Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

158. Don't stop me, I'm going to duel with Whitebeard!


"Bastard brat, how dare the laborer's son cut him down!!?]?a?¥?"

Whitebeard on the Moby Dick saw his son being flattened into such a deadly shape, and it had already exploded in place. A strong Conqueror's Haki that could change the color of the world instantly exploded, pointing at Leonardo on the high platform and shouting loudly.

Madeleine, why are you working as a laborer and haven't read books?!

Sandy was caught by you, and the giant Marine also said that it was already like this when he moved from Sabaody to here. The son who dares to work hard, who else but you little bastard?

Whitebeard can't take it anymore. He used to have more contact with Sengoku, Zephyr, and Garp. Although these people are disgusting, they are upright, but this little bastard Marine, how despicable and how to come, used to sow discord there, and now he dare not do it How dare Marine come up with such a thing...

He used to see this kid quite pleasing to the eye, and he dared to point at Golden Lion's nose just after his debut. Whitebeard likes this kind of daring young man, even if the other is Marine, it doesn't hinder his appreciation of this kid, but I didn't expect this kid to be so despicable in addition to being daring!

Bah! I saw the wrong person! (^x)

"Oh! Kill! (8)8)a)"

"Kill this bastard Marine!!(#`Dan'?(#`Dan')?#Dan')?"

Needless to say, Whitebeard's influence is a god in the hearts of his sons. With Whitebeard's first shout, the surrounding sons and godsons bless the halo BUFF, one by one, they are all aggressive, and they don't want to die. Just jumped off the boat and rushed up on the ice, as if not to mention Marine in front, even if it was a sea of ​​swords and flames, they would dare to make a foray at this time.

The morale of teamfights is very important. The so-called seven points of morale and three points of courage, and under such an atmosphere, Whitebeard's godsons and younger brothers are full of courage, plus they are a group of New World professional younger brothers, in the momentum and combat effectiveness. There is a world of difference from the amateur cannon fodder in the first half.




Watching a group of aggressive pirates rushing up, Uncle Marine at the entrance of Justice Gate also picked up his weapon and went up to meet them. If they were to fight against the big guys, they might not have the courage, but against the professional youngsters, it would be different. , everyone is paid a few thousand yuan a month, who is afraid of who?

"Made, come on! How dare you hack me to death, the labor and management are your sons! Bastards, you're shameless, right? (`一'ㄨ)"

"Kuzan don't pull me, I'm going to duel with Whitebeard..."

Seeing that the two brothers in front had already done it, there was nothing to say. He came to Kuzan next to Kuzan and made a look of being pulled, holding the microphone in one hand and pointing at Whitebeard in the other. He has to start fighting, and he is sorry that his father gave birth to such a handsome boy if he doesn't take advantage of the current appearance of Marine, and the image of himself not afraid of strong enemies.


"Hey...! This Marine is a little swollen, what did he say? He wants to fight Whitebeard one-on-one? (⊙_⊙)?"

“So brave!!!”

When the spectators and everyone on the scene heard this, even the younger brother who had just started the fight stopped and looked at Leonardo, who seemed to be entangled with Marine Aokiji Vice Admiral.

This fuck is so daring! I used to just hide away and spray Golden Lion and Rayleigh, but now I'm going to fight Whitebeard one-on-one!

They have a strong premonition that as long as this guy doesn't die, he will be even more awesome in two years...


"This idiot...!"

Gion, who was maintaining law and order in Sabaody, who was watching the big play with everyone, saw that this idiot was on the top again. He slapped the giant tree with the number 49 engraved on his side and slapped a big hole.


The surrounding Marines and the people watching the live broadcast were startled by the sudden loud noise. They were about to start squirting, but when they turned their heads, they saw a big hole in the middle of the giant tree. They all swallowed the words stuck in their throats. Li continued to look at the big screen as if nothing was wrong.

Just walked away from an "undead Vice Admiral" who was making a one-on-one fight with Whitebeard, and there is such a violent female Rear Admiral, damn it...

"Perkins, your son Kuoyi! I've been singled out by Whitebeard, and it doesn't look like you at all... `(^口^*)/"


"Nani! Perkins is dying? Get out, get out..."

In the center of Marineford, a group of retired old Vice Admiral handed a big beer, watching on the big screen, the old man's son, their eldest nephew was clamoring for a duel with Whitebeard, while staring at the big screen and facing each other. Old Curry laughed.

But when he said that, he found that old Curry didn't respond at all. He continued to call twice and still didn't respond, and turned his head strangely.

Good guy, I just saw that old Curry had turned pale and spread out on the ground with his eyes closed.

The scene was chaotic in an instant. . . .

`Hahaha! Another one, there is one..."

Over a certain area of ​​the sea, Golden Lion looked at Whitebeard, whose face was gradually constipated, with a look of schadenfreude, and muttered in his mouth.

After Rayleigh, another new member was about to apply for the team, and he didn't seem particularly ashamed to be sprayed by this damn Marine kid.

(Zhao De's) At least this damn Marine kid didn't dare to clamor for a duel with him at first... cold.

"If you want to fight us head-to-head, I'll talk about winning now..."

"Crane Claw!"

Just as Leonardo continued clamoring for a duel with Whitebeard next to the stubborn Kuzan, Whitebeard's face was a little ugly, but with his position, he couldn't promise to duel this Marine kid in full view.

With his position, he should win if he wins, and lose face if he loses. Although he doesn't think he will lose, the key is that this kid's resilience is quite pervert, even more than his eldest son Marco, who was split in two by Rayleigh. Half of them didn't die. Afterwards, they were able to stand with Oden and cut Oden into serious injuries. It really made this kid barely get away with him, and his old face was going to be thrown home.

But looking at Marine, who was screaming, Whitebeard's eldest son, Marco, couldn't take it anymore, and he spread his hands and turned into a pair of chicken wings and rushed up at high speed.

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