Luo Xiu's army has marched for ten days.

During these ten days, he has set foot in basically all countries.

No country was surprised by this. Except for the first countries, they also resisted by force, and the rest of the countries were basically Luo Xiu's army. Once past, they serve directly enough resources.

Gold Coin Bailey or even Devil Fruit or some. All the metal mines that can forge strange weapons have been dedicated by them.

Sitting on top of an old castle 23, Luo Xiu looked at the treasure that was as tall as a hill behind him, with calm eyes.

He himself doesn't care about these treasures, or to him, the current treasures are not of much benefit.

Because these treasures will not cause much improvement in his current ability, but will become other people's ideas.

Let other interested people come to steal his treasure, such as Nami under his name. I have been thinking about how to steal all these treasures from him all day long, of course it is just thinking about it, even the only two actions were taken by Luo Xiu to the room for injections.

And it made other people around feel a little bit of excitement. People like Robin and others may not care about the so-called treasure, but they hope that Luo Xiu will give them an injection, because as long as the injection can get the infusion of power, then the strength will be will get some improvement.

This also caused Luo Xiu to watch them basically every day, not letting them touch these treasures.

To be honest, Luo Xiu didn't have much interest in these treasures, and it was no problem for others to get them, but Luo Qiu just didn't want them to take them away easily, at least not for the time being.

But Luo Xiu grabbed Nami again, and after giving him two injections, he breathed a sigh of relief, threw Nami on the bed, and went outside by himself.

Looking at the pale sky outside, Luo Xiu's eyes showed a little calmness, and the sky turned into a pure white color, which has lasted for three whole days.

During these three days, many people thought it was the end of the world, only Luo Xiu didn't feel anything. For him, everything that happened in front of him didn't have any power fluctuations.

That is to say, the pale sky now may be just an ordinary natural phenomenon.

"Later, we couldn't cause any harm here for the time being."

Luo Xiu spoke softly, without saying any more words.

When he came to the side, there was already a little calm in his eyes, and a little smile in his calm.

At this moment, he saw a man he hadn't seen for a long time, red-haired Shanks.

After the red-haired Shanks came here, he looked at Luo Xiu calmly, with a slight smile in his eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

Luo Xiu asked softly, with a little peace in his eyes.

After hearing his words, the red-haired Shanks slowly came to his side. Usually, such a person is here to assassinate Luo Xiu.

But Luo Xiu didn't feel any sand spills from the red-haired Shanks, so he was allowed to pass the test.

But after getting closer, the red-haired Shanks spoke mysteriously.

"A powerful Devil Fruit will appear in this world, do you know?"

"What did you say?"

"God fruit.

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