One ship after another slowly moved forward in all directions.

There are many people standing on the ship. They are at least Vice Admiral-level powerhouses.

Among them, most are Demon fruit power, and although the rest are not Demon fruit power, they are also powerful characters such as swordsmen.

But these people's eyes were calm, looking at the sea in the distance, they didn't know how many years they had witnessed these waves.

But at this time, on the waves, they saw their ambitions, and saw themselves and others, each of them occupying the madness of a country.

"This time, Lord Luo Xiu is going to conquer the whole world, can we follow him and stand on the pinnacle of this world?"

A pirate spoke at this moment.

After hearing his words, the pirate next to him nodded with a smile, and then spoke softly.

"This sentence is reasonable, but it is also unreasonable. We are just soldiers of Master Luo Xiu. We will help him win the world, but we will not stand at the same height as him

Looking at the pirates around, the excitement on his face gradually dissipated, and some older children continued to speak.

"But you don't have to be afraid of anything. Lord Luo Xiu's height is beyond the reach of ordinary people, but we can completely rule these countries and become an existence under one person and above ten thousand."

Hearing this, all the pirates present burst into applause.

"Lord Luo Xiu is amazing."

"Lord Luo Xiu is amazing."

"Lord Luo Xiu is the most powerful person in the world."

One voice after another sounded, gradually. All the ships in the entire sea shouted loudly at this moment, with excitement in their eyes.

At this time, Luo Xiu was standing on the most central pirate ship, looking at the distant sea calmly.

Compared with others, Luo Xiu naturally had to do it himself, after all, he couldn't stay here forever and do nothing.

At this time, beside Luo Xiu, Nami helped Luo Xiu massage his arm with the stalwart on his chest.

"Excellent sir, the first thing we want to go to is the mermaid kingdom. There are still many mermaids there. They continue to exist in this world as the third kingdom. Now we are going to conquer them."

Hearing this, Luo Xiu nodded slowly and didn't say much. His eyes looked into the distance, and there was only a smile and calmness in his eyes at this moment.

Yes, Luo Xiu acquiesced to them and even supported them to conquer other countries, but this does not mean that Luo Xiu himself had similar ideas.

In other words, Luo Xiu himself didn't think so.

Or it could be said that Luo Xiu didn't have any ideas. In his opinion, he was already at the pinnacle of this world, and no one in this world could fight against him.

The existence that even wanted to fight him. They will all fall into his hands under the urgent move.

Therefore, Luo Xiu is not afraid of anything in this world, not afraid of anything (money is good).

Taking a deep breath, a smile flickered in Luo Xiu's eyes, and there was a little madness in the smile.

々It makes the world mess up again, I like it. "

That's right, Luo Xiu doesn't like the peace of this world, and doesn't like this world being restricted by rules, but he likes this world to be chaotic again.

As long as this world is chaotic, for Luo Xiu, it is an existence of excitement and joy. .

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