Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

139. Rayleigh: Isn't the threshold for Marine very high?

As for the promotion of Marine Admiral, it is not an easy thing to do. Whoever wants to make this kid an Admiral to show the pride of the Five Elders, but this matter has to be slowed down, it will take a few years, and an Admiral position will be added. It's not just as simple as opening an Admiral salary, plus the speed of this kid's promotion in the past two years is indeed too fast. When he is promoted, the others in Marine are going to be upset, so it will take a few years to delay.

But the problem comes again. This kid has already risen to the top, and he can only find a way from other aspects. Later, I heard that although this kid is from the Vice Admiral family, grandpa and I are Vice Admiral, but both belong to the kind of extremely mediocre The Marine Vice Admiral, one was in the position by slapping the horse, and the other was in the position by the relationship that used to be Sengoku and others.

After taking the position, he didn't show much, he just lived on the dead salary given by Marine.

When he heard this, he immediately had an idea and asked which department in Marine is the fattest? Would someone say that it must be the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Science?


Big mistake!

It is true that the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Science are very fat, but the importance of these two departments is also very close, so they are already closely watched, don't stretch your hand, you will be caught, and the fat part of Marine is not easy to cause accidents. Is that the position of the commander of the Sabaody base?

Their eyes are not blind. Over the years, how many Sabaody's 697 base chiefs were poor and white with sixteen-pack abs before taking office. In just two years, they can make an actual combat school with sixteen-pack abs fat. The big-headed and rich conductors, they all see it in their eyes, and they don't speak just because the environment of Sabaody is like this, human nature is always so vulnerable in the face of temptation, even the gentleman Sengoku passed by Sabaody's No. 5 Can't stand it, isn't the night of disappearance the best proof.

So he suggested that although he can't give this kid a big surprise for the time being, he can also give him something else as a small compensation before the big surprise!

Transfer this kid to Sabaody land, don't ask for anything else, just simply want to give this kid a great wealth and honor, and let this kid know that there are many benefits to blowing them up.

It's just that they don't care much about the safety of the Sabaody land. The entrance to the World Government is there. Do they really think that the CP0s they raise are dry rice?

However, I didn't expect that this kid did a good job, which made the old man with a knife who first proposed to transfer this kid to Sabaody was very pleased.

Can talk and do things. Who doesn't like such a little brother! "(^口^*)/

"It's just.... He captured Whitebeard's crew, wouldn't this time period be inappropriate, now Marine is struggling to deal with the sudden outbreak of pirates...

The other old men couldn't see this old immortal being so stinky, as if the kid was transferred to Sabaody at the beginning, it was just the son of a bitch, didn't the four of them agree?

So the blond-haired old man touched his chin and said with a serious expression.

Of course, he appreciates this kid's toughness towards pirates, and their World Government needs such a person.

Just because of the influence of that bastard Roger, pirates all over the world are running wild, and they have also seen Marine's emergency performance during this period. To be honest, Marine's younger generation has performed very well, but after all, it is still insufficient in strength. The pirates who suddenly went berserk in the first half of the Grand Line have already made the headquarters very tight, and have no time to take care of the four seas and the New World. Now that kid has slapped Whitebeard's crew again, and the Whitebeard Pirates will be entering the venue. , Marine is even more labored.

A Roger and a Golden Lion have not been resolved, and now there is a Whitebeard, which is almost on the same level as the pirates in the world, and I don't know if Kong's ability to withstand pressure can hold it.

The whole world knows that Whitebeard is really good to these godsons, just like his own life. Now that the godson is being slapped, no matter what the reason is, Whitebeard will definitely not give up, think about Whitebeard's every move that triggers the crust of the earth. The ability to exercise, he has a headache...

"Maybe this is also an opportunity to seriously damage the pirate's arrogance. As long as Whitebeard dares to come, Marine beats him back to the New World, which will be a good thing for Marine."

(cceg) The bearded old man suddenly said with a light of wisdom in his eyes.

"It's a good idea to inform Kong to transfer that Whitebeard's crew to the headquarters, and Marine will do his best to deal with the incoming Kong.

The old man with the scar on his forehead nodded.

"Agreed! 35

"No comments."5

"Same as above.


Sabaody's Marine Base view is dimly lit in a small room.


"Silver Rayleigh.


"Hey, kid, are you kidding me? Do you believe me when I say girl? (-_-)/"

"You have to go through the formal process, and answer quickly, why are there so many words, I made a typo again...(^∇X)"





" homeless.

"What about before?"

"Pirate....Little devil, the word "male" is spelled wrong...-_-||"

"Anyway, it's just one sound, it doesn't matter.. No, now I'm asking you to answer, don't say such nonsense, and I won't record it. (^▼ㄨ)"

"Okay, you continue...(-_-)/"

Rayleigh looked at the other side speechlessly and turned a few ×s from time to time. There were seven Marine ghosts on the ten characters he couldn't understand. He really doubted whether this kid went through the back door to become Marine, not that he was a Marine. Is the threshold high for Marine?

He was uploaded by Roger because he failed the preliminary examination and was swiped down.

But compared to the Marine in front of him, he is nothing short of a genius!

Leonardo sat in front of Rayleigh, who was shrouded in strong light, and the two asked and answered questions. Rayleigh pointed out one or two typos from time to time. The atmosphere was quite harmonious, just like a kindergarten teacher checking homework for a baby.

At the periphery of the base at this time, all Marine's younger brothers were tremblingly waiting to surround the base, for fear that someone would come and rob the prison.

Just kidding, the one who recorded the confession with their boss was Roger's dominant hand, Pluton Rayleigh!

The strongest second-in-command in history, the one who can be erected by those pirates like Roger, if the other crew members of the Roger Pirates know about it, the ghost knows whether they will come over.

But speaking of their boss, it's really cool, not only brought Pluton Rayleigh in less than a day after taking office, but also picked up Whitebeard's godson, plus the Golden Lion before, and the "loneliness" when he was in West Blue. "Ryder", their boss seems to have provoked all the four top pirates, and they don't die. It's not bad that they are one of the four major monsters in their Marine... No, it seems to be the first of the four major monsters. Is it not too much?.

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