Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

143. This pirate is too pitiful

That's okay, every time Garp catches up, he has to fight Garp, just Garp's invincible big fist that is comparable to an artifact, Roger's supreme knife is broken every time a few gaps, so special But the ultimate knife!

Just looking for a master swordsmith to repair Roger's beloved sword every year is a huge sum of money. In order to repair that beloved sword, Roger not only sold blood once, but the top pirates have been drinking the cheapest for decades. The wine is driven by a broken boat that has not been maintained once in decades and will fall apart at any time. Such days... Leonardo was crying while listening.

Garp Vice Admiral is really a sinner. He can chase a dignified top pirate group to live by selling blood, and there is really no one. Roger's terminal illness is estimated to be like this.

Poverty is incurable!

It's good to make atonement for Garp Vice Admiral. As a righteous Marine, Leonardo couldn't help but ask Gion for tens of thousands of baileys when he came to pick up someone in the morning. Rayleigh, this pirate, is too pitiful!

.....I've been a pirate for decades, and today is the first time I see Marine giving money to a pirate. By the way, don't you really want to know what's on Raftel? I can tell you for free. 55

Although what this kid said sounds awkward, it doesn't seem like he's mocking him when he looks so sincere. Rayleigh pushed his glasses and Xiaohong said to a bundle of about tens of thousands of Baileys.

In fact, this kid is the same type of Marine as Garp except for his bad mouth and disgusting abilities. Although he is Marine, he sees sincerity in his eyes...

He looked at people again and never missed it, thinking about Roger's advice, although this kid is Marine, he is not bad. He not only wanted to share Raftel's secrets with this kid once in the past three days, he was worried that they would hang up after they died. No one will know in the future, but every time he mentions it, he is interrupted by this kid.

"You have to figure out, you are no longer a pirate! The person I gave the money to is a resident of Sabaody Land. I am Marine, and Marine's job is to catch pirates. I am not interested in your messy things, what are you? Whether or not I can go, I will draw my sword if I don't go again...(^▼ㄨ~*)"

Hearing this, Leonardo almost wanted to draw a knife. The labor and management not only let people help you apply for a resident card, but also gave you money for self-defense. Since you want to harm labor and management.

To be honest, although he is not interested, he is very curious about what is at the end of the world, but when he thinks that he has his father and mother, there is a Gion girl in the middle, and there may be a lot of children in the future. If the five old guys from the World Government heard about it, he would really want to bring his talent to work as a pirate with his whole family.

Good Marine Vice Admiral is inappropriate, who wants to go to the pirates in a bitter way...

Rayleigh looked at him as if he was really about to pull out his knife and turned away helplessly, and walked towards his house in Sabaody Land, thinking that there was still her at home...... Rayleigh received the bundle of shellfish Leigh, glanced back at the temporary detention center Marine built for him, turned his head and took a deep breath.

From today onwards, he is no longer the great pirate Rayleigh!!

"Curry Vice Admiral, the guy spoke up, he came to Sabaody to get dirty...

After driving Rayleigh away, Dominic hurried over and whispered in his ear.

"That guy? Which guy? What's the dirty stuff? (⊙_⊙)?"

Leonardo was confused by Dominic's words, looking at the guy's tight and dirty look, he felt like he had discovered some shocking case.

"It's the Whitebeard crew member who wore it back a few days ago. Don't you wonder what the Whitebeard's chassis is doing in the back section of New World that guy came to Sabaody? After my torture for the past few days, the guy finally couldn't bear to speak today. ..

Dominic said his emotions began to get excited again.

"Cough cough! Let me tell you, we Marine are all righteous people. Torture is not right, it's immoral, don't use it next time, go directly to the fifth area to buy some blue bottles next time. You're afraid he won't speak when you go down the potion jar? By the way, what did that guy say? (⊙_⊙)?"

Leonardo looked at Dominic's excited expression and knew how tragic the so-called torture was. From a humanitarian perspective, he had to persuade him. Of course, there was nothing he could do if he couldn't persuade him...

It seems more immoral to feed that stuff.-_-||

Dominic rolled his eyes with a black line.

"What's the matter? What did that guy say he came to Sabaody for?"

Leonardo didn't bother to pay attention to Dominic's rolling eyes and continued to ask.

"Oh, he said that they robbed a batch of heavenly gold in the New World with the Big Vortex Spider Pirates and the Black Knight Pirates, both under the Whitebeard Pirates. The batch of goods is a bit special. It is expensive but it is not easy to sell in New World. I heard that many Celestial Dragons like this thing and plan to bring it to Sabaody to find an auction house for cooperation, but because the auction house of Sabaody land gave a group of Pirates did it once, and it's not open yet, so I stayed in Sabaody to find a buyer and didn't leave... Oh, yes, yesterday the headquarters sent a fax, let us transfer this guy to the headquarters, So Gion Rear Admiral sent that guy back to headquarters early this morning."

Dominic took out a confession from Whitebeard's godson and handed it to Leonardo.

Doesn't it mean that the gold in the sky is very safe now? It was robbed again. Expensive and something Celestial Dragons likes...?"

Leonardo rolled his eyes and looked at the sky speechlessly. As a Marine Vice Admiral, he also knew more or less (Wang Nuozhao) some of the shipping process of Heavenly Gold. In the past, the shipping of Heavenly Gold was not very confidential inside Marine. After all, Heavenly Gold wanted Marine. Vice Admiral went to escort, plus there are masked men from the World government who don't know the number of CPs, so there have been few problems for many years, even those rebellious big pirates know that Heavenly Gold was handed over to Celestial Dragons by those world alliance countries Protection fee, as long as you don't have a good mind, you won't usually provoke Celestial Dragons. After all, if you beat Celestial Dragons, Marine Admiral has already been dispatched. For things like robbery of heavenly gold, you can't be targeted by the entire World government, even Whitebeard. These people also don't want to make trouble for themselves.

It's just like Golden Lion, an ambitious and ambitious family who is so poor that he can't afford a younger brother. He couldn't have made a move against a batch of Tianshangjin from New World many years ago. It is also since that time, the delivery time, route, and personnel of Tiantianjin. It was all classified and only Marine Vice Admiral, who was in charge of the delivery, was notified on the day of the operation.

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