Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

174. What the hell! That hanging hair wants to commit suicide!

As for Whitebeard's other two sons who are slightly on the table, the fire of the souls of the fourth Saatchi and the old five-fly sword man Bista have also burned, but the strength of the two is too different from that of Kuzan. When the two of them were in a team, they were beaten by Kuzan. Now, although the momentum has followed, there is still no high side in the ending. Many parts of the body have been frostbitten and unconscious.

The two of them are also lucky. Although Kuzan's frozen fruit is very beautiful and has a large attack range, the damage is not very high. If it is replaced by Akainu, they will be burned with Kizaru's unscrupulous style of play. charcoal.

But laymen can't see these things. In their opinion, this Marine Vice Admiral named Blue Bird has clearly crushed the two sons of Whitebeard for so long, and the two sons still have this momentum. It must be this Marine Vice Admiral who released water. !

I can't see that this Marine Vice Admiral is quite human...  

The four Whitebeards got the top spot, except for Marco, the sons who can play the starting lineup are a little surprised, the other three are like this, and the rest are just the sons who are rotating or guarding the water cooler, and the sons are miserable Now, although the momentum has risen to 727, but the strength is still so bad, and this is Marine's home, those Vice Admiral and Rear Admiral, who have been in the hospital for two years, may not be so good, but their strength is there.

In this kind of large-scale team battle, although momentum is very important, but that is when the two sides are more powerful, the stronger the momentum, the greater the chance of winning. The output on the top is useless at all, not to mention that those sons of Whitebeard have been eliminated once before, and now there is only one mouth left to shout, and it took less than two rounds to stand up again and was knocked down by Uncle Marine, and This time is worse than the last time, and the injury is more serious...

"Brain dad! Everyone!

"Thank you for your care over the years, leave me alone, let's go...!/(ToT)/~~"

Tears and snot on the high platform had already wet the entire table, and the two giants, Vice Admiral, had already retreated to the bottom of the high platform in disgust. Anyway, this hanging hair was still wearing handcuffs and anklets made by seastone, and he was not worried about him running away.

And at this time, Sandy (cceg) still has a conscience, watching the brother who won the bragging and spanking with him in the past was beaten by Uncle Marine again and again, and the dear old man was under the joint defense of Garp and Sengoku. I can't help it, even my father's favorite knife was destroyed. I was very moved. I really don't want my father and brothers to stay here for him.


Sandy was already kneeling on the ground, and a loud cry drew everyone's attention away, and then slapped Whitebeard a few crisp heads in the eyes of everyone, and the sound could be heard across the big screen. audible.

"This is my own son!"

Everyone in front of the big screen looked at the blood stains on Sandy's pig-headed head, and couldn't help feeling for a while. In today's intriguing sea, there are not many good men with such a true temperament.

If Whitebeard leaves, everyone knows what will happen to this pig head. Robbery of Celestial Dragons' heavenly gold is a capital crime, but even knowing that he is about to die, he still tells Whitebeard to leave. This courage to face death is awe-inspiring.

There are too many people in the world who bow their knees before life and death, even parents and brothers who say they sell, but this pig-headed Sandy has the courage and responsibility, which is really rare.


The Whitebeard group of sons and godsons below looked at the pig-headed brothers on the high platform with tears in their eyes. Those who were crawled on the ground by Uncle Marine clenched their teeth tightly, secretly hating that they were incompetent, so they would not let them out. brother.

"Hoo! Good son, don't worry, Dad is here to save you!"

Whitebeard was also full of grief and anger when he looked at the son who was kowtowing to him, and then he swung his fist harder, but it was of no use. In the face of the defense of the two Marine giants, Sengoku and Garp, even if Whitebeard took Marineford to dismantle him He couldn't get past it, not to mention that he was facing everything for Marine, and Sengoku and Shock Fruit were very destructive against him, but the Sengoku Turtle Qigong who defended seriously was not bad either.

In addition, there is also a Garp with a real injury in his fist. Every powerful attack of Baihu is either blocked by Sengoku's Turtle Qigong or Garp's famous iron fist. Besides, Whitebeard had no chance at all.

"Brain dad! Let's go! Don't sacrifice for me anymore, woo woo woo..."

"I will be your son in the next life..."

Sandy looked at the dear old man who was still fighting hard for him, and was moved, and then he looked around at the brothers below, hoping to remember everyone's appearance deeply in his mind, and finally. As if he had made up his mind, with a determined look on his face, he looked at the dear old man with a voice that he could only hear after he muttered to himself.

Blood flowed from the corners of his mouth and then endured the pain in his mouth and slowly closed his eyes, as if waiting for death to come.

"Fuck! That hanging hair bit the poison sac and wanted to commit suicide! Stop him!!? Month?)>"

Seeing this scene, Leonardo, who was moved not to secretly wipe the crocodile's tears, was very familiar. Isn't this what the agents in the spy film did after they were discovered?

Leonardo hurriedly shouted at the two giants, Vice Admiral, behind Sandy Pig.

It's not his mother bitch, this guy dies when he dies, it has no effect on him, but he still earns a wave of tears before he dies, but suicide and execution are two different results. The guy committed suicide in front of everyone's eyes. From the audience's point of view, it made them Marine look like the big villain, but it's not very good. They have been maintaining a positive image for the past few years. He abolished Buggy's role as this Isn't that what war correspondents become news anchors for?

"Poison... Poison sac? Curry Vice Admiral, this guy has been identified long ago, and there is no poison sac in his mouth, not even a blade. Have you watched too many spy movies? (⊙_⊙)?"

The two giants, Vice Admiral, were taken aback by Leonardo's voice, ignoring the bloody pig-headed Sandy at the corner of his mouth, and said to Leonardo.

When their Naval Headquarters is a tourist place? Pirates can hide poison sacs in their mouths here?? When this guy came on August 15th, he was washed clean, not to mention his mouth.

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