said enthusiastically that after knowing that there is a huge golden town among the islands to return to, his heart at the moment is the same as that of Hobak, even if there is no coercion from Mo De, his heart has already turned to Wanokuni.

After the announcement that Wanokuni was approaching was passed on, almost everyone put down their busy work and looked around the island or the ship and looked below the sea surface.

In about 20 minutes, the surrounding sea water slowly became agitated, vortices as large as "613" formed, and even the sky became a little dark and gloomy.

Everything seems to indicate that there is something incredible ahead of this sea area.

Then, the towering land in the distance, and the huge waterfall crashing down appeared in front of everyone.

"What a magnificent sight this is." Laffitte couldn't help being amazed when he saw this kind of scene for the first time.

Not only him, but the citizens of Nine Snakes, as well as the ships who came to Wanokuni's command for the first time, all showed their true colors. ?

Passing through the dangerous eddy sea area and the great waterfall, at a high altitude, you can see the country at the end of the waterfall above the special sea.

After approaching the destination, Mo De lowered the ship and the island to a height of 100 meters.

The flying fleet thus crossed the sky above Wanokuni, attracting the attention of the citizens below.

To be seen is the iconic Flying Sky Island and the Centurion class ship that left half a year ago.

Immediately, everywhere they passed by, violent cheers erupted.

"It's General Mo De who's back!"

"General Mo De!!"

"General I love you!"

It was an exaggerated cry that could break through the sky, and it happened every time it passed through an area.

Almost everyone below raised their hands high, shaking their kuns in the air with smiles and joy.

Most people who come to Wanokuni for the first time can feel the terrifying popularity of Mo De in this country most directly.

Although Maria and Yamato had expected it, they didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

For a moment, looking at the situation of Wanokuni below, everyone had mixed feelings in their hearts.

Maria was the most excited. Although it had been more than half a year, she felt like returning home after a long absence. In this situation, Shimotsuki Koshiro was even more so, but it was not as good as the former's tear glands.

Yamato was also very happy to shake his hand downwards and responded. Although the happy adventure was over, this sense of belonging of welcoming home also made her heart jump with joy.

On the contrary, Robin was a little apprehensive. The country that was getting closer and closer would indicate that she was about to start her position as general manager. For a while, she couldn't help but worry about whether she could do a good job.

Huoba Ke and Guy Sa, two geniuses in different fields, have already imagined in their minds that they must become famous figures in this Wanokuni. This feeling of being cheered and worshiped by so many people must be very comfortable.

In Amazon Lily, Gloriosa not only observes the lofty prestige, but also carefully observes and analyzes the structural conditions of the places it passes by.

After getting the results, I sighed in my heart that it was Shakky who said that this is a self-sufficient country that can be self-sufficient even if it does not need money from the sky and cuts off the foreign economy, and none of the regions is a victim of backwardness and poverty. It seems that the whole All countries are thriving.

Especially the Flower City area in the center, it looks extremely prosperous, much higher than many core areas she has been to.

It is no wonder that Mo De has such a high popularity in Wanokuni. Coupled with the source of property in the golden island, Gloriosa can already predict how highly developed Wanokuni will be.

From this point of view, it is really a good thing that Amazon Lily can be included in the list of such a stable and efficient country.

After reading this, she looked at the three Boya sisters who were also sighing, and said to the eldest sister among the three girls: "Hancock, come with me later, we will go to General Mo De and settle down on Amazon Lily of all things."

"This! Is it so sudden?!" Hancock suddenly twitched: "Then I have to wash up first!"

"Didn't you wash it not long ago?"

Looking at Hancock who suddenly accelerated away, Gloriosa couldn't help stretching out her hand and shouting.

And you shouldn't care, why should I take you to this point!

He also planned to slowly reveal part of the emperor's situation to Hancock. Seeing this, Gloriosa suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, and then shook his head violently, and said to himself: "No, it should be just a token of gratitude to General Mo De. Love is right."

"But this situation, isn't it the most likely precedent to breed such dangerous feelings!!!"

"Grandma New! What's wrong with you!"

Gloriosa suddenly raised her head and yelled unbearably, and Sandersonia and Marigloot at the side immediately rushed forward, as did the surrounding Nine Snake warriors.

Back at Wanokuni, Mo De first placed the islands around the ship in the waters near Wanokuni.

The research institute is close to the island of the weapon processing factory.

As a non-staff fortress, Daughter Country is supposed to be located some distance away from the sea.

At the same time, after letting the citizens of Nine Snakes familiarize themselves with the new environment, Mo De returned to the capital of flowers with the main ship.

Due to the previous parade in the air, the whole Wanokuni already knew the news of Mo De's return at this time.

Crowds with their hands raised in the Capital of Flowers gathered under the square of the General City, and the troops under the General's command were already waiting in the city.

Among them, a pair of mother and daughter with light green hair stood in the front and were particularly conspicuous.

The ship landed steadily on the square, Hiyori had already trotted over, opened his hands and ran towards Mo De, cheering: "Mo De big brother, you are back!"

"Yo! Hiyori, it's been half a year!"

Yamato next to Mo De's eyes lit up first, and he also opened his hands, embracing the joyous Hiyori.

The joy of seeing a friend made the other party change from joy to resentment. Of course, Yamato, who was happy, didn't notice this.

Returning to the territory he ruled, for various reasons, Mo De also smiled, touched Hiyori's head, and then looked at Kozuki: "Thank you, you have managed Wanokuni for me for half a year, and everything is in order .”

3.0 "According to your rules and regulations, you don't need to spend a lot of thought. All townships follow the orders of the general's mansion, and the management is quite easy."

Kozuki shook his head while talking, wanting to report the situation of the past half year.

Mo De stopped him aloud: "I just came back, and I'm exhausted. I'll report on these matters later, and now I just want to have a good rest."

As he said that, when he looked at Kozuki, the charm and figure still remained, but he hadn't enjoyed it for more than half a year!

Kozuki couldn't help looking at Mo De. The other party was not in a state of fatigue at all, but saw the piercing eyes in those words, and thought of something, his face turned red, and he hurriedly said half ashamed and half happy: "The person you brought back You also need to make good arrangements first.”

Mo De smiled unabated, and wrapped his arms around Kozuki: "Let Ah Ren arrange these things first, and now is the time to build a strong character."

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