Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

146. Whitebeard: If it's not conspiracy, then Gan!

"Sandy...Sandy got caught by Marine in Sabaody!! Dad!! (ToT)"

When talking about Sandy, Skuard didn't say a word and started to cry like a tearful man. Holding Whitebeard's elephant leg, he burst into tears again, not as long as New World. His demeanor was more like a child whose father had just died.

Although he defeated Whitebeard earlier than Shandy, and Shandy only just met two years ago, but he and Shandy could be said to have hit it off right away, especially when he learned about the tragic experience of Shandy's elder brother. , even sympathized with him. From then on, his brother and he became younger brothers. After two years of getting along, they supported each other. Do it yourself, but Sandy still pulls him to share wealth with him.

In today's "July 10" era, there are very few people who are so selfless and willing to share wealth with others. Over the years, he has seen too many bastards who can even kill their own brothers for the sake of profit. Sam Compared to these bastards, it's a god!

The thought of such a good brother being captured by Marine made Skuard even more heartbroken, and Sandy really suffered!

"Sabaody land? What the hell is going on, why is Sam running to Sabaody land?? (⊙_⊙)?"

Looking at this look seems treacherous and cruel. But the son who was very innocent in his heart started to cry before he said a word. Whitebeard didn't have the rage he imagined. Saying a word and crying again?

Scuard was a good son. When the kid was chased by Roger and had nowhere to go to worship him, judging from the kid's face, he also thought that the kid was a sinister. After all, he knew Roger well, and Roger's personality Although it is not bad, there is still a moral bottom line. Nine times out of ten, the pirates he chases and kills are Yin Gong who have done too many immoral things, but many children come to worship him as godfathers. In front of so many people, in order to save face, he saved the child to have sex with Roger, and then learned from Roger that Scuard and his pirate group did not do those immoral things he hated the most, Why did he go to sea back then? Wasn't it because his hometown was too poor to pay for the gold in the sky? Without the World government, he was stared at by a group of pirates all day long. .

However, Scuard and his pirate group did what he hated the most, and decided to rob a group of helpless civilians, but then when he sent Roger away, he asked Scuard to learn more about it. After seeing the situation, he vaguely guessed what he really wanted, and also found that this child, who looked treacherous and cruel, was actually a very innocent child.

He was completely fooled by his former deputy captain and crew, and then when he was chased by the Roger Pirates, the boy simply helped those people away from Roger and faced the pursuit of Roger and others alone. "

Looking at such a simple and loyal child, even if Marco found those people and killed them, he still chose to hide his true thoughts, and did not want to break the rare simplicity in this child's heart, as long as he did not recognize the evil of human hearts To live happily.

And because of the previous examples, he wanted to know the whole story even more. After all, the child Skuard was too innocent, and he was not fooled once or twice. Although the child of Sandy had a rough fate, even he The most tragic one of his godsons, but Shandi's experience is mixed, he was a husband to Charlotte's fat woman, and he was kidnapped by Kaido. Some changes in life can easily force people to the dark side.

The world said that Whitebeard was cold and unscrupulous, and he took all the messy people as his sons. How could he not know this, but he never cared about it. His Whitebeard fist was so big that he would cover it as long as it was his son. Who dares to force?

But seeing Scuard crying like a dead father also made him a little bit of vigilance, wouldn't this child be fooled by someone else?

Sandy's good New World, why don't you go to Sabaody's land when you don't stay like this?

You must know that the current situation in New World is chaotic. He is still the only eldest son. I don't know how many people are supporting him. Those who can't do it and want to replace him are overwhelming. For example, they can't love him. Fat woman Charlotte, and Kaido, who has always been jealous of his handsome looks, etc...

These people most hope that he will meet Marine at this time, and then both will be hurt, taking advantage of his illness to kill him...

If it wasn't some conspiracy, Marine dared to take advantage of his own son, then there is nothing to say, just do it!

But if there is a conspiracy theory, he has to stop and think about it. He doesn't care, but he has to worry about the safety of these children. He has been called a father by these children for so many years. It's easy to let these sons take risks, so I still want to understand the whole story before making a decision.

"Some time ago, Sandy and Tom Rust found a ship of heavenly gold passing by our site. Knowing that there is a special wine on board that you like to drink, we will snatch the wine to honor you, and that batch of goods on board. After the three of us were divided equally, we distributed the profits to the brothers to give you a surprise. However, there was a batch of goods that Sandy received at the beginning, and it was difficult to sell in New World, and I heard people say that the Celestial Dragons of Mariejois seem to like these things. I was going to take the goods to Sabaody to find someone to shoot, but I met the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral green fox there, and found that he seemed to be arresting Rayleigh at the time, Sandy thought that your relationship with the Roger Pirates is not bad, I just want to stand up and help

Who knew that bastard Marine didn't speak morality, he attacked Sandy and was caught by them!!! (ToT)"

While crying, Scuard said everything Sandy's younger brothers said to him on the phone without any artistic processing. 4.6.

Then the more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more pitiful he felt about Sandy. It was really abhorrent for such a good person, that damn Marine, to be so unethical.

Sandy is already pitiful enough. First she was scooped by Charlotte's fat woman, and then she was kidnapped by Kaido. Now she wants to do a good deed and then she is attacked by the damn Marine. It's really miserable!!!

"It's this bastard Marine again... Dad! We can't just let it go, we haven't avenged Captain Oden's revenge yet, and now this Marine has caught Sandy again, damn it!! o(▼▼▼X; )o"

Looking at Scuard crying heart-to-heart, Whitebeard's sons on the Moby Dick were also greatly infected, especially when they heard that the bastard Marine, who had seriously injured Captain Oden before, grabbed their brothers, One by one gritted their teeth, their eyes were red,

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