Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

159. Girls like shiny things

"Wow, that's amazing..."

"Light Speed ​​Kick!" 9

"Boom boom boom! 35

Kizaru, who had been looking for an opportunity to play since the start of the fight, saw the blue bird rushing up and finally found an opportunity, without waiting for the first brother's wink to turn into a light and rushed over.

The boss has already nodded his head to give him a salary increase, so he can't just watch it this time. At least on the premise of ensuring his own safety, let the boss see his performance and let the boss know that he will not get the overtime pay for nothing, but Whitebeard came in. Now the younger brothers of the two sides are PK, and the other's own son of Whitebeard has not entered the game, and he is not very good at killing mobs under the watchful eyes of the public, so he has been looking for opportunities to enter the game, just brushing his presence is enough.

The key point of this battle is still on the eldest of the two sides. Now I see Whitebeard's eldest son "Phoenix" entering the field, leaving the thermos cup and changing to Red Bull to enter the field with a little golden light.

The aerial combat between Marko and Kizaru is a one-step special effects blockbuster.

It can be said that Oda gave these two luxurious special effects. One is golden and gorgeous, and the other is sapphire blue. Blind everyone's eyes.

It's the first time I've seen that breaking the dry frame can be so gorgeous.

It is so beautiful!!!

"Eight Feet Joan Tomoe!

710 "Boom boom boom...!

In terms of strength, Kizaru's combat power is stronger than Marko's, but Marko's Devil Fruit's pervert-level resilience allows him to withstand Kizaru's attack as long as it doesn't exceed his own withstand range, then heaven-defying The phoenix's recovery of the flame can make him recover instantly, which also makes him reluctantly and Kizaru halfway.


Looking at all of his big moves, there was no Marco, and the corners of Kizaru's mouth twitched. He finally realized how those pirates felt when they faced little Curry. It was so disgusting, this guy Although his resilience is not as good as that of little Curry, his flashbang power is also unable to exceed the opponent's tolerance limit.

"Humph! Burning River Great Eruption"

Kizaru has already entered the arena, and he is still so hot. Akainu, who has always regarded Kizaru as his opponent and rival, can't sit still. He doesn't have Kizaru's ideological awareness that he will be embarrassed to show off if the opponent's coffee position is not on the stage. In his eyes Here, as long as it's a pirate, it doesn't matter whether he is a big guy or a little guy, he has to die! Aiming at the pirate boy who is not opening the opposite side, a big fist of lava comes out of his hand and blasts towards the crowded place.

Although the first brother had warned him before the fight, it is now a global live broadcast, so let him restrain a little bit, and he can't go too far, otherwise it will not affect Marine well.

So when Whitebeard came, he seemed to be in a hurry, but when he remembered what the first brother said, he kept holding it, but seeing that Kizaru was one step closer to his show, he couldn't hold it anymore, anyway, that group of people The number of pirates is relatively large, and as long as they can defeat the pirates, those Marine younger brothers can be considered dead, and his task is to avenge those "innocent" Marine younger brothers who died tragically.


"This guy...(^▼X)"

Originally, Kong, who had always been admiring the love to provoke Golden Lion with a wide-eyed smile, the more he looked at Leonardo, the more pleasing to the eye, he was a talent born for the big scene, but at random, I saw Akainu suddenly angered with a wave of presence, and it was the enemy and the enemy. , The whole popularity is not good, but the Akainu people are already on it, and it is almost impossible to stop it.

I can only be secretly annoyed in my heart, and I have to give this guy a good lesson when I have time.

He has always admired Akainu's attitude towards pirates, but his methods are sometimes too extreme. This was the case when he was Rear Admiral, and now he is Vice Admiral. He can tolerate it in this sensitive period, but in the future this guy It's still the same after the top Admiral, but it really won't work.

The positive image they managed to maintain is better than being defeated by this guy...

"Shining・Crash! 35


Akainu wanted to swipe, but some people disagreed. When the big lava fist smashed towards the crowd, a tall figure (cceg) flashed and slammed into Akainu's big lava fist, and the lava shot everywhere. The pirate and Marine, who were slow to react around, were so hot that they jumped up and down and rolled on the ice.

"Humph! It's not good to kill even one's own people.

When the smoke dissipated, a Gundam figure with half of his body shining under the sunlight appeared in front of everyone without changing his face, and said to Akainu with indifferent eyes and anger.

"Wow! So bright!!!"

"Damn it! This guy looks like diamonds...

"White.. Whitebeard Pirates 3rd Division Captain Diamond Joe... Of course it's a diamond.

The person in front of the big screen looked at the half of his body that was shining under the eyes, and his eyes were almost blinded.

Especially the girls dressed as nobles.

It's a woman's nature to like shiny things, and these aristocratic children who were born into aristocrats have brought this nature to the ultimate. Before the competition between Whitebeard's eldest son and Kizaru's gorgeous special effects, at most, they were praised for their beauty. When this big diamond appeared, his eyes were all green, as if he was looking at a top-level handsome guy, that gleaming big diamond, that powerful body, and 18 large abdominal muscles with well-defined water chestnuts.

All the self-control almost made the girl's feet soften...

And some noble girls of Queen Fan handed something similar to a room card to the servants beside them, explaining that they would find a way to hand it over to this big diamond.

The men around looked at the little actions of these girls with envy, but there was nothing they could do. He was the Great Pirate of the New World, the third son of Whitebeard, could they ask someone to cut him down?

Besides, this big diamond can't be cut by a knife. I didn't see that Marine Vice Admiral's big lava fists were knocked apart by others, and he still didn't change his face.

"Humph! Dark Hound!"

Akainu belongs to the kind of ruthless man who can do his best and try not to force it. Looking at the big diamond in front of him, although he is only the third son of Whitebeard, his position is slightly inferior to Kizaru's opponent, the undead bird, but this guy seems to be in addition to immortality. Besides the bird, he is the most powerful person in the Whitebeard Pirates. In front of so many people, he can't fight with Kizaru, right?

The key is that he can't grab it either, people are so good at flying, and he hasn't developed a lava jet yet...

And thinking of Aokiji and Green Fox who haven't played yet, he feels a little more comfortable. At present, Whitebeard himself and his two fourth and fifth sons are the only big names in the Whitebeard Pirates. , but apart from Whitebeard himself, neither the fourth or fifth-ranked sons are as good as the big diamond in front of him.

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