Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

156. Garp: Is Whitebeard's machete a famous sword?

"Ice Age!!"

Hearing the call of the first brother, Kuzan jumped up from the high platform on the second floor, and spread out two strands of Ultimate cold air with both hands. Freeze, forming a huge glacier.

Immediately when he landed, his mouth was very forceful and took a sip of cold air.

Although this forced is a bit vulgar, but for the sake of everyone's good brothers, Leonardo holds the sign of nine points.

I can't give any more, just leave a point in the hope that he won't be complacent...

" dangerous, almost died...35

Those Uncle Marines at the Gate of Justice, who had something to do for a few thousand dollars a month, looked at the glacier so close at hand, and sat on the ground with a sigh of relief.

It's not that they worked hard for thousands of dollars for a "July 10" month. It's just that their whole family is in Marineford. If they run away, who will defend their home? On the scalp, if you die, you can still build a military flag, and your children can still enjoy benefits in the future. Maybe when you turn 16 years old, you can report to Marine College to go to the sky and become a civil servant to get an iron rice bowl. Is it chic.

But I am afraid that they are really afraid. Now that the catastrophe is not dead, the breath in my heart is let out, and I don't even have the strength to stand up.

"Okay... It's amazing, such a huge wave was frozen into ice in an instant! (A)"

As for the audience in front of the big screen, it’s okay to have seen the big world. Marine is a blue bird.... No, this wave of Aokiji Vice Admiral’s actions seems to them to be quite satisfactory. Anyone who watched the New World War two years ago knows it. , But people can freeze the main sea area into ice, this kind of small wave sprinkles water only.

However, there are still many people in this world who have not seen the big world, especially two years ago, because it was only a pilot, and they wanted to see the effect of live broadcast, and high-end equipment such as live broadcast and screencasting was generally only available in some big cities. , Now the live broadcast in large, medium and small cities around the world is still because the last live broadcast effect was very good, and the World Government has been continuously equipped in the world's large, medium and small cities in the past two years, in order to increase the influence of the World Government and Marine.

So the last time the global live broadcast of the Battle of Edvard really saw the people who were residents of the world's major cities or the pirates who were squatting in the big cities.

Now it's different. In the past two years, live screencasting in small and medium-sized cities around the world has almost become popular, which also allows more people to appreciate Uncle Marine's heroic fighting heroism without leaving home.

Kuzan's aggressive operation really makes those residents who have never seen the world or the pirates who have just debuted hooked..

This fucking inhuman strength, instantly froze such a huge wave into ice.

If such a huge wave hit their village, their village would not be able to destroy the baby!


'Boom! 39

"Gu la la la la, the ice cube kid is following Garp, and the little ice cube is doing pretty well.

However, Uncle Marine, who had not waited for the gate of justice, breathed a sigh of relief. The residents who had never seen the world and the little pirates had not been surprised for a long time. Suddenly there was a loud noise above the glacier, and the huge glacier above shattered. The laughter spread from behind the glacier.

"Appeared! The Whitebeard Pirates and his thirty-five so-and-so pirates!!35

Whitebeard's godsons: Your uncle's so-and-so pirate group, the labor and management are not even qualified to name! (^∇X)

When the person in front of the big screen clearly saw the stalwart figure walking out of the ice slag, he instantly felt as if he couldn't breathe, and his eyes popped out.

Haki! stalwart!

This is everyone's first impression of seeing Whitebeard for the first time.

Even Leonardo's eyes were fixed on Whitebeard and he forgot to explain it now.

Needless to say, this Whitebeard's stature is really not white, and standing there is more than six meters and almost seven meters tall and looks more powerful than Roger, golden chickens, and wretched men. Whitebeard's figure is as tall as a forest. The world of One Piece is not outstanding, and it is naturally incomparable with those pure-blooded giants, but with the stalwart temperament that this body exudes, those pure-blooded giants are simply incomparable, even if they are similar to him. With his own son standing beside him, there was an incomparable illusion of insignificance.

"Hahaha, Whitebeard thought you were hiding in your ravine and playing with your son and didn't dare to come out!!""

"Little Curry, is this machete in Whitebeard's hands a famous knife?"

At this time, Garp spoke, and his younger brother was called Xiao Xiaobing. How could he be the boss without making a sound...

However, when Garp spoke, his eyes were not looking at Whitebeard, but staring at the machete in Whitebeard's hand, and the two hands that went into his trouser pockets were suddenly itchy...

To be honest, if it wasn't for Little Curry's words, he would never have realized that there were so many famous knives broken by him over the years. He always thought that the famous knife he broke was the one in Roger's hand last time... oh , No, Rocks' beloved sword was also broken by him more than ten years ago, but I don't know if it is a famous sword...

He didn't expect that he would still have such a brilliant record, which made him suddenly have an inexplicable attachment to the machete in Whitebeard's hand, but he didn't know if the machete in Whitebeard's hand was a famous knife, after all, Haki is quite Haki. , is a little bit worse in force, at first glance, it is used by a reckless man, and it is completely incomparable with the famous sword of Roger's style.


When the people around heard Garp's words, their heads turned black in an instant. Several Uncle Marine, who was playing with the sword, felt the inexplicable trembling of the sword in his hand, and held the sword tightly to comfort him.

Garp Vice Admiral This is a special mother who has found his purpose in life....-_-||

"This...Wait, let me find...4.6...I found it, I found it, oh! Dear audience friends, don't look at Whitebeard's machete. It is dedicated, but it is really one of the twelve masters of the supreme sword!"

Leonardo's ancestral sword of kindness may have been buried for too long, and his spirituality has been lost. He didn't tremble with fear like other people's great sword opinions. Leonardo took out a list of famous swords that Gion gave him and searched it. The records range from the 12 Great Swordsmen to the 50 Great Swordsmen. As long as they have been published, there are records on them, but some of them don't know who the current sword holders are. .

But like Whitebeard, Roger is so dazzling that it's easy to tell them apart.

Just opened the first third page to find the information on Whitebeard's machete, and then shouted into the camera with a microphone pretending to be surprised.

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