Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

157. Marine's hands are so black


Looking at the surprised Marine pretty boy Vice Admiral on the big screen, this time including the residents of the small places and the little pirates who have seen the world are not surprised.

Who is Whitebeard?

One of the men standing on the pyramid of this world, what's so strange to have a large, innocuous knife, although there are few supreme knives, and the one in Roger's hand has been broken by Garp three times, isn't there nine more? .

But...that's what I'm saying, the super machete in Whitebeard's hand is indeed a bit ordinary in shape, and it is almost the same as the knife in the hands of some pirates. It's just a relatively large model, there's nothing compelling at all, and it's only slightly different in Whitebeard's hands. If it were another person, no one would have thought that this Fuck was actually a supremely fast knife, and both diamonds were inlaid. No, Tete Meow is ordinary!

... Sora, is my son all right?""

The super machete in Whitebeard's hand felt Garp's aggressive eyes22, and began to hum and tremble. This time, even Whitebeard's gentle and powerful hand could not soothe it. Whitebeard glanced at Garp steadily. Holding the super machete, he didn't talk to him, but looked directly at Marine's first brother Kong on the highest platform.

After all, Garp wasn't his thing for so many years. Roger, who had been arguing with Garp, didn't know how to breed offspring in that mountain corner. His son was still in the hands of others, so he didn't have this leisurely style.

"Bring people up. 35

Kong looked at Whitebeard for a while, and said to the adjutant beside him.

The family is also super-giant anyway, and it is rare to come to the door to petition in person, so he still has to give him a face to look at his son.

Although the Marines were well prepared, if Whitebeard became angry, he was still a little empty. After all, the destructive power of Shock Fruit in Whitebeard's hands was too terrifying, and there were hundreds of thousands of Marine's family members behind Naval Headquarters.

"Brain dad! Dajia...!www"

Not long after, a man with a bruised nose and two big sausages hanging on his face could not speak clearly. Shandi, who was seven meters above sea level, was brought up by two giants, Vice Admiral, when he saw the familiar father outside the door of justice. Moe with my familiar brother, tears and snot flowing down without money.

It's bullshit if a man has tears and doesn't flick it.

The first half of his life was bumpy. First, he was prostituted by Charlotte's fat woman for several years, and he finally escaped. As a result, he met Kaido and was inexplicably beaten by Kaido's bastard until he met the old man. It was only when he realized that there is true love in the world, and now because of him, Dad took his brothers to Marine's home court to work.

At this time, Sandy regrets it in his heart!

If I had known, I wouldn't have made a fool of myself to touch that bastard Marine, he took Rayleigh away and Roger didn't even know where he died, it's none of his business! Tw

"Hi....! Who is this....Fuck! Sandy!!?(⊙_⊙)"

"Good guy, these Marines are so black, they're all playing like this...∑(°mouth°;)"

"I guess he doesn't even know his mother anymore...(????)?"

When Shandi, who was flattened into a pig's head and didn't even know his mother, appeared, even Scuard, who had the best relationship with Shandi, couldn't help but come to the pig's head when he looked at this miserable person. It was actually his good brother Sandy.

The people in front of the big screen also sighed that Uncle Marine's hands were so black.

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated, they have made people into pigs' heads...

"What's the matter? Your hands?"

It was also the first time that Kong saw Whitebeard's godson. Looking at Whitebeard's godson whose head was bigger than his body, Kong also marveled at the black hands, and couldn't help frowning and asking the two giants Vice Admiral.

Their Marine is a place that speaks of human rights, one will not abuse pirates, and sometimes they will use some means to interrogate them, but they will never beat pirates so badly. Although the camps are different, everyone is the same in the sea. Now, it's the last bit of dignity for these pirates. After he brought back Baroric Redfield, he didn't use any drastic means in the face of the enemy, and threw it directly into the sixth-floor sea view mansion of Impel down. That's it.

Now in the public eye, everyone knows that Marine treats pirates like this. It's not enough to catch people, but also to turn people into pig heads, which will not only damage Marine's positive image, but also easily cause adverse effects. The thief would rather die than obey, and would rather perish together than submit, then he will suffer.

"No, this guy was like this when he was transferred from Sabaody, and now it's better. When he came, he couldn't even open his mouth, so he could only feed liquid food...

The two giants, Vice Admiral, were startled by the first brother's eyes and waved their hands quickly.


This time, all Uncle Marine turned their heads to look at Leonardo, who had been stunned by Dominic's tricks.

I can't tell, this guy's hands are so black...!

Not only Marine, but even the sons of Whitebeard below him and Whitebeard, whose anger is skyrocketing, stared at him.

'...Hi! If it wasn't for me, I wouldn't know at all, do you... believe it? (⊙_⊙)"

Feeling countless eyes, Leonardo came back to his senses, took a deep breath to calm down, looked at the people around him and said in a low voice, but because he didn't notice the microphone in his hand was hanging on his lips, this small voice - 710 points Small, at least anyone in the world watching the live broadcast can hear it clearly, the articulation is clear, the words are eloquent, and the voice is clean and somewhat childish...

At the beginning, Dominic told him that he would use a little bit of action on this big man to get this guy to Sabaody Land, but he really didn't expect that Dominic was so talented that he could actually abuse a big man with a superhuman system. It's been a long time now and it's still a pig's head sausage mouth, how heavy is this Fuck!

After he delivered Rayleigh, this guy was also transferred by Gion, and he didn't even know that Dominic's hands were so black.

The surrounding Uncle Marine, including his "good brother" Kuzan, shook their heads at the same time.

Just kidding, this guy was caught by you, and you are the director of Sabaody Land, if it wasn't for you or without your consent, those little brothers would dare to do anything to Whitebeard's godson?

If you have the guts, you have already achieved great success, and I will be your little brother...

"I really don't know wow!!!???"

Leonardo covered his face with his hands and felt extremely aggrieved. Even if he confessed to Dominic, no one would believe that a small Commodore had the courage, but Dominic had the courage.

He's got this pot on his back...

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