Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

140. Marshal Kong is amazing!

Marineford, Naval Headquarters.

It was the familiar gate of No. 69 Xingfu Road. After Kong waved goodbye to the two homeless and stumbled sisters who were rescued by him, he staggered to the office on time to check in. After dividing the area for each department, He also began to be free, and finally had time to do charity work, and came to save the miss. Regardless of his age, he had been running around the sea for more than two months and was exhausted. Even if you don't sleep every night, you will still be in the same spirit the next day.

"Marshal Empty, Sabaody's Fax..."

Kong drank two cups of morning tea to replenish the large amount of water lost last night. At this time, the adjutant walked in with a document.

"Sabaody land? Didn't Leonardo just arrive yesterday? (⊙_⊙)?"

Kong took over the document with a question mark on his face, wanting to see what good news came today that this love general arrived just yesterday, can it be possible to smash all the pirates in Sabaody?

"Pfft! (⊙_⊙)"

"Hurry up and notify Sengoku, Xiaohe is coming! (??)"

When Kong read the fax sent by Sabaody, he sprayed the adjutant's face with a sip of morning tea, and then jumped up from the chair.

This kid really had a grudge against the big pirates in his last life, didn't he?

Take Rayleigh to Marine Base and detain him for three days, he knew the news of Rayleigh in Sabaody a few days before, because of some unexplainable factor, they can only let Rayleigh be in Sabaody, as long as this guy doesn't Troubled, their Marine has always been very tolerant, and Sabaody is a tolerant metropolis, and it will not be unable to accommodate the strongest second-in-command in history...

And after a few days of observation, they also found that Rayleigh should have washed his hands in a golden pot and ran to Sabaody's land to retire. They can feel at ease when such a person is under their noses. I worry about it, just because I have been thinking about the plan to save the miss for the past few days, and forgot to tell Leonardo about it, and he saw that Gion had such strict control over Leonardo, and the salary card was turned over before he started. , Rayleigh is again in the thirteenth area of ​​Sabaody's illegal zone, which is not far from the fifth area. I think Leonardo should have no chance to run there and have too many intersections with Rayleigh.

But after seeing this kid detain Rayleigh on the grounds of an undocumented gangster, he was a little surprised by the way this kid can run from the Gion Eyelid to the thirteenth area the day after he ran to the Sabaody land. , I'm not too shocked. Although Rayleigh is a pirate, to be honest, the members of the Roger Pirates, except for Douglas Bullet, the descendant of the devil who was driven off the ship halfway, are still fair and aboveboard. Since they have made up their minds, they plan to retire. , Naturally, he won't do things just because of this trivial matter, and in the hands of that kid, Rayleigh really doesn't dare to do things, the kind of sharp ability that can't cut his mouth to death, even if he is his own person, he will feel disgusted at home, unless Rayleigh If you still want to be sprayed

What really made his mood swing so much was another piece of news.

This kid.... he slapped the suspected Whitebeard's godson. As for why the word "suspected" appeared in the text, it was because Rayleigh was also present at the time. With the good relationship between Roger and Whitebeard, Rayleigh But I don't know this suspected Whitebeard's godson, but this suspected Whitebeard's godson does have the Whitebeard Pirates' logo tattoo on his arm, so Kong estimates that it is probably Whitebeard's godson. As for why Rayleigh doesn't know It is also easy to understand that Whitebeard has so many godsons, and there are all kinds of birds, not to mention Rayleigh, even Whitebeard himself may not be able to name every one of them.

And no one dares to pretend to be Whitebeard's godson on the sea. If someone finds out, he will be hunted to the ends of the earth. No matter how strong Whitebeard is, he doesn't want to see someone pretending to be his banner to do anything immoral. At this point Above, Whitebeard's three views are still in place.

Besides, there is a lot of people talking about Sabaody, but it is impossible for anyone with brains to pretend to be Whitebeard's godson and run to Sabaody to show off, so Kong is basically sure, that is Whitebeard's godson.

This guy Whitebeard has a lot of stinky problems, stubbornness, and he wants to save face, but he is really good to his godsons, especially he is extremely short-sighted. He once didn't even give face to his old lover, Fatty Charlotte, for a godson.

And now this kid has fucked Whitebeard's godson, he knows what Whitebeard will do with his ass. If it's normal, they have a lot of Marine soldiers and well-equipped, and it's absolutely no problem to single out a Whitebeard pirate group, but now they want to Dealing with the pirates who ran wild in the first half, he had no time to take care of other things. Now, in addition to his home guard, Sengoku and Xiaohe occasionally have to lead the line.

Well now, good thing Whitebeard re-enters the game, they have to worry about Marine in the first half, and they have to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates, this is a special hell mode!

・・・・For flowers・・・

Of course, everyone has already fucked up, so it's impossible to let it go. That shit is so arrogant, and it's a big man in front of their Marine. If you let that shit go, it's not to hit their Marine, but to hit him, the Marine. Brother's face?

If this is released, he really doesn't have to mess around in the future, how many people are staring there!

The only thing that can be done now is to ask Sengoku and Xiaozuru, two people with IQs as high as 95, to discuss what to do if Whitebeard enters the scene.

"Puff puff!

"Moses Moses, I'm empty..."

Just then, the phone bug on the table rang.

"Empty, the green fox caught Whitebeard's crew, you should be there, right? 35

The voice of the old man with a knife came from the mouth of the phone bug.

"Yes, I just got word, Five Elders you mean..."

Kong asked curiously, it's not surprising that the Five Elders know that Leonardo caught Whitebeard's son, CP0 to CP9 are not for dry rice, and Sabaody is so close to the World government, if the Five Elders don't know about it Strange, Leonardo is the king of agents.

But he was curious what the five old guys were calling to do.

".... With Whitebeard's character, if the crew is caught, he will definitely come to save people. Although it is a bit difficult, it is also a good opportunity to fight the pirate's arrogance. Unknown changes in the future, whether Marine should set up an Admiral position, this time we have to see Marine's determination.

The old man with the knife said leisurely while touching the broken knife in his arms.

"Hey...! Please don't worry Five Elders, this time Marine promises to beat the Whitebeard Pirates to the New World!!! (A)"

Hearing the last sentence of the old man with the knife, Kong was about to have a heart attack. He held his chest tightly with one hand to prevent the unsatisfactory little heart from popping out.

This sound was sonorous and powerful, and this sound was unprecedentedly firm. The indomitable momentum erupted in an instant, shaking the entire Naval Headquarters upside down.

The adjutant, who had just left the house, almost sat on the ground and looked at the marshal's office with admiration on his face.

Marshal Kong's combat power is astonishing! At this age, he still has such an aura after a night of fighting...

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