Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

138. Show that kid how proud they Five Elders are

"Humph! My uncle, the whining bird pirates of the Whitebeard pirates...!



Whitebeard's outer godson looked at the small eyes of the pirates with a little admiration in the surrounding pirate little Galami, and his mind was stunned. When he was about to forcefully introduce his identity, he didn't say anything. After that, a white light flashed, and with a scream, the giant tree with the number 30 engraved on it was blasted into the air.

"Your father, Whitebeard, didn't dare to talk to the laborers like that when he came here. What kind of hair are you? This is Sabaody, not the New World. In Sabaody, it's a dragon. You have to lie down for me, little boy. A rubbish dare to call the uncle in front of labor and management...Fuck! (^∇X)"

Leonardo reclaimed the ancestral sword of kindness like a fire stick and carried it on his shoulder with disdain.

"And you, the labor and management talk to you well, that's what labor and management should do to repair the Marine, don't force the labor and management to get angry, the labor and management are so angry that they are afraid of themselves, and Sabaody will start to crack down tomorrow, there is no temporary access card and resident card, Get out of Sabaody for labor and management! Talk to you and give you faces, fuck, a bunch of little trash...▼ㄟˇㄨ)”

After spraying for a while and feeling more relaxed, Leonardo pointed to a group of pirates around where the plot was reversed too quickly and could not be reversed.

"Sir, what happened?""

A red branch fell, causing the scene to be a bit big. A bunch of Marine Uncles rushed towards the guy. Their boss just took office today, so don't worry about it.

When Uncle Marine, who took the lead, saw that his boss was pointing at the noses of a group of big pirates, he was stunned and didn't use his hands. This scene was definitely the handwriting of his new boss.

"The bastard who was pressed by the big tree and said that he was Whitebeard's godson, obstructed me from performing official duties in public, handcuffed me back, and waited for Whitebeard to lead someone~*35

Leonardo pointed to Whitebeard's outer godson who was pressed by the giant tree and didn't know if he had died.

"Yes... yes, sir!"

Uncle Marine, who took the lead, heard that the pirate who had been beaten by his boss K was actually the godson of the great pirate Whitebeard.

"Don't panic, isn't it Whitebeard's son, he has cut off all the labor and capital of his brothers, I'm not alive and well, you are Marine, these people in Sabaody rely on you to cover them, be strong..."

Looking at the little brother who was already panicking in front of him, Leonardo said angrily.

"Yes! Sir! Take people away!"

The elder brother, who took the lead, was said by Leonardo, and he felt a sense of accomplishment in an instant. He raised his head, raised his chest, closed his stomach, raised his hips, gave a standard military salute, and then waved his hand to lead the younger brother to torture people.

"I'm not saying, Whitebeard is also a hero, but his vision is really not very good, look at these sons who are in a mess, they have everything, do you think so? Rayleigh-san? 35

Leonardo saw the surrounding pirates gritted their teeth and didn't dare to do anything, and didn't bother to pay attention to these silly birds, and continued to walk towards Area 60 with Rayleigh.

" say yes. 99

Rayleigh's helpless hand spread out and casually agreed.

From the scene just now, Rayleigh found that although this kid's mouth is a little poisonous, he is also an upright Marine like Garp, and he is very strong in the face of pirates, and there is such a person in Sabaody. It's not necessarily a bad thing to face the powerful Marine of pirates, at least those people will have a better life.

I just don't know if this kid dares to be so strong when facing Celestial Dragons.....

"Huh.... This "undead Vice Admiral" really has a seed, even Whitebeard's crew dares to arrest it..."

"Cut, didn't you listen to what they said, they even took care of the original captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates. What is a crew member..."

"Whitebeard's crew has been caught, I think something is going to happen..."

"Then what do we do? Are we really going to apply for that temporary pass?

"....There will be a large auction in two days, there are things I want in it, and I have to stay here for a few days, so let's go to do one, anyway, it won't waste much time, Pluton Rayleigh has to apply for a resident certificate, Nothing to be ashamed of either...

"you're right!"

After Leonardo did this, there were positive teaching materials like Rayleigh and the negative teaching materials of Whitebeard's godson. These pirates were also frightened by this "undead Marine"'s thunderous methods. Compared with them, they felt this "Immortal Vice Admiral" is more like a special pirate. One second, he was talking in a good voice, and the next second, he started to do it, and the speed was so fast that they only saw one exposure, Whitebeard's godson I don't know how they flew out, and the sense of oppression that broke out at that moment, too strong, they dare not move...

Report Five Elders, Sabaody's new base chief Curry Vice Admiral took Rayleigh away..."

At the same time, at the top of the World government office building, the masked brother of the CPU appeared in front of the Five Elders, as if he had seen it with his own eyes, and recounted the scene that just happened in Sabaody Land, and even Leonardo said even a single punctuation mark. Report accurately to Five Elders.

If Leonardo is more talented than shouting here, this Fuck is a human replicator!

"....It seems that we were right to ask this kid to come to Sabaody. Compared to Kizaru, this green fox is more loyal!""

When the old man with a knife in a Taoist robe heard the report from the masked brother of the CPO, he was relieved and a little shy, for fear that the other four would forget (Wang Nuozhao) that he first proposed the idea.

They Five Elders have always been your blow to me, and I will definitely reward you a hundred times more!

Last time this kid blew them in front of the whole world, and they never forced him. They immediately took this kid to Marine Vice Admiral. This is the pride of being Five Elders!

And the last time, the press release written by this kid was read by the idiot news editor who didn't know how to respect the fruits of other people's labor. It was not published in the newspaper, but it didn't matter. also received....

During this time, they were also thinking about how to repay this kid. If he was promoted, it was impossible now. After all, this kid has already risen very fast, and he is already a Vice Admiral. It is reasonable to say that he has almost reached the top, and it is a big deal. It's just adding the title of an Admiral candidate, but how can a mere Marine Admiral candidate reflect the pride of their Five Elders?.

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