Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

155. Whitebeard: Labour will tear his mouth apart!

I don't know what Whitebeard's reaction is, but Leonardo's story is so immersive that the pirates around the world who are in front of the big screen can't sit still. The story of gnashing their teeth instantly caused public anger, and even some pirates of the same kind rolled up their sleeves and wished Immediately went to Naval Headquarters to cut down the scum of their peers, but was persuaded by the younger brothers around, but he was still angry with the appearance of being ashamed of this person.

66 Marco, is that true? 55"

On the Moby Dick on the big waves, Whitebeard, who has been in the sea for decades, will definitely not believe the nonsense of this Marine kid, this kind of psychological warfare Marine has played too much!

However, seeing some of his own sons around him were also a little angry, he had to take into account the emotions of these sons, and he didn't even know if the Marine kid's sense of substitution was too strong, which made him a little emotional .

Although he is not a noble person, what Marine kid said is quite right. Pirates also have a bottom line. Although they are pirates, but what they can do and what they can't do, he has clearly distinguished them for decades. Sandy and the others don't care about robbing the heavenly gold. Celestial Dragons are not good birds anyway. Rogering their heavenly gold is similar to Roger's robbing the rich and helping the poor. He won't do it, and he will never let his son do it. This is a moral issue. Back then, his hometown was threatened by this scum.

However, he has accepted so many sons over the years, and he seldom restrains them, because he believes that his vision will not misunderstand people, but this time the Marine kid's sense of substitution is too strong, not to mention his young sons , even he was substituted into it from time to time.

So I had to ask Xiang Wei's eldest son, who was relatively calm. After all, it was the eldest son who was in charge of the ship's affairs a lot of the time.

If Sandy really does this... Even if Sandy is rescued, even if Sandy's fate is rough, he will have to clear the door! At the same time, it is necessary to check whether there is any son who is really like this Marine ~As the kid said.

"Impossible! Dad, you always tell us that we can't do this kind of thing when we go out to sea. Although Shandi is usually a little arrogant because of your name, he has provoked a few pirate groups, but I can guarantee that Shandi Dee wouldn't do such a thing.-"

Marco shook his head without even thinking about it. It's true that Sandy is usually arrogant, but they bear the father's name. Who is not arrogant? That's why this bastard Marine troll said that Sandy was obstructing official business in Sabaody Land. It should be when this Marine troll was "catching" Rayleigh. Sandy must not realize that Sabaody Land is not New World, so I jumped out and yelled at this Marine troll that's why I got slapped.

The content that Shandi's younger brothers told Scuard was nothing but artistically processed content, and it was Scuard, who seemed to be treacherous and cruel, but was in fact pure and kind. Killing and looting, 80-year-old grandma will not let go, etc...

If Sandy had this hobby, he wouldn't have escaped from the fat woman Charlotte and got two waists by Kaido, and the fat woman Charlotte is not good enough?

"Everyone heard what Marco said? You and Sandy are brothers and family, you have to believe in your own family! This Marine kid is full of nonsense, and the labor and management will tear his mouth in a while!! (^∇X) "

Hearing Marco's words, Whitebeard nodded, even if he didn't believe in his godson, he still believed in his own son!

Marco was brought up by himself, can he still believe in Marco?

This Marine kid is quite good, and even he was almost affected.

Immediately, he taught his sons who were affected by Marine kid's words.

"Yes! Daddy!"

"Dad is right, we shouldn't doubt our brothers! Come on! Save Sandy..."


"It's that bastard Marine who's making trouble...'

Whitebeard's influence is not small among these sons. With a single sentence, these sons broke free from the strong sense of substitution of Leonardo's story, and they waved the guys in the air.

The momentum is also getting higher and higher, and I can't wait to reach Naval Headquarters now to fight Uncle Marine to the death!

"Boom! 55


・・・・For flowers・・・

As time went on, Leonardo's mouth was forced to dry in front of the camera, and Whitebeard's entrance special effects finally reached Marineford at an astonishing speed of less than a kilometer. The door seemed to be in vain in the face of this huge wave.

If this huge wave is shot down, it will be strange that the gate of justice is still good. The current Whitebeard is the Whitebeard at its peak, and it is no bragging that a wave is a tsunami.

Brother Marine, who is crouching on the gate of justice, sees the huge waves getting closer and closer, and his urine is going to burst. The Marine brothers of a few chicken thieves take care of you, and even take advantage of everyone's attention on the huge waves. It has already taken a space walk and ran quietly.


What are you doing to get those thousands of dollars a month! And ︽


The original application for an increase in funding has not yet been implemented. Kong will definitely not let the Gate of Justice be destroyed. The Gate of Justice is a landmark building in Marine, and its significance is greater than its value. Therefore, when the giant waves are less than 100 meters away from the Gate of Justice, Wordlessly reminded Kuzan.

Originally, he thought that Kuzan should be more conspicuous after being with Garp for so long. Young people should take the initiative to seize the opportunity to perform, and some things do not need to be reminded by the boss.

In the end, he still thought about it too much, and looked at Kuzan's lazy and asleep dead appearance for a while. When they were young, they encountered such a situation without the boss saying a word and grabbing the guy to rush into the knot....

Sakazuki, Polusalino and Kuzan are all good enough, but the three also have their own shortcomings. One extreme requires him to repeatedly teach him to kill less people every time. A batch, just push it once, no one is worry-free.

Thinking about it this way, Kong looked at the "Love General" who was yelling at the microphone below, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he became. He was reliable in his work, and his mouth was still licking. Except that it was easy to make small things a big problem, he had no personality flaws. , It's not like Sengoku told Zephyr that there is no big mole on the chest. After seeing people in Sabaody, they are not managing Sabaody well.


Besides, as long as you do your job well, it doesn't matter if you don't have a big mole on your chest, aren't we covering it...(^o^) one.

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