Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

175. Doflamingo wants to be a postdoc


The other Marine Uncles also looked over with curious expressions.

This fucker's profession is a pirate, not a special agent. God is such a poisonous bag..

"Then what's with the bleeding from the corner of this guy's mouth? (⊙_⊙)?"

Leonardo was also stunned for a moment, and then pointed to Sandy, the pig head, who was preparing to make a pilgrimage with his eyes closed.

"...Maybe they bite their tongues and want to commit suicide. I don't know if these pirates have read books. They always think that they will die by biting their tongues, but they don't know that biting their tongues will at most transform themselves into It's just dumb. Fifty of the hundred pirates caught in these years are more stubborn and want to bite their tongues, but except for one who died of bacterial infection due to delayed rescue, the remaining forty-nine have become dumb..."

One of Leonardo's uncle Marines, who seemed to be quite experienced, explained to Leonardo.

"①00....Is this all right?"

"Big man, you are really a warrior!!"

After Leonardo heard the explanation from the quite professional Uncle Marine, he looked at the pig-headed Sandy in shock and gave him a thumbs-up without hesitation!

Biting off his own tongue, how painful it must be, to be honest, even if he has an explosive vitality, he doesn't have the courage to bite off his own tongue...

...Abba, Aba! wW

The pig-headed Sandy has gone insane, opening his mouth and crying "Aba, Aba", but even if Observation Haki has practiced so pure and innocent, the highest-level people don't know what he wants to express, and Leonardo can only express it. It can be perceived that this guy's thoughts are very messy and complicated now.

You must have been calling yourself stupid.

At this moment, Shandi really regretted it. He regretted that he didn't read a few more books at the beginning, and he always went to kill people with his brother, but he actually listened to the rumor that he could commit suicide by biting his tongue.

But now.... regret is useless, the tongue is so swallowed in the stomach, even if pulled out, it will become a lump, can only watch his dear father and brothers nervously urging them to leave , don't let his tongue go in vain.


"Hey! It turns out that you can't commit suicide by biting your tongue! (⊙v⊙)"

People from all over the world watching the live broadcast were also dumbfounded. At first, they saw Whitebeard's son bleeding from the corners of his mouth. They didn't have as much brains as Leonardo, so they probably guessed what this guy wanted to do, and they admired his courage. Knowing that biting your tongue also takes a lot of courage, it really hurts!

There are very few top students among these pirates. Most of them couldn't read when they were young. Maybe their family did not have the conditions to let them study. They dreamed of going to the world with swords when they were young. Now they are completely dumbfounded after hearing Uncle Marine's professional explanation. I haven't read any books, but I've heard about committing suicide by biting my tongue. Isn't it in the dictionary? It's not until now that they know that the so-called idiom of Fuck is a lie.

At this time, the look in the eyes of Shandi, the pig head, changed from admiration to looking at a fool.

Are you an idiot now? It's okay if you can't die, and you've become a mute...

"Fufufufufu, knowledge is the ladder of human progress..."

In a luxurious and outrageous castle in North Blue, a man with a small love sunglasses on his face, a feather coat on his body, holding a goblet full of red wine in one hand, the fingers of the other hand are constantly cramping , The spirited guy who pretended to be at home looked at the bitter-looking Whitebeard godson on the big screen and smiled disdainfully.

The innate sense of superiority in his body came out all of a sudden. As a former Celestial Dragons, now he is a dwarf mule and a pirate. Originally, he planned to grab the territory these two days, but as a brain eater, his vision Naturally not only above this little North Blue, his goal has always been the New World, where he used to be his ancestral land, his useless dead ghost father is a typical rich N generation with only ideals and no ability, causing their family If there is a great change, then the burden of returning to the New World to regain the ancestral land and revive the glory of the royal family falls on him, and now the Whitebeard Pirates, the strongest pirate group in the New World, are vying for territory with Uncle Marine.

Naturally, he couldn't miss such a big event. After seeing the strongest power of the sea, he had a bottom line in his heart to prepare for the future entry into the New World.

At the beginning, I saw the strength of young monsters who have become popular in the past few years. As a former Celestial Dragons, he still has a good understanding of Marine's background, and his good brother who got into Marine Rear Admiral also put Marine's information. It was passed on to him, so he was not very surprised by the strength of the young MarineF4. After all, he had already prepared in his heart, but the strength of the Marine "Vice Admiral" really surprised him, even if he was a big swordsman at a young age. Now, the key is still in the word "undead". Seeing the super-amazing great swordsman standing wildly with him, the ruthlessness of the two made his scalp numb, and he thought in a different position. He doesn't know how long he can hang out with this "undead Vice Admiral", this ability is too pervert!

・・・・For flowers・・・

Later, when he saw several of Whitebeard's sons appearing in succession, he was completely shocked. Marine was a young F4. No matter it was Devil Fruit's ability or strength, he didn't expect Whitebeard's son to be so brilliant. This made him have to consider whether to change his small goal of entering the New World in the next five years, after all, it seems that he can't even do these sons of Whitebeard...

And when the battle reached the middle and late stages, seeing Whitebeard's starting sons that he couldn't handle being suppressed by the three Logia monsters in Marine made his face a little melancholy. , In a small place like North Blue, Naval Headquarters will not pay much attention to him, as long as he is hidden, Naval Headquarters will not notice him, but if he enters the Grand Line, his identity will be discovered by Naval Headquarters, At that time, he will be greeted by the young Marine F4 monsters. After all, Celestial Dragons will not look at a person who used to be like them as a pirate...

But the problem is that he can't even handle the sons like Whitebeard, how to face the four monsters like the sea.

But now, seeing Whitebeard's idiotic son's cultural appearance, it also made his previous worries a little lighter.

Then he smiled and suddenly thought of something and suddenly woke up. The red wine in the glass was drained in one go, so he didn't watch the live broadcast of the battle between good and evil, and picked up the phone bug to call the younger brother.

"Torrepol, the plan is postponed for a few years until I get my doctorate.  …

(PS: Thank you dads for your reward, monthly pass!!!) pcs.

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