Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

147. Roger almost forgot he was poor

.Dad! Go ahead! We must get Sandy out! By the way, teach that bastard Marine a lesson! (▼▼▼#)”

As the eldest son, Marco was also angry, and he was gnashing his teeth, especially when he thought of the scene where the bastard Marine used Captain Oden's disease to fool Captain Oden to stand with him and cut Captain Oden into serious injuries for a while. Big fire.

Although Captain Oden has left them, the position of captain of the second division has always been reserved for Captain Oden, which means that Captain Oden is still a member of their Whitebeard Pirates, and their own people have been cut off, they must not be like this. Forget it, at the beginning, these brothers discussed to avenge Captain Oden, but in the end they were stopped by the old man, but now another brother was slapped by that bastard, he couldn't bear it, he couldn't bear it Marco is an ostrich!

"Yes! Dad, let's do it! (▼~▼#)"

"Fuck that damn Marine kid! (^▼Ware▼)"

The surrounding sons also echoed murderously.

And everyone is sincere. From this point of view, it can be seen that although Whitebeard's vision is really not very good, and he has so many sons, few of them have made it to the table, but he is a really good person. Even In the crowd, Marshall D. Teach, who was known as the strongest dream chaser in the future and who is still a spirited guy with big eyebrows and big eyes, was also angry, not a disguise.

During this period, the strongest dream chaser who was able to prove his truth by killing his father and brother in the future still fully integrated himself into Whitebeard's son team. ..

"...gula la la la! Kids, off to Naval Headquarters! We're going to save Sandy!!!"

Don't look at Whitebeard's poor family when he was a child, and he didn't read any books. He went abroad for the rise of his hometown at a young age, but he knew the importance of knowledge since he was a child. Having obtained a doctorate degree, I must say that the degree is definitely one of the most awesome among the big pirates. Don't look at Rayleigh wearing a pair of golden glasses all day long to pretend to be a cultural person. In fact, it's just to seduce girls and pretend to be gentle. degree of ink.

He couldn't compare to him. After listening to Scuard's dictation, Whitebeard kept analyzing and deciphering in his mind, and analyzed that although the real story might be different from what Scuard said, after all, this child is too simple. , It's too easy to believe people, it's very likely that Sandy's younger brothers told him that there are elements of artistic processing in it.

The Marine kid who sprayed Golden Lion and Rayleigh into dogs, and who can play with Oden station, wants to catch Sandy, but he doesn't want to make a sneak attack, not to mention that he hasn't heard the news of Rayleigh's arrest these days, so he thinks it must be inside What else is tricky.

It's not enough to look at the excited sons. It doesn't matter whether there is anything tricky in Sandy's arrest, as long as there is no conspiracy in it, his Whitebeard's son is arrested, he will definitely save it!

"Oh!! 35

"Set off!!!

Whitebeard's heroic voice spread all over the sky, and the pirate ship's top sons and younger brothers around the Moby Dick were also greatly encouraged, one by one excited, the guys in their hands raised their hands in response to their dear father.

They didn't follow the wrong person!

Outside the ship! Outside the ship! Naval Headquarters "Undead Vice Admiral" Green Fox has captured the Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Bitna Sandy!!!

Big news, the New World Whitebeard Pirates are heading for the first half of the Grand Line to fight Marine!!

Just as the Whitebeard Pirates were in action, everyone was dizzy and dizzy because of Roger's claim to be king, and because a newspaper headline was completely boiling.

Whitebeard, who has dominated the second half of the New World for many years, is recognized as one of the super pirates. Now he was arrested in "The Lonely Ryder", the whereabouts of the Golden Lion are unknown, and Roger is missing. Even Roger's One Piece halo still can't hide the influence of Whitebeard, a man who claims to be able to destroy the world.

At the same time, he is also the man most feared by Marine and the World government. Everyone knows that this man not only protects his shortcomings, but also likes to accept godsons. How many people in New World are proud to be Whitebeard’s godsons, because as long as they become Whitebeard’s godsons God son, then they can live unrestrainedly in the New World, Whitebeard is a golden sign.

The Golden Lion at its peak was enough? In New World, I don't know how many pirates were forced to get in, but the only one who never touched Whitebeard's godsons, Roger the Pirate King? Because life doesn't know what to do How many wicked things have been done, but I have never touched those godsons of Whitebeard, why is this?

Whitebeard's fists are notoriously large!

And this time Whitebeard's godson was slapped by Marine, and the Whitebeard Pirates had also been dispatched, which was much bigger than the Golden Lion back then.

Similarly, Leonardo's Marine, the "undead Vice Admiral" green fox appeared in the eyes of the world again after a lapse of two years. Thinking of the New World war two years ago, people can't help but sigh with emotion, this Marine is really kind what!

New World's top four, this Marine handsome boy provoked the third, and the "lonely Ryder" who has been slapped!

Even if it is not inseparable with Marine, the New World pirates can't help but give a thumbs up to this handsome Marine, this Marine is really awesome!

If you let them know that the "Lonely Ryder" in their mouths is because of this Marine handsome boy, I don't know how they will feel 710......

North Blue is an unknown small country. Roger opened his eyes in a daze, and grinned happily and proudly at the sleeping person beside him. Then he lightly got up and walked out of the house, looking outside the door. Looking at the newborn sun, I stretched out for a long time. During this period of time, my life was comfortable and happy!

Thinking back to the sleeping people in the room, not only did he feel that Rayleigh's girl-sucking skills were amazing, and it only took him a middle-aged and elderly person over 500 to catch up with a beautiful woman of the same age in less than three days.

It's no wonder that Poseidon, who has been in the business for so many years, can still get out of his body, and suddenly saw a news bird flying over his head and beckoning to the sky. The development of the thief industry, whether his legend continues...

However, when he touched his pocket, he was embarrassed to find that because his wife was too rich, he almost forgot that he was still a poor man, and he couldn't pull out a steel jump on his body.

But it doesn't matter, when the news bird descended to less than ten meters above him... His eyes sank, Haki opened, the news bird in the sky was shocked for a while, and the eyes of contempt alternated and then closed and spread on the ground.

Newsbird: What a scumbag....(〒^〒).

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