Luo Xiu wasn't afraid, didn't mean anything, didn't say anything, he didn't even move, because Black Maria who was beside him had already rushed up.

The two sides immediately fought together, and the man on the other side only had a sneer in his eyes when he saw Black Maria.

For him, Black Maria's strength may be very strong, but for him, it is still weaker.

So he wanted to defeat Black Maria, or even kill him, so that Lu Xiu could bear the feeling of losing a loved one.

However, as Black Maria directly transformed into a half-spider form, a few spiders grew out of her body, and her feet pierced in front of her.

The man felt fear and pain.

Because when he looked down, two spider legs had pierced his stomach, ripping him open.

"How come? How can your strength be so powerful? Aren't you just a six-flying bag?"

Hearing this, Black Maria snorted coldly with disdain, and then said softly.

"That's right, I used to be a six-flying cell, but how long ago?"

"Before I was under Kaido, I was just an ordinary six-flying cell, not very powerful."

"But now I am powerful under Lord Luo Xiu, I don't know how many times I have been strengthened, and my current strength has already surpassed my former self.

"Even if Kaido is standing in front of me, I can still tear it to shreds.

Black Maria spoke softly, with excitement shining in her eyes.

For him, everything he said was true and normal.

Because he knew that he absolutely had such power.

And the reason is because Luo Xiu often injects him with energy liquid.

Due to some strange reasons, Black Maria's body will fall into a crazy collapse, that is to say, as long as there is not enough strength to settle it, his body will gradually collapse.

If it was someone else, then Luo Xiu would dissect it curiously, or even throw it away directly, without caring about it.

Then if this person turned into Black Maria, Luo Xiu would naturally not watch the other person die, so he injected the other person with energy liquid.

For Luo Xiu, he would also be happy, but if it was too much, he would feel a little speechless.

...asking for flowers...

For Luo Xiu, this kind of effort is naturally no problem.

"Dare to attack Lord Luo Xiu, you die here."

Black Maria spoke softly and waved the sharp blade in her hand, directly cutting off the head of the man in front of her.

Looking at everything around calmly, Black Maria snorted coldly, turned and left.


In fact, the man's eyes flashed with unwillingness, but there was nothing he could do, because he was already dead.

The children around clamored to lift up the man's body and throw away the bodies of their two companions at the same time.

Looking at these pirates without any sorrow and pain, Luo Xiu didn't care.

What he recruits are pirates, each of them is a speculator, they will not be afraid of everything here, they will not be afraid of the death of their companions, because they know that every death of a companion

The benefits they will receive in the future will increase by one point.

Green Bull stood in the middle of a group of pirates and looked at everything in front of him. He sighed slightly. He knew that there would be no more justice in the past. .

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