With countless cannons, the coastline in front of it was directly blasted to the ground.

A large number of pirates swarmed up, some of them were in mid-air, and some of them were running fast on the ground.

Each of them has strength and speed higher than ordinary elite pirates.

Each of them is a powerhouse at the Vice Admiral level.

But at this time, their goal is only one front, this weak country.

That's right, this country is extremely weak, of course it is in their view, in their view, each of these countries is terribly weak.

With their strength, these countries can be directly destroyed in an instant.

So they will not be afraid of anything at 880, and they will not be afraid of anything.

And even if there are hidden powerhouses in these countries, they will come out to fight them at this time.

So what? On top of them is Luo Xiu, who is not one of the strongest in the world.

In this case, as long as Luo Xiu goes off, no matter who you are, you will be directly defeated by Luo Xiu.

At this time, this country was already the 13th country they had conquered. These countries were large and small, some surrendered quickly, and some resisted with difficulty.

Those countries that surrendered will usually hide again after being treated well enough.

They will deprive those who don't understand again, get more benefits from them, and bring back all the things that have been plundered.

And those countries that resist stubbornly, all soldiers and people who dare to resist, will all be killed.

Then Luo Xiu sent people to take away some things symbolically, and the rest were distributed to that country. Citizens.

That's right, when the country starts to surrender, Luo Xiu will let them go, and when the country starts to rebel, those civilians will be able to help.

This is the significance of Luo Xiu's fight at this time, and it is also the fundamental decision for him to overthrow the domination of this world.

It was already the third day of the battle. During these three days, Luo Xiu led the crowd forward without any country being able to stop them. (cddg) Even if there are some hermits and strong men in some countries who stood up and wanted to stop them, Luo Xiu was all besieged and beaten by Luo Xiu's subordinates.

Most of them will be beaten half to death, and then sent to Luo Xiu to wait for Luo Xiu's fate.

And Luo Xiu let them leave here, leave this flashy place, and return to the place where they can stay.

Let them live slowly in many places, proceeding to no longer participate in everything here.

In addition, there were many other people who were calmly included in Luo Xiu's subordinates.

In other words, with the advancement of Luo Xiu's pirate group and the crusade against the entire world, their soldiers not only did not decrease, but even increased.

For such a situation, Luo Xiu felt calm, felt unparalleled calm.

For him, everything that happened now has changed, it has become so ordinary, it has become so dismissive, and it has become so less scary.

One piece after another of space, one after another black power flickered, spreading at this moment.

A man with a long knife jumped out of the room in front of him.

The long knife in his hand killed the thunder and lightning, and directly killed the two pirates in front of him.

Then he turned his long knife and rushed towards the most central pirate ship. His bid was Luo Xiu, the culprit. .

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