Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 93: The Guests Arrive And The Feast Is Splendid

Time, fleeting.

The Flame Festival also ushered in the last few days.

Because it was arranged in advance, all parts of the country were already decorated with lights and festivities, and a warm atmosphere like a prosperous and prosperous age was created in all parts of the country.

All kinds of food stalls are placed in rows in the center of the street.

However, it is different from what I thought, the streets in the center of the capital of flowers are filled with joyous crowds, but a large area is vacated, connecting the square directly to the General City, as a special reserved area, and the stage of the opera house is also placed here. At the huge square above the stairs.

At the same time, the ships that received the invitation letter also entered the orbit after undergoing inspections from the dark port one after another within the past few days, avoiding the baptism of the eddy waters and the big waterfall "down to the inner port of Wanokuni.

Arriving from Jiuli and other places to the capital of flowers in the core area, the acceleration of floating yachts equipped with electric energy has become the main way to carry guests. Of course, I also experienced a high-altitude view.

"This is Wanokuni! It's really different from 727!"

There are not a few people who are invited to come here for the first time, especially when boarding the airship, with the arrangement of the journey to the capital of flowers, it is a grand sight to look down.

Tourists line up, and various streetscape features are arranged in various township areas of the country. Looking into the distance, you can also see special areas such as entertainment cities, military sites, and research institutes.

It's the same contrast with Cake Island, where the tea party is located.

Compared with the relaxed atmosphere where all kinds of desserts gather, the annual grand ceremony can most directly feel the enthusiasm of this country and the background on the table.

Until arriving at the capital of flowers in the core area, this grandeur can be felt even more deeply.

In order to welcome guests from afar, there is also a palace that surrounds the entire General City in the City of Flowers, like a meandering river, spreading to the most prosperous areas of the City of Flowers.

The invited guests were all arranged to stay in the palace here. At this time, there were already many people taking a leisurely walk in it, chatting and paying attention to the various scenes in the capital of flowers.

Of course (agfi) Of course, there is still a focus on the guests who keep coming.

This is also the best way to reflect the gold content of this invitation.

When the guests were chatting, they naturally appeared like a finale. The six most famous dark kings of the underground forces, also led by their guards, boarded the palace, and immediately greeted the eyes of most of the guests.

"It's really a prosperous area, as expected of a country that used to have a country of gold!"

Morgans is carrying a camera phone bug, and is constantly taking pictures of current events in various scenes of the Flower City under the festival.

"Of course, Wanokuni is a treasure land, especially the superb craftsman skills. Now it accounts for one-third of New World's arms and seastone production. Grain is one of the main export places of New World. You two still It's really lucky to make people jealous."

As Feld spoke, his eyes were also looking at the two underground kings of the shipping and warehousing industry, and there was a hint of envy and jealousy in his words.

After all, after connecting with Wanokuni's traffic, these two old rivals made the most profits. Even if they only accounted for less than half of the profits, they still made a lot of money.

The two who were pointed out by Feld also smiled and said nothing. Although they can still communicate with each other in normal times, they will always be competitors when it comes to interests.

"Because there is that flying general here, I heard that the famous daughter country and the small people also live in this country.

Stussy said, looking at the crowd on the street. If you look carefully, you can see the figure of the little people flickering on the erected Fulian.

"Those restricted areas. I really want to see the situation. If it is published in the newspaper, it must be very eye-catching." Morgans looked at the area behind the Flower City Mountains. He also knew something about the area divided by Wanokuni.

Especially the Amazon lily, that is the country of daughters, just like The Fish Men Island's attraction to men, even more so.

"If you want to think this way, remember to decide on the next heir to the newspaper before filming." Stussy joked.

This is not a lie, not only because Amazon Lily is a fighting nation, but also because of the fact that Wanokuni has a strong background.

Although they are not big figures on the stage in New World, don't underestimate their experience of being able to climb to their current status in the dark forces. At least they are surrounded by security guards, and they can feel the extraordinary strength of them, let alone The strength arrangement in the restricted area.

Among them, Stussy is the one who knows the most, especially after the intelligence personnel she arranged, no matter what means are used, they are still unable to understand the information in the restricted area.

"Of course I was just joking. After all, I'm a guest, so I still have to be measured."

Morgans Kaidō, continuing to shoot from corner to corner, followed by a bird's-eye view, suddenly said: "That group of guys, aren't they the Donquixote family from North Blue?"

Immediately, the other five underground kings followed suit, and the figures in pink fluffy coats, as the distance kept getting closer, indeed appeared in the field of vision.

It was Doflamingo, who is known as the sea hooligan, and four main cadre members around him.

"It's really a lively country." Diamanti said with emotion: "It seems to be no less than the situation of a powerful franchise country."

"Whenever we can control a country!"

Torrebol kept looking around. From the very beginning after entering the country, his vision was constantly being impacted. In such a comparison, he suddenly felt that the life of the Tu Emperor in North Blue was just like that.

"Xixixi, don't show such a lackluster expression, Torrebol, everything in the future is uncertain now.

Doflamingo said with an evil smile, the country that once belonged to their Don Quixote, he must and must take it back!


As if feeling the gaze, Doflamingo also looked in the direction of the palace.

There, they are all talkers who are now masters of various fields in the New World. As long as they can make connections, his business can also start to touch the New World.

Especially the Emperor of the New World!

Doflamingo looked at the top of the palace, the highest general city in the center of the capital of field flowers.

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