Fujitora walked quickly through a town, and in front of him were a large number of pirates.

If these pirates dared to appear in front of him, he would cut them all to death with the long knife in his hand.

Feeling casually, touching the handle of the long knife, Fujitora sighed slightly.

Because his long saber is no longer the saber it used to be, it is the soul-destroying sword named Xue Lun.

Its ability is quite powerful compared to "Five Nine Seven", and the weapon power contained in itself can even rival Admiral Qingzhi.

But Fujitora is not as happy as expected.

Because he knew what the price of owning this long knife was, the first thing was that the long knife he used to be broken.

The second is the silence of the entire Marine.

Marine has disappeared, disappeared without a trace, and now a new organization slowly appears.

His name is the Public Security Rules Bureau, yes, it is a name that does not sound very nice, and who came up with this name? Luo Xiu.

And Luo Xiu didn't care too much, he just said something casually, and at this time the person who joined the Public Security Bureau. Exactly Sengoku et al.

Sengoku and others have already surrendered to Luo Xiu, but Luo Xiu will not let them become pirates directly.

So they gave them such a name and let them set up a new department, and this department is not much different from the so-called Marine.

It's not just a department that exists to rule the world. It seems to be maintaining a just order, but in fact it is only doing things for those in power.

But people like Sengoku and Garp don't have any complaints, because they know that there is no way.

They have to do this, they have to set up this department, and they have to work hard in this department.

Although this will embarrass many dignitaries, there is nothing they can do.

But for many. For ordinary people, this is the best way.

Although they couldn't stop Luo Xiu's army from invading, they could. These people cut the butcher's knives in their hands to those who have no power to restrain chickens.

Fujitora holds Xiaolong pill, freezes a pirate in front of him, and saves a child in front of him.

Then with a light tap on the back of the knife, the ice seal on the pirate's body was instantly torn open.

The pirate panted heavily, looking at the surroundings in surprise...

Only then did he remember what kind of situation he had caused just now, and he stared at Fujitora with anger in his eyes.

"You bastard, why do you freeze me up?"

Hearing this, Fujitora ignored him, but looked back at him coldly.

Fujitora is blind, but that doesn't mean his eyes aren't murderous.

Seeing the naked murderous look in his eyes, the pirate was suddenly speechless.

He turned around and left without any hesitation, so he wouldn't fight the former Marine Admiral Bo!

Others don't know, but he does know how strong Fujitora is. Their team leader used to be 5.6 strong against Commodore.

Angered Fujitora, and was cut in half by Fujitora.

Afterwards, although they asked Luo Xiu for an evaluation, Luo Xiu's words were very simple.

"In my pirate group, strength comes first. If you don't have strength, then don't make a fuss."

"Be a humble person, you can naturally live, if you don't have the strength to provoke others, this is not looking for death, what are you doing?".

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