Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

144. Celestial Dragons' hobbies are so wide

But these have nothing to do with him. Although he is also Marine Vice Admiral, he used to guard the fish pond in West Blue, and now he is the base commander. Usually, those Vice Admiral who are in a hurry in the headquarters will be flipped. Dad was flipped once in the past, and it was not New World but the world. According to his father's description, it was hard for them to imagine how huge the heavenly gold of just one North Blue franchise country was, so he is There is no chance to see it.

As for Dominic's words, he chose to ignore it. If this guy is really Whitebeard's godson, then when he receives news that his godson has been raped, no matter how important the son is to him, Whitebeard will come to save people, and Whitebeard will enter. , The first brother will not let Whitebeard save people even for the sake of face, and he will definitely hold a welcome ceremony to welcome Whitebeard's arrival.

He's thinking all over his head now that Celestial Dragons loves it again, what's that expensive thing?

Devil Fruit is definitely not the case. Although Celestial Dragons is a favorite and expensive, there is no saying that it is not easy to sell in New World. This thing is a hot seller everywhere, and the competition for pirates in New World is so fierce. It is priceless in the market. The 710 was snapped up in seconds as soon as it was put on the shelves, even if it was a slug fruit.

And Celestial Dragons are the big nobles in this world. Ordinary nobles will develop some morbid hobbies, not to mention the Celestial Dragons who feel superior to others and do not want to breathe the air with ordinary people and wear a goldfish tank when they go out. , Those people's morbid hobbies are even richer. If it weren't for Devil Fruit, he really wanted to see what was so popular with Celestial Dragons...

"Do you know where these things are?"

Leonardo asked.

If there is something immoral and immoral, as a righteous Marine, Leonardo feels the need to destroy these things, and take the salary from Celestial Dragons to help them alleviate some of their sins.... ..

"They were on their ship at port 18, but we only brought this guy back, will his people have already sailed away.

Dominic said.

"...Let's go, go to the port and take a look."

Leonardo waved his hand as he spoke, and asked Dominic to shake people, leading a group of people towards the port in Area 12.

He estimated that this group of people (cceg) should not run away. Pirates come out to mix with loyalty, especially this kind of pirates who mix in New World. If the big brother is the leader and the younger brother is slapped up and ran away, these little brothers really don't need it in the future. It got messed up, and the leading big brother is still covered by Whitebeard. In today's New World, Baroric Redfield was slapped, the Golden Lion disappeared and no one was seen, and the Roger Pirates disappeared after they became king. The top four There is only one Whitebeard left, how could these little Galami dare to leave themselves behind and lead the big brother to run away.

"Sir, this is the boat of the Wooong Bird Pirates. The things on the boat are still there, except for the other members of the Wooong Bird Pirates."

Not long after, Leonardo brought a group of Marines to the port and found the ship of Whitebeard's godson. As expected, Leonardo thought the same. The group of pirates saw the lead brother being slapped, and they dared not run away and even the boat. Not daring to return, Leonardo guessed that these little brothers were already squatting in that corner of Sabaody and shaking people on the phone.

"Open it up and see what it is. 39

Leonardo came to the boat and saw a pile of rags wrapped in a rag in the cabin, which should be what they came to Sabaody to auction.

"Boom! 39


"What the hell is this? The bodies of so many women!! 00Q"

"Hey... there are still a lot of broken hands and feet, too evil? (?Dan?)/"

"This Woohoo Pirates is really abominable!! (▶a▲)"

When the two Marines didn't lift the rags and the people around them saw what was inside, their eyeballs almost didn't fall out. It was a pile of high-definition mountains, all young and beautiful, with a hot body and poor clothes. The "corpses" of women who can't afford to wear even have some broken hands and feet scattered above, and some righteous Marines are even more angry, and they seem to share the enemy. If the godson of Whitebeard is transferred to the headquarters by Gion one step later, it is very likely that Will be torn apart by these Marine uncles...

"-_-||... Celestial Dragons like this stuff?"

Leonardo ignored the group of Tie Hanhan around him, looked at these so-called "corpses" seriously, and instantly a black line appeared. This is the "corpse" of a fart. There is no bloodline with broken hands and feet. There is a special interface, isn't this Fuck the same model that he spent thousands of dollars on a certain treasure in his previous life, but the workmanship in front of him is obviously more refined and better than the same model he bought in his previous life, More high-end, regardless of skin, hair, facial features are done like real people.

The hobby of Celestial Dragons is too widespread, right? So many species can no longer satisfy them, and they have already started with dolls.

It's no wonder that this thing is not easy to sell in New World, those pirates really can't play enough, who is playing fake with you!

"Should.... should it? I heard that there is a large toy company in New World Gabinia. Their president is the Paramecia doll fruit ability person. The dolls they make are like real people. I have never seen them before. Today It can be seen that how to deal with these things, sir, if they are destroyed, it would be a pity, I think... Gion Rear Admiral is not here, or should I... leave you two?"

Dominic is also a well-informed person. Although he did not spend thousands of dollars on a certain treasure to buy this product, he thought it was a real "corpse" at first, but later found out that it was wrong, but his eyes were always caught by the "corpse". Attracted by a "corpse" who took the European and American route, he rolled his eyes and whispered to Leonardo.

The boss didn't do it, and of course he, the younger brother, couldn't speak well...

Heaven and earth conscience, he will come to Sabaody with Curry Vice Admiral and separate from his wife before he can enjoy his married life soon after he gets married. Originally, this is nothing. The famous Sabaody No. 5 can comfort his lonely soul. The wife's separation is not too bleak.

On the night he first came to Sabaody, he quietly went to visit Sabaody No. 5. This Sabaody No. 5 did not disappoint him. All kinds of styles were overwhelmed, and there were everything, only he could not think of it, there was no place there. No.

The only downside is that it's so expensive there!

In one night, the savings he had saved over the years were all explained there overnight. His salary for a month was not enough to open a bottle of wine there, and the corpse he was staring at had helped him that day. The similarity between his miss and miss is as high as 80%, which makes his already dead heart start to come alive again.

I can't really help, can I help a fake...

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