Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

186. They all put their ideas into fairy tales

"This...can you keep it on your account? Help me keep it on Garp's account, too."

Roger rubbed his chin and frowned for a while. It seemed that this kid was right. Forget about the others. With the example of Golden Lion, he also began to doubt whether two bullets could kill him. No, he was used an axe.... Jabba used an axe, he was quite aware of how rough the methods of those rough people who used an axe were, it didn't matter if he died, but for the image of his hometown and the people of his hometown, the beauty in prosperous times is the best Better to keep it.

However, the last two steel jumpers on his body had already been used to buy wine when the boat came to the Grand Line, and his pockets were faster than his face. Now he is locked, where can he find money to buy bullets, thinking about it. , and think of Garp, who let this bastard stare at him for so many years, and make him poor all the time, haha, let him help his son and use him to buy a few bullets with some money, right?

"....that's not a problem, Garp Vice Admiral's status in our Marine is the same as your status in those pirates now, with Garp Vice Admiral's face, you can send you a free shuttle of bullets, but you One of the four super pirates, they have been around for so many years and have no treasure at all? Are you fishing too much? By the way, I heard from Rayleigh that you have been to the legendary Golden Land? Where is there really gold everywhere? how to get up? 39

Leonardo asked with a look of longing and curiosity about fairy tales when he was young.

He had asked Rayleigh before, but when he was about to ask him how to get up, the old ass crawled on the table, and he didn't know if it was fake.

Ever since he became the soft fanboy he hated the most, in his dreams, he wanted to throw away the little black card in his hand and harden it again in front of that stinky bitch in Gion, but compared to the numbers in the little black card, he The annual salary of Vice Admiral is just a drop in the bucket, even the double overtime paid by Sengoku Admiral is just a drop in the bucket.

So after these days, he thought about it, the most effective way to get money quickly without touching the bottom line of morality is to find those lost treasures, but he has no way to do this, not even a treasure map. , Where did he go to find treasure, until today when he saw Roger, a golden flash flashed through his mind.

That's right! Although the Roger Pirates were poor before, they have been surfing the sea for decades. If you want to say who has a legend about what treasure is in which place, people should know something?

Even if you don't know, haven't these guys been to Sky Island? He remembers that there seems to be a golden country on it, right? And now the big earlobe that ate Thunder Fruit is probably not yet formed, and the gold should not have been created by him. Spaceship...he still has a chance.

In fact, he also knows a way to go to Sky Island, just like the method used by Garp's son in the original book, but.... His parents are still alive, and he has no great identity background. He is not sure if he has a halo plus It doesn't matter to him what kind of method, but the key is to fall from a height of 10,000 meters with his younger brother, and he doesn't know how to die.

Even if he went up, he wouldn't be able to hold so much gold without Doraemon's pocket.

So Garp's grandson's solution is definitely not good, let's see what Roger can do.

"Uh...this...I think you should not try it. We were lucky to be able to reach it at the beginning. If the current was a little smaller, we might have died. 35

Roger was stunned for a moment, then looked at this guy who was a rare clear stream in Marine like Garp... Roger still felt that he shouldn't cheat on this kid, this kid is very resilient, and he still holds revenge. If you fall from a height of 10,000 meters, you can't die. You can't find old people looking for small things. This kid can definitely do it. Then his son will be in danger..

"You don't follow the fairy tale, do you? -_-||

Hearing what Roger said, he knew that Roger's way of going to Sky Island was the same as that of Garp's grandson, and this Fuck was really covered by the care of the protagonist...

Forget about Garp's grandsons, they are a bunch of little devils who have never seen the world. Even if there is a top navigator, the theory is very powerful, but the eyes are too far from Roger and others, when he wants to come to the Roger Pirates At least one think tank, Rayleigh, is there, and he's well-informed and should be able to find other ways to avoid taking risks.

Now... sure enough, Rayleigh's glasses are just for coercion...

"Hahaha, it's just good luck, if you are looking for treasure, Brother Marine, there is still a lot in the sea, there is no need to venture there..."

Roger smiled awkwardly.


Leonardo didn't speak, and walked away with a black line, goodbye to wasting a table of meals, and he couldn't even get a useful message.

Of course he knew that there were many treasures on the sea, but the key was that there was no way out. The sea was so big, the ghost knew where those treasures fell.

He found that his fate has suddenly changed recently, the five elements are short of gold!

"...Aren't you pretty rich? Why pay attention to those treasures?

After the two came out, Kuzan looked at the depressed Leonardo and asked in surprise.

After this guy returned to the headquarters, he paid back the money he borrowed last time, and these days he has been quite sassy to ask him to take out a train other than No. 69 Xingfu Road, look at the dashing appearance when swiping the card, and That little black card inlaid with gems, this kind of little black card his former boss also has, he has seen it, but it is not as gorgeous as this guy's hand

It is said that those who own this small black card are people who have mines at home.

He guessed that it was sent by those in Sabaody who had real mines at home.

After all, it is well known that Sabaody is a fat poor, and recently because of the pirate runaway problem, those merchants in Xiang 4.6 wave land have to rely on their marines.

This guy is not short of money, and I have never seen this guy so greedy for money before. He has put his idea into a fairy tale, which is really awesome.

"This...hey! Forget it, you can't understand it when I say it, and you can't understand my feelings when you understand it. It's useless to say it..."

Leonardo sighed helplessly and patted Kuzan's shoulder, turned and left Kuzan with a somewhat lonely, somewhat desolate back and walked into the distance, at least let him retain a little man's dignity in front of his "good brother".

Kuzan looked at this depressed back, with a black line, how can I know if you don't tell me, and how can I understand your feelings if I don't know. -_-II.

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