Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

187. Stars gather in Logue town

"Come, come, another pirate group is here! 99

"That's... the Mori Pirates, the "Black Hand" Mori, the captain's bounty of seventy-eight million!

"Look over there, thug Idru with a bounty of eighty-nine million!"

"And, and, that's...

This period can be said to be the most exciting and sad time for the people of Logue town. They are a genius that has never been seen in Logue town for a hundred years. Roger has become the king of pirates, and the reputation of their Logue town has gone from East Blue to the New World. The constant flow of pirates, businessmen, and tourists came to their Logue town to check in, which severely stimulated a wave of economic development in their Logue town. Now, the family conditions of the people in Logue town have improved by leaps and bounds within this year, and every family's children have books. Food and new clothes, all of which Roger brought them.

Although Roger is a pirate, but in their psychology, Roger is the hero of their Logue town, if there is no Roger, who knows Logue town, only know that there is a windmill town in East Blue......

But now, their hero is about to be publicly executed here again. The time has not yet come, and the 22 waves of pirates who have heard about and have never seen one after another landed in their Logue town. These people's mentality is Happy to make a fortune and sad that their hero is dying.

"Fuck! Super super super.... super big pirate, white beard.... Whitebeard!!! (Dan)"

At this time, a super giant ship of Haki appeared in the port of Logue town, which stunned the mouths of the onlookers at the port.

"It's so big!

"This is the super pirate!

"This ship is really Haki...

Some time ago, the Whitebeard Pirates just had a fight with the Naval Headquarters global live broadcast. Now no one in the world knows you, but when I saw the Whitebeard Pirates for the first time, I was still shocked.

A man with a five-to-five haircut looks like Er Gouzi just finished speaking, and he is greeted with contempt by a group of people. Who would take two steps back and keep the distance between them. Their coffee position is small. But your family can't hear you licking like this, is it too much?

"Bang!! 35

"The huge Moby Dick slowly drove to the port, because the parking spaces were already full, and after knocking over dozens of unknown pirate ships, they docked steadily at the port. Those in the port were still there before. The pirates who thought their bounty was higher than others, so they got swish, saw their pirate ship being knocked apart, but they dared not to say anything, and even had to pull up banners with a smile and lined up to welcome the big guys. arrival.

They still have a bounty. They haven't moved the bounty since the last time they had a fight with Naval Headquarters. It doesn't matter, Marine doesn't think anyone can do anything to Whitebeard...

They are top super giants, even those who have just signed hundreds of millions of salaries are nothing...

"Gulallala, I didn't expect Roger to be so disgusting, so many people came to see him die!

Whitebeard stood on the bow of Shion, watching the crowd, and laughed out loud when trying to move out of a Logue town where it was difficult to get out of position.

This forced him to feel that he could give himself full marks.

And the port, which was still noisy like a vegetable market, was suddenly quiet. Those pirates who just wanted to be awesome and bang the sky closed their mouths and clamped their hips, for fear that they would accidentally make a sound that would affect the boss. Pretending to be fed to the dog...

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, which bastard is yelling here, I don't know if noise is prohibited in public places... Huh? It turns out to be Captain Whitebeard, long time no see or so... Awesome! By the way, has your machete been repaired, you know that our Garp Vice Admiral is on it...'

"And you bastards, this is a public place, not a vegetable market, it's like shouting, there's nothing like a big pirate, and it's no wonder that you haven't been able to make a name for yourself after being around for so long. Captain Whitebeard learn to learn and see what a super pirate is... Hey! The quality of the pirates now is really getting worse and worse."

Whitebeard just finished pretending to be forced, an arrogant voice came, and saw a group of Marine uncles coming from above the port, Leonardo in the C position carried the ancestral knife of kindness on his shoulders and led the group over, his mouth facing The pirates around were cursing, and they came to the front of the Moby Dick and said to Whitebeard pretending to be surprised. Then, they didn't give Whitebeard's sons who wanted to intervene a chance to speak, and spit at the surrounding pirates.

Half a year ago, Roger was secretly sent to Logue town. There were no accidents and no accidents on the road. However, as the time of Roger's public execution drew nearer, Logue town became more and more lively, and the pirates, large and small, ignored it. Uncle Marine from the port is logging into Logue town one after another. Of course, at this time, Marine's attention is all on Roger, and he has no time to take care of these pirates. As long as these pirates don't make trouble in Logue town, Uncle Marine will open one eye and close the other.

However, because there are too many pirates, the entire Logue town is already infested with pirates. In addition to guarding Roger on duty, MarineF4 has to come out as a patrol boy to monitor whether these pirate groups are doing anything.

"Little devil, are you planning to fight with labor and management here?"

Looking at this sweet-mouthed Marine kid, Whitebeard's old face instantly turned black. Marine caught the pirates. There is nothing to say about winning or losing, but thinking about this kid who took his poor son Sandy by this kid. Beating him into a pig's head, Whitebeard's heart burst into anger.


The surrounding group of pirates didn't dare to before, but with the lead elder brother leading the team, they are no longer afraid, each with angry little eyes, as if if the leading elder brother hadn't spoken, they would have already gone.

Is Marine Vice Admiral amazing?

They are all two arms and three legs, two feet and one kick, not everyone is the same!

"Look at what you said, today's almanac says that it is suitable to be buried in the ground or to go to the grave, but it doesn't say that it is suitable to fight. When I have time, I will visit New World in person, and I also want to see how much the super pirate weighs. .....

Leonardo raised his eyebrows and said.

"You'll see..."

Being spoiled by this kid, Whitebeard didn't bother to pretend, so he just sat on the bow holding the big wine jar beside him that would allow Leonardo to take a bath and kept pouring in his mouth, expressing that he didn't want to talk nonsense with this bitch.

To be honest, he used to admire this kid, even if the kid was Marine, but since this kid flattened his son into a pig's head, he became very angry when he saw this kid.

(PS:, thank the fathers for their reminders, monthly pass!!).

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