Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 92 Tea Party? It's An Invitation To The Fire Festival!

Time, come to the middle of 1506 in the Sea Circle Calendar.

The period of the Flame Festival is getting closer and closer, and Wanokuni is busy with the success of this event.

This time is naturally different, not just a domestic celebration period, just like BIGMOM's annual tea party invitation, taking advantage of this special period, Mo De began to open invitations to this festival to New World.

As the first external move, it is not only to show its strength and heritage, and to grasp the necessary forces in New World, but also to gradually connect Wanokuni's influence to the right track, and slowly radiate to New World like a tea party. In the understanding of the world.

Just as preparations were made in various townships, especially in the core flower capital area, the invitation letter for this flame festival was gradually delivered to the hands of many forces scattered all over the New World under the distribution of shadow guards.

This will undoubtedly be the most important event in New World for some time to come.

All of a sudden, apart from the tea party, it seems that there may be an additional so-called fire festival every year.

People can't help feeling that the two Four Emperors are each grabbing the once-a-year event to collect profits.

06 It is undeniable that, from a general point of view, Wanokuni's flame festival is more lively and diverse than Wanokuni's tea party.

Of course, these are all superficial forms.

Although I don't know the difference between the Air General's invitation to the Fire Festival and the BIGMOM's tea party invitation in nature, it will only be a problem.

However, Wanokuni's strong color in the New World, especially the changes in recent years, and the huge profits contained in it, are clear to the leaders of the underground forces who have cooperated.

What's more, this is the first invitation from Four Emperors Mo De, which means that the young emperor paid attention to you, so naturally, not many people would reject this invitation.

So, just like an invitation to a tea party, the leaders of various underground forces also began to prepare their time to participate in this unmissable scene.

Of course, there are also some special forces that did not show joy after receiving the invitation letter.

On Cake Island, the roar of Zhenlot Linlin resounded throughout the castle.

"Is this bastard trying to disgust my old lady on purpose! Burn this invitation soon!"

"Yes, Mom!"

There are also some forces that, after receiving the invitation letter, revealed a state of deep thought and solemnity.

In North Blue, the house with the special sign of Don Quixote, there is a long table that can be filled with more than a dozen family members, and a family meeting is being held at the moment.

The source of this meeting is the invitation letter in Doflamingo's hand with the Wanokuni logo.

Sitting on the main seat, his fingers tapped rhythmically on the table.

After reading all the contents of the invitation letter in his hand, Doflamingo couldn't help taking a deep breath and said: "It seems that we have indeed received the invitation from that big New World figure!

Hearing this, most of the family members on the long table were shocked, especially Rosinante, who immediately focused on the invitation letter.

"Is it really that air general! Dover!" The tall and thin Diamanti immediately exclaimed.

"Is that the Flame Festival?"

Although it has not yet entered the New World, from the information sources obtained from North Blue, it is natural to know the main wind direction of the New World at this time.

The first time Wanokuni was held to the outside world, the invitation letter of the flame festival issued by Four Emperors Mo De.

"But isn't that only invited to the big shots of the New World? Why did they come to our place, North Blue?" Seka said.

Hearing this, Torrebol immediately thought of it: "Isn't there any purpose for us, just like BIGMOM, but there are many people who are forced to become the subordinates of that monster because of the tea party!"

"Hey! Hey! Dover, why don't we have an invitation letter this time, let's not go!"

Having been a member of the Doflamingo family for so many years, and finally living in the life of the North Blue Tu Emperor, Torrebol doesn't want to just lose it.

"Yes, young master, what Torrebol said makes sense, we'd better be careful." Senor and others also said out loud.

After all, despite the fact that in North Blue they are already like the emperors showing off their might, in the eyes of the New World Four Emperors, they are at best a small role that can catch the eye.

But for such a small character, he received an invitation letter together with the New World forces, if it is not for a special purpose "Who would believe such a coincidence.

With the thoughts of Torrebol and others, the emotions began to spread to other family members, and began to persuade Doflamingo who was still silent.

This is something that Mo De didn't consider. In his understanding, this should be regarded as a special honor, but he didn't know that because of the special, the timid and cautious Don Quixote family was directly afraid of it.

"No, this is already an inevitable fact!"

After several minutes of silence, Doflamingo said solemnly: "If you regard this as BIGMOM's invitation to a tea party, if you refuse, you should know the consequences on 920."

"Although the opponent's hand may not be able to reach North Blue completely, but the development of our family's business will definitely suffer a heavy blow!"

Moreover, entering the New World in the future will also be shattered because of this. Doflamingo does not intend to just aim at the goal of the North Blue Emperor.

He is a little bit optimistic, anyway, sooner or later they will match up, and now the time is just a little earlier.

"And many of you may have thought about it, Mo De is not the picky person that BIGMOM is. He is so harsh in his salary. Now that he has joined Wanokuni's forces, he has not even surpassed ten ships!"

"There are many people in New World who are more famous than us, maybe they just happen to be in North Blue and need us for something.

"Besides, the people who went to the festival were all New World figures. Isn't our family lacking a network in this regard!"

It seems that this is what Doflamingo said, and the Don Quixote family got rid of their silence and became active again.

Seeing this, Doflamingo also issued an order: "By the way, take out our collection and go to meet the big man. You must prepare a satisfactory gift, and maybe you can get a good value in exchange!".

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