Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

206. Golden Lion night attack on Marineford


"Light Speed ​​Kick!! 99

"Time Capsule!

"Boom....Boom! 99

The four of them continued to fight against each other for five days. The surrounding ice surface was a mess, with potholes everywhere. The two small islands not far from the battlefield had disappeared. Life or death on the ice, with Terrence's last two bullets fired at Kuzan, was once again blocked by Leonardo.

The battle is over.

"Huh...huh...Mad, this thing ate pocket fruit, right? So many bullets...'

Looking at Terrence, who was bombarded by the three of them many times and finally fell to the ground, Leonardo also panted and stepped forward to face Terrence's dog who was lying dead on the ground with his feet.

Then he turned around on him, as if before studying this, "Seven-Four-Three" fired dozens of tons of bullets in five days, where the hell was hidden.

It's okay to use two single-shot grandpa's guns to finish Kato Lin, the bullets are too many, and they have been shooting for five days in a row. This kind of thing happens in the anime world.

"Huhu...cough, these big pirates are really monsters..."

Aokiji sat on the ice, gasping for breath, coughing out a small mouthful of blood, wiping the blood on the corners of his mouth. In addition to the characteristics of Leonardo Immune to Death among the three, Kizaru and Aokiji were both injured a lot. Among them, Aokiji was injured the most, not because of his weak strength, but in the five-day confrontation, Aokiji was taken care of by the other party. With the confrontation between the four of them, Jason, who had turned into an ice sculpture with a human head and a snake body, was completely smashed into slag. The light bomb exploded some auto-navigation bullets, but Kuzan still got a lot of shots. Fortunately, this guy's vitality is strong and he didn't hit anything. ..

Aokiji's words are not a joke like Kizaru, this Terrence is a real fuck monster, this guy has been bombarded by them many times, although this guy's Armament Haki is very strong, but their attack damage is also not low. , New World's big pirate, the three of them have also played a lot, and it's not that they have never met the awesome Haki character. This Terence is the first to withstand their attacks for so long, and the three of them are together. attack.

This is the greatness of a father's love!

"This guy is here, New World is really lively..."

Kizaru pushed his nose and Joe's lens was broken, but his eyes that didn't fall out rarely showed a hint of melancholy.

After all, he is also one of his sister's ex-boyfriends.... He is still a real fellow with him, and now he is one of the murderers here. Life is really fickle!

I learned something that I couldn't learn in books...

"Anyway, because of what Roger said, the sea is already lively enough. New World has nothing to do with us... Huh? Uncle Marine is here to clean up the battlefield."

Leonardo stood up and patted the gray layer on his body, and saw a group of Marine uncles running from the ice in the distance, running in front of the three wearing the cloak of justice fluttering in the wind, and they could see it from a distance.

"You'll be here as soon as the fight is over, right? 35

After the three of them approached with their younger brother, Leonardo teased.

"The Golden Lion attacked Marineford at night two weeks ago, and we arrived only after being notified by the Sengoku Admiral..."

After the three of the flying squirrels arrived, watching Kizaru, Kuzan was still alive and secretly relieved, and the flying squirrels ignored Leonardo's ridicule and explained.

"Golden chicken...


"Fuck! Are my father and mother all right? (`??')'

Hearing the flying squirrel's words, a clever slap in the face, he actually forgot this episode and asked nervously.

He really doesn't remember this episode before, or the Golden Retriever has been missing for too long, and there are too many things during this time. Roger climbed to the top to win the championship, Whitebeard attacked Marineford, and then Roger's execution in Logue town is a major international event, and he is involved in every one of them, and the golden chicken has been missing for more than two years. In the original book, it is said that he attacked Marineford at night and only gave two or three. It's just a picture, and he really forgot about it when he didn't see the golden retriever.

Now that the flying squirrel mentioned it, he remembered that although the original anime did not list the data of the Golden Retriever attacking Marineford at night, but he could see the pirate ships that fell from the sky, and he still remembered the messy appearance of Marineford. .

Thinking about Marineford playing like that, how good are the people above???

Leonardo is flustered! Although Dad often plays Meishan Hanging with him, he is not flustered, but it is fake!

With his position in Golden Lion's heart, if Golden Lion finds out about his family, if Golden Lion takes care of him, will his father's old age and weak chicken attributes be able to cover it?

".... Curry's old Vice Admiral family is fine, although the Golden Lion night attack on Marineford happened suddenly, but because the headquarters was rebuilt once, the defense and alarm facilities were redeployed, and it was much better than before. The attack did not cause much damage to the headquarters..."

"Even... it is said that only some buildings were damaged, and I have not heard of dead people..."

Dauberman said with a strange and sympathetic expression on his face after explaining.

Tell me, after all, it's a top pirate, and it's a night attack, but it's embarrassing to think about it...

"(⊙_⊙)? No one died? What's the situation? 35

Leonardo, Kizaru, and Kuzan all had question marks on their faces at first when they heard these words, but then their faces were not very good-looking.

That is the Golden Lion, the top four that are bigger than Rance. Although a piece of wood has been inserted into the head, the state may not be able to exert its original strength, but at least it is stronger than Rance. The three of them All of them were beaten like this against Terrance, and they even lost the two 4.6 islands next door.

The Golden Lion attacked Marineford at night, but there was no loss?

The key is that Dauberman's sympathy looks as if he is sympathizing with them. The Golden Lion, who is even bigger than Rance, attacked Marineford at night, and Marineford had no losses. The three of them attacked Terrence like this.

Does this mean that the three of them are trash? (-_-)/

"This.... I don't know the specific situation. This is what Saron told me in the phone bug..."

Seeing the three people's eyes, Dauberman felt a chill from the soles of his feet hitting the sky, and his hair was cold behind him, and he hurriedly threw the big man Saron.

These three guys just wiped out the Great Pirate Terrence Group, Kizaru, Kuzan were injured a little bit, so they might not be able to exercise, Leonardo is still alive and kicking...

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